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Unnamed woman alleges Herschel Walker pressured her into an abortion in 1993

The goddamndemonocrats are really getting desperate
Driver2 · M Best Comment
Is her last name Ford also ?
AbbeyRhode · F
@Driver2 Ikr? They must have a stable full of these bimbos. They are trotted out before every election, and then they disappear once it's over.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode hi Abbey - no offence to these ladies are irrelevant today as you cannot keep dragging them out to suit a particular agenda
AbbeyRhode · F
@nedkelly That's exactly what the Democrats do. It's the same tired old game every time. Every time they want to cancel a Republican, they drag out some female with 30-year-old accusations that cannot be proven or disproved. They blast their false accusations all over the news and social media. It doesn't matter if they are lies, or even if they are eventually proven to be lies. Once the accusations are plastered all over, the damage is done, and the person's reputation is forever stained.

AbbeyRhode · F
They pull the same thing on every Republican. It's getting really old. 🙄
carpediem · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode Sleazebags all the way
un named sources.
sources close to.
insider says.

its all code for : dog shit we just made up out of thin air..
Budwick · 70-79, M
Wow, who knew unnamed women were so easy !!
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Unnamed sources. Always means fraud
TexChik · F
But...If a socialist pressures a woman to have an abortion...he's a hero. Why then would it be bad for Herschel to do it in their eyes? Just a lie to hit as his voting base so they would then be compelled to vote for an avowed abortionist? I dont think they think things through very well. Just slinging sh*t at the wall to see what sticks I guess.
Based on a rumor and hearsay they began preparations for a whole impeachment hearing. That went well too. I think the only people that believe these people are those who just constantly lie and find a kinship with serial liars.
PatKirby · M

Spot on!
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@sunsporter1649] have you ever stopped think this accusation may have some truth to it . i understands politics is a dirty games and mud slinging all comes with it . what gets me about your comment was the trump core obedience base elite cult on similar worlds could not wait too put the idea that joe was a child molester and put pictures on with a little girl .🤔now has joe got any criminal conviction for interfering with kids . you can not really cry foul when you use those sort of dirty tactics yourself
smiler2012 · 56-60
@sunsporter1649 correct but if you understand the law and judicial system evidence is gathered and in this case with both joe and hiliary not enough sufficent evidence to make a case in court against them
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@smiler2012 ....and a partridge in a pear tree
smiler2012 · 56-60
@sunsporter1649 bit early for the twelve days of christmas not out of october yet even 😆😆😆
graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats have to sling dirt. What else are they going to run on? Campaign positions like hysterectomies for healthy 10-year-old girls?
We know. You are afraid of and hate women. No need to tell us you are emasculated by women.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@graphite They abort all their kids. They would just grow up to be woke crybabies anyway.
graphite · 61-69, M
@ron122 Abortion is how the Left defines "liberty" these days.
graphite · 61-69, M
@ron122 Leftists and their "childfree lifestyle" means we will be free of leftists, for the most part, in a few years. Something to look forward to.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Would this be a dirty trick by the democrats, calling someone out after 30 years
graphite · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy It's one Page 1 of the playbook. Democrats can't run on their godawful record or godawful policies so they have to sling sh**.
@graphite Democrats run on policies? You funny man 😂
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@nedkelly Yep.
TexChik · F
Of course , too far in the past to be verified . For the socialists it’s all about the seriousness of the charge , no whether he actually did it or not. 🙄
PatKirby · M

Exactly. They're hoping the accusation will make them disappear. Along with Due Process.
bgjb58 · M
I thought Democrats loved abortions!
graphite · 61-69, M
@bgjb58 It's their be-all-to-end-all of existence. Democrats have redefined freedom and liberty to mean, killing babies.
bgjb58 · M
@graphite Ain’t that the truth!!!
Tres13 · 51-55, M
On the Dems payroll,Slut
PatKirby · M
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Which means the man-hating, sexual harassment loving ambulance chaser Gloria Allred is on her way to Georgia.
There are about 4 pages in the democrat playbook. 😴
4meAndyou · F
Was her name Christine Blasey Ford? Hmm? 😉🤣😇
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Geez, a dozen or two years ago a popular local NFL player was killed in a horrible auto accident on an ice covered highway. Everyone had praise for him, his contribution to the sport, his team, the community, his church ... someone that everyone loved.

Then in the settlement of his assets there were dozens of kids, and girlfriends, and ex-girlfriends that came forward to demand their share. Besides being a great guy he also had complicated situations with women, who had children possibly or probably fathered by him.

But interestingly, all the disclosures never subtracted from his popularity and status as a great guy. If anything, it may have brought on a bit of envy for the rich life our hero lived.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
like all the women that "alleged" Trump sexually assaulted them 15-20+ years ago...

Of course, they only "remembered" after he became president... 🙄
Fuck…either he did or didn’t. If he did, quietly step out of the race or if he did not he should press on .
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs LOL, so much better to have a wife abusing, child neglecting, slum lord as a senator, according to the goddamndemonocrats
ron122 · 41-45, M
I wonder how the democrats come up with this stuff. They sound like a bunch of school kids.
@ron122 it’s a distraction to the fetterman disaster..
FIgures you would make excuses for a professional deadbeat.
@sunsporter1649 Again, that would be Walker. But you still kiss his ass. Pathetic.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Damn, I forgot, being a spousal abuser, child neglecting slum, lord is a demonocrat party resume enhancement. Please accept my apologies
@sunsporter1649 Walker is not a Democrat. You really are a confused old man.

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