@SW-User Hey low IQ, it is a tactic Pelosi and the Lefties use repeatedly.
All you have to do is use your own eyes and ears in order to realize that this tactic is on display and being used within a 24/7 basis.
If you can't see this, please seek psychiatric help. It's a known fact that everything a Leftist accuses the the right of doing, they are guilty of themselves.
It's a marxist tactic that has been used for centuries.
As for your leftist propaganda sites, stick them where the sun don't shine along with Biden's new disinformation of lies ministry.
You and your fellow low IQ cult members are pushing this nation to the depths of hell. Your inability to see/hear the evil transpiring right before your very eyes/ears makes you complicit in the destruction of this country and western civilization.
Please seek psychiatric help or just run toward a corner and stay silent, while the grownups attempt to fix the mess we are in.
No more out of control deficit spending and endless debt. No more wide open borders/illegal immigration and illegal drug flow into this country. No more giving criminals a pass and no more virtue signaling and identity politics. No more suppression of real news, and stop the censoring of speech/words and thoughts. No more putting your heads in the sand and no more pretending that democrat party, part of the republican party and msm aren't leftist globalist anti-american treasonous thugs.
Just shut up and shove all your Leftist misery into the pile of crap, the disgusting pile you and your fellow leftist drones have created. Just shut the hell up, i'm tired of idiots/mental misfits like you. You and your fellow demonic leftists are unleashing hell upon earth. If you don't realize this, you're pathetic.
You belong in jail for all the unnecessary destruction you've heaved upon America and the world. You freaks are a menace to a free society. You are complicit in destroying the middle class and your children's future. You are the epitome of evil! You are nothing but a fool.