@beaglehunter That's what they all say. Let me tell you something right now, as the son of a small business owner. Business owners don't declare bankruptcy unless they've got no other way to recoup their losses. End of story.
@Ryderbike Looks Awesome, but they should be doing this one arm. The news media shook the world -up. The Above picture would make an Awesome jacket, Album cover or t-shirts, tattoo. Now if someone registered some of these pictures and start making some stuff, that ca-Ching. Are you feeling calm now? I really hope so.------- I'm glad I "Sheared your sheep-ass" Bye
Seems unlikely. Approval ratings are in the tank, and probably even lower than what's being reported. He's passed up Jimmy Carter as the presidential face you'd most like to see on a dart board. His cognitive decline has put his capability to complete his current term in question. Imagine Biden's brain 3 years from now. I'm not even sure he'll be alive by then. If, by some miracle, he's the dem nominee in 2024, it will be great news for Republicans.
@BizSuitStacy I believe Dr Jill Biden is running things, which explains why things are so fucked up and getting worse. Dr Jill Biden is a Dr of Education, which makes her literally as much of a doctor as Bill Cosby.
@IronHamster No it's not Jill. It's a group of people with a lot of financial power.
Think about this, before the Supreme Court Report, gas last weekend was $3.499 per gallon in my area of NC and this weekend gas it's $4.199 per gallon.
Go to the link above for entire article and more links (underlined) contained within the 25 questions which further substantiate/support her questions.
Her article below:
[25 Big Questions That Democrats Can't Answer About The 2020 Election
Why not upset a liberal today and send them this handy list!
by Emerald Robinson
25 Big Questions That Democrats Can't Answer About The 2020 Election — Because They Know They Cheated
1 Why did the vote counting stop on election night in several swing states?
2 Why did the vote counting delays only happen in swing states?
3 Why were election observers barred from entering vote counting stations in swing states?
4 Why did Trey Trainor, the chair of the Federal Election Commission, declare on TV that election "observers have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way" and that “if they're not, the law is not being followed, making this an illegitimate election” on November 6th, 2020?
5 Why are any electronic voting machines hooked up to the Internet?
6 Why were votes from the 2020 election sent overseas for “processing” and “tabulation” purposes?
7 Why would votes from 30 states in America be processed by a Canadian firm?
8 Why would the company that “tabulates” votes for 800 American counties be a recently bankrupt Barcelona-based firm with the Department of Defense as its best-known client?
9 Why would America’s electronic voting machines be under the ownership of citizens from foreign nations?
10 Why are so many electronic voting machine companies owned by shell companies?
11 Why did it take Maricopa County (Arizona) two weeks to count its votes?
12 Why did an audit expert find 74,000 more votes were counted in Maricopa County (Arizona) than were mailed out?
13 Why did Mark Zuckerberg fork over $400 million to his personal charity to run a parallel private election system in 2020?
14 Why did the Special Counsel in Wisconsin just release a report that called Zuckerberg’s donations in five Wisconsin counties a classic case of bribery?
15 Why did AG Merrick Garland at Biden’s Department of Justice threaten to interfere in a post-election audit conducted in Arizona — and authorized by the state of Arizona?
16 Why did a county circuit court judge in Wisconsin rule that the Wisconsin Elections Commission had run the 2020 election in an illegal manner?
17 Why have the voting machine companies refused to comply with subpoenas from the state officials of Wisconsin?
18 Why do the voting machine companies refuse to have their machines inspected even though these machines are used in public elections?
19 Why is a federal judge in Georgia refusing to release a report by a cybersecurity expert who inspected a Dominion machine and found it vulnerable to hacking and manipulation of the votes?
20 Why has Dominion Voting Systems refused to comply with the post-election audit in Arizona — which was ordered by the State of Arizona itself?
21 Why are more than 300,000 ballot transfer forms missing in Georgia’s 2020 election?
22 Why did Dominion Voting Systems fail to show up and answer questions from the elected officials of Pennsylvania after the 2020 election?
23 Why do 204,430 mail-in ballots in Arizona have mismatched signatures?
24 Why do 740,000 mail-in ballots in Arizona have broken chain of custody?
25 Why did the Wisconsin Special Counsel find that 50 nursing homes had 100% voter turnout and that cheating was widespread?]
Biden was never elected, he was installed through massive voter fraud.
Nobody voted for skyrocketing inflation, through the roof energy prices, food shortages, wide open borders and the politicization of covid. The list is endless regarding all the negative stuff that Biden and his Leftist puppeteers are putting this country through. Biden and his overlords are attempting to destroy this country.
If you didn't see the massive voter fraud, you are suffering from some sort of Leftist mass psychosis. It was the greatest crime of the 21st century next to this evil push to "vaccinate" every man, woman and child on earth with this evil experimental gene therapy poison.
O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end?
EMERGENCY, Call your congress people immediately and stop this.....
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ON MAY 22: WHO WILL HAVE AUTHORITY TO LOCK DOWN ALL OF AMERICA https://www.israel365news.com/269274/on-may-22-biden-to-hand-over-american-sovereignty-to-who/
Excerpt from article above:
[Officials from the Biden Administration are working to give the World Health Organization the power to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any country, thereby giving them emergency powers. The message from the administration and the vote are going unreported by the heritage media, but former Congressman Michele Bachmann is working hard at sounding the alarm. BACHMANN: “BIGGEST GLOBAL POWER GRAB IN OUR LIFETIMES” Bachmann has stated that the upcoming vote in Geneva over the Biden Administration’s amendments would cede U.S. sovereignty to the WHO over national healthcare decisions in what she described as “the biggest global power grab that we have seen in our lifetimes.”
Bachmann’s concern is over the vote that will take place on May 22 in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA). The vote is to ratify the amendments proposed by the Biden administration and are scheduled as “Provisional agenda item 16.2”. Bachmann spoke about the dilemma on Steve Bannon’s War Room. “This authority that they will be given will impact 99.4% of all the people in the world,” Bachmann said. “There are 193 nations belonging to the UN. The Biden administration is bringing amendments that were proposed that all nations of the earth cede their sovereignty over their national health care decisions to the WHO.” “This means that the WHO would have decision-making authority to intervene in the United States government policy and any nation of the world without our permission. For instance, the lockdown where you see 26 million people today locked down in Shangai, China. They can’t leave their apartments or homes. The WHO would have the authority to be able to enforce that here in the United States, on whatever pretext they want. They don’t have to show data. They could do this.”] -------------------------------------------------------------------- O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end?
When you thought you've seen everything imaginable, the O'Biden administration pulls out another treasonous stunner out of the hat. These miscreants on the Left are now attempting to hand off US sovereignty to the WHO. It is a covert way of opening up a back door to world government control.
This Biden treason is becoming Orwellian, how much more damage can the Left possibly inflict upon our country? We are now to be held hostage by the CCP controlled WHO? Where are the Republicans on this? Sleep at the switch as usual.
Call your Congress people now and inform people this is happening. Tell them all to get on the ball immediately and stop this!
@therighttothink50 Have contacted my NJ Senator, Bob Menendez and a talk show host who hopefully can broadcast this on a far wider basis. I think it’s definitely not something this loser named Biden wants transparency over. Thanks for posting, and spread the word!!
Time running out to stop Biden’s plot to secretly undermine U.S. national sovereignty: But here’s one thing you can donow https://leohohmann.com/2022/05/12/time-running-out-to-stop-bidens-plot-to-secretly-undermine-u-s-national-sovereignty-but-heres-one-thing-you-can-do-now/
Key excerpts from article above:
[By amending an existing health treaty, called the International Health Regulations of 2005 (IHR), they are able to bypass U.S. Senate approval, which means no public debate and no media coverage of this sovereignty-killing power grab. It will all be done under the cloak of darkness in Geneva, Switzerland, when the WHO World Health Assembly meets May 22-28.
Let’s be clear on what’s happening. They are building the infrastructure for global governance and strengthening the infrastructure that’s already in place. So here’s one thing you can do. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is holding a brief, and I mean very brief, public comments period on the IHR amendments that would hand the WHO many new tools to build its one-world sociopathic agenda against free and sovereign people. Send your comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs (OGA). But you have to act now. The deadline is Friday, May 13, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. The Stakeholder Listening Session will help the HHSOffice of Global Affairsprepare the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly by taking full advantage of the knowledge, ideas, feedback, and suggestions from all communities interested in and affected by agenda items to be discussed at the 75th World Health Assembly. The U.S. Government will consider contributions received from the stakeholders as it develops the U.S. positions. Written comments are welcome and encouraged. Please send written comments to the email address:OGA.RSVP@hhs.gov
CLICK ON ABOVE LINK TO SEND YOUR EMAIL TO HHS As dangerous as the WHO is, it still can’t impose policy on its 194 member nations without the consent of those nations. Their dictates can be checkmated by national sovereignty. Doing so can be dangerous, just ask the dead president of Tanzania. But it still can be done. If Biden and his Health and Human Services chief, Xavier Baccera, get their way, the nations of the world will not have their sovereignty snatched away. No, they will hand it over. The vote takes place May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland. All that’s required is a simply majority vote and, poof, there goes the sovereignty of 194 nations of the world over matters of “public health emergencies,” which could include a wide range of issues, not just viruses.]
O'Biden administration now looking to cede US sovereignty to the CCP controlled bureaucrats at the WHO? When will the treason end? ON MAY 22: WHO WILL HAVE AUTHORITY TO LOCK DOWN ALL OF AMERICA@soar2newhighs
@therighttothink50 I don’t think the American people will capitulate to some whore in the WHO.( some will cave and suck the teat of sheeple) And how would they enforce any mandates? And I don’t give a fuck what other feckless nations might do. They deserve to be subjugated and crushed!
ROFLMAO! The Biden/Harris team and their socialist agenda are finished. Biden can't even put a coherent sentence together and Harris has been totally useless. Biden has done nothing but fail in his 47+ years as a career politician and he is still continuing to fail with everything he says and does. Trump was good and would have accomplished a lot more had it not been for Pelosi and her witch hunts which proved nothing. Now, if Trump runs again he may not win, but the Republicans that will run will do much better than any Democrat that runs. Personally, I'd like to see Ted Cruz or Niki Haley in the running for POTUS.
@LordShadowfire Oh, you mean the same way Pelosi fought Trump on a daily basis since the day he was elected? Of course the GOP fights. The GOP is fighting for democracy. Only liberal democrats want the socialist agenda the Biden administration is trying to push on us.
@seadog I'm telling you, it's not dementia. He's had a stammer his entire life, but because Donald Trump said it once, people keep repeating it. And then they look for evidence that he might be slightly less than perfect, and they find it. Big fucking surprise.
Only reason he won was peoples blind hatred of Trump. Honestly who can say they really give and shit about Biden? And if there is some how many more fuck ups can they keep ignoring? Biden and Harris are both going on very limited time. Does Biden even know he is president? The guys brain is like melted icecream
@ididntknow You say that like you think I dont think the voting was corrupt. You think those in power would not have resorted to all the nonsense they did for 4 years if they did not have blind hatred towards Trump? Again, no one gives a shit about Biden. He was a means to a end for all of them and personally I think he is the best thing to happen for republicans. he has been fucking up so much that it should be a pretty easy win for republicans in the future
I don't think there's been a president elected since John F. Kennedy. Whatever candidate furthers the 1%'s agenda the best, is the one who'll be president.
@PhoenixPhail I believe Trump won in 2016. Obviously, the Fascist establishment couldn't accept that Hillary lost an election that they rigged for her to win.
Since Biden doesn't know he's the current resident of the White House, the skills required to plan a reelection campaign are far beyond him. Besides, the country needs Biden in the White House again like a bank needs another robbery.
Now that's an incredibly far-fetched presumption that Bidet would actually earn the nomination considering his inept and mentally waning performance. But on the outside chance that he did, it would prove 1) if that's all they've got, it's a sordidly poor choice as there are plenty contemporaries out there with excellent credentials, 2) Europe and the international arena would openly scoff and ridicule at how low the bar is set now, and 3) The floor would be wiped clean with practically any adversary as the party would be laughed out of town before sunset.
As long as orange man doesnt win i really dont care. I am still hopeful that orange man is held accountable for all the bs he has caused from tax evasion to coup.
Why did this guy(#45..aka orange man) not have an minority people on his staff? IF he truly tries to represent USA? This has me for a loss... all he hired was his friends and then he has them headed to prison. Go figure
I'm no fan of Biden, I don't think he is doing a very good job, but if the Republicans nominate Trump or DeSantis, I would have to vote for Biden yet again.
@Baremine Highest unemployment in decades, only president who lost jobs during his administration. Trump killed over 1/2 million Americans due to his ineptitude in handling Covid. We are still energy independent, we export more than we import.
@independentone BULLSHIT. The only reason Trump went to record unemployment was the super hyped up coronavirus controlled by fauci and Obama. Biden is there puppet. Things were much better under Trump than this jackass.
@Keepitsimple only time will tell ... some people think he's doing a good job but written i ask for 5 things he's done positively during his term or his previous 40 years in politics they leave the conversation !!!!!
I’d doubt you’d want to take on Russia without NATO support, which is what the GOP was heading us for. @Keepitsimple
If he keeps going the way he is and not wanting to fix his approval ratings , no . Hes going to make it easy for trump . I honestly don't see anyone else running from the republican party besides trump . I'm just stating the facts , I would love to see desantis to run , but he is to busy running Florida .
@SW-User I agree. He needs to stop listening to whoever the hell has his ear and start listening to his constituents, folks like me who voted for him. He's not doing the job he said he would.
As long as " we the people" ban together he won't ! As long as they keep " we the people" divided he will As long as voter ID & mail in ballots are allowed corruption will be possible (by both parties)
@pdockal So, make people walk five or 10 miles to the ballot boxes. And what if they're too old to make the trip? Or what if they're black and have to walk through a white neighborhood where they aren't welcome? Oh, right, I forgot. That's the point. To make sure those people know their place.
depends on so many factors 1) will his people be able to make him appear conscious 2) will Kamala have him committed 3) what's the price of gas around the time of the election 4) who's he running against
@Keepitsimple At the time, the Dems had a panel of 20 ridiculous woke clowns. They were unelectable. The ONLY person who was even a remote possibility was Biden, because he was so well known, and his past history made him seem like a moderate Democrat.
In truth, he became the nominee because he was so malleable. He will read any speech that is put in front of him, and his current speech writers suck big donkey balls.
@RocktheHouse just a thought and that is possibly his administration fears the democrats will pay heavily in the mid terms and if so there might be a coup of sorts, ready to oust him politically.
@nudistsueaz I am able to make decent money and support myself and my family regardless of who is President. If you're having a hard time, get a better job and stop blaming government.