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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MasterLee yeah now you sound liek a rat leaving the sinking ship... you were a supporter even thoguh you should have known better. that makes you an idiot in the best case and an asshole in the worst case. and now you bitch and scream tofind an excuse for all the bad decisions. you know what... it doesnt matter.. you are just that.. looser.. a sad sore looser
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@IlovePeaches you obviously never read my posts but that's ok. I am happy to be your enemy as you are stupid.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MasterLee you are not an enemy.. you are a joke.. just here to entertain me with your pathetic loosing
bowman81 · M
No problem at all until January 20, that is when the new presidential term begins. Trump is president until then. No need to be moving anyone out yet. None of the votes have been officially certified yet. The electoral college doesn't meet until January 6. Once they vote and send the results to congress the President elect is determined. If that is Biden, he doesn't take office until he is sworn in on January 20th.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@Fukfacewillie Hook, line and sinker.
Lock, stock and barrel.
Lock, stock and barrel.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@Sidewinder the whole kit and kaboodle

@bowman81 everything but the kitchen sink
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
The supreme court decides. not the media
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MasterLee i love trump tears.. i can taste the desperation and the hatred
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@IlovePeaches actually I am laughing at you very hard lol
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MasterLee you are such a sad looser.. but i bet you are used to loosing
Budwick · 70-79, M
whats the procedure here ?
Traditionally, we finish counting the votes before measuring for drapes.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Budwick Why bother counting the votes? How about if we figure out which votes are legal and which are illegal first. There was MASSIVE voter fraud. The demoncraps should be ashamed of themselves but then again they are demoncraps.
ExperienceDLT · M
@hippyjoe1955 it's simple tell Trump to go find the proof and present it to courts of law
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@Budwick yeah its not offical but its pretty much over, hell our govermenr already been making statements about biden winning lol
JeanAnna · F
They are still counting votes, but it looks like Biden will win. Trump will whine and lie about the election being fraud, but yet there has been no evidence, he will try to get the Supreme Court to intervene, that's why he was in such a big hurry to place the new Justice in the court. He still has a couple of months to do damage to our country and the good people that voted against him. I look for him to even demean his loyal supporters, and blame them for his loss. He has never taken responsibility for his actions and never will.
But come January 20, he will be removed from the White House, hopefully peacefully, but knowing Trump he will have to be dragged out, kicking and screaming like a Banshee. Good riddance to an evil, lying idiot..... now maybe we can get our country back on track.
Biden 2020!!!!!!!
But come January 20, he will be removed from the White House, hopefully peacefully, but knowing Trump he will have to be dragged out, kicking and screaming like a Banshee. Good riddance to an evil, lying idiot..... now maybe we can get our country back on track.
Biden 2020!!!!!!!
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
On January 20th he can be arrested for trespass
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@IlovePeaches No I am talking about Biden GROPING a young girl's breast as she tries to squirm away from him. It is painful to watch. I feel so sorry for the young girl being molested like that. Then there is that therapy diary of Biden's daughter where she describes her father as doing unseemly things to her which started her on her way to sex and drug addictions. Sex and drug addictions are a common indicator of childhood sexual abuse in women. Someone often their daddy abused them so they associate the sex of their father with love and seek out sex among strangers to compensate.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@hippyjoe1955 oh you mean trump the man with 27 sex allegations that are all on ice right now cause he was president..
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 grab 'em by the pussy
TexChik · F
Did you forget about Hillary telling Biden to not admit defeat? Its only OK for libs ?
Frank52 · 70-79, M
Midday (EST) on Jan 20th 2021 Biden becomes President whether the current President and all his followers like it or not and whether Trump refuses to leave the White House or not. What theatrics happen in between can be helpful or unhelpful to a peaceful transition of power depending on how childish Trump decides to continue to be.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@hippyjoe1955 No, sorry, i don't watch conspiracy theory videos on Breitbart, i tend to watch something a little closer to reality like Reuters or the BBC...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@spjennifer Not conspiracy. It was on the local TV station. Too Funny!!!
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 I thought you didn't believe MSM?
JT123 · M
Biden never won, he cheated. If you don't think Biden would do the same thing if he suddenly lost all the states he was way ahead in, Think again!
ExperienceDLT · M
@TopOfTheWorld lol
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@ExperienceDLT was it on a laptop?
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
President Trump is and will be President and rightfully in the Whitehouse until January 20, 2021.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
@MeowsoliniReturns No simply because that is the law. Joe Biden is President-elect until January 20, 2021, when he will be inaugurated as president.
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@JoePourMan Yes, I am aware of that. But I thought you were saying that Trump will STILL be the President? Sorry if I misread.
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@JoePourMan in front of the 2nd smallest inauguration crowd of all time? But at least he has Covid as an excuse and won't try to claim it's bigger than it actually is 🤣
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
They will remove him with a huge spatula, like when you have eggs stuck to the frying pan.
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@BittersweetPotato Or 💩 stuck to the bottom of your shoe
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Did you hear that Biden just lost Georgia. Biden was ahead in the count by 10,000 but now there are 132,000 ineligible ballots. Does not look good for Biden.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Rose0415 You expect me to believe the Bezos Bugle? Get serious!!! That thing has less credibility than the tabloid at the checkout telling us all about the UFO abducting Amish men! Now that is FUNNY!!!!!! Care to try to find a legitimate source of news. Yours is broken.
Rose0415 · 36-40, F
@hippyjoe1955 Oh yeah, I knew you wouldn't believe it. Keep living in your bubble though. It's going to burst when Biden is inaugurated in January 😂.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Rose0415 Bezos is a liberal hack. That is well known. He didn't get as rich as he is by honest means.
dale74 · M
I guess all the Biden supporters are ignoring the computer glitch that transferred 3% of Trump's vote to Biden so that means if biden's got 76 million and Trump's got 71.5 just to make the math easy if you take 3 million away from 76 that puts them at 73 and you add those three back to trumps that puts them at 74.5 and that's the popular vote but these election machines that were taking those votes are based mainly in the Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Georgia areas and in those areas it is close enough that that 3% flips it to a landslide for Trump reversing all of those electoral colleges from Biden over to Trump if they are able to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt in a court of law the court can order them to write the wrong to the correct election outcome they could also just recount all the paper ballots by hand without using the computer software therefore bypassing the glitch. Now several of you are saying that's impossible obviously you know nothing about computer programs it's actually quite easy to hide an algorithm in a computer program that transfers small amounts from one place to another without anyone ever knowing it but as long as there's a paper trail they can count them by hand but don't get upset if Trump ends up winning because the true election results were falsely reported by the computer algorithm. Now on the other hand if they recount them by hand and Biden wins then Biden will be the president of the United States and just as Trump deserves the support of everybody in the United States Biden should get the same support.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@basilfawlty89 they’ve lost their minds.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@dale74 lmao all that cope
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@dale74 A couple of things stand out right away. You don't need an algorithm to count votes for one. No explanation of what the function of this magical computer is either.
And two zero sources.
And two zero sources.
Oh so he lost then 🙄
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@IlovePeaches I realize you are dumb so I will try again. The President is elected in December. You can wet your panties all you like but it is a fact. The media projects the winner but unless he concedes the electoral college meets in December after the dust settles and the recalls are done. Feel free to announce your stupidity but it will be a month plus before we know.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MasterLee yes.. more tears... act like a baby.. act like trump... deny it all.. cry for me
Pfuzylogic · M
@MasterLee *Knocks on Wood*
Just as I suspected. There is a hollow sound.
Honestly you don’t have a clue when you are losing an argument and need to stop stalking females. We know you are desperate but @IlovePeaches isn’t interested in you.
Scratch around for a sub somewhere else.
Just as I suspected. There is a hollow sound.
Honestly you don’t have a clue when you are losing an argument and need to stop stalking females. We know you are desperate but @IlovePeaches isn’t interested in you.
Scratch around for a sub somewhere else.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Biden has not won and in fact will be the loser with all the massive voter fraud being exposed. The demoncraps thought they would never get caught. Already they have and this is only the beginning.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@LegendofPeza He is not a news reporter. Do try to understand the difference. BTW I am not a big fan of Lou. He has way too high an opinion of himself. However he does on occasion have some interesting guests. Fortunately for me I don't have to watch Lou bloviate. I have others that present his more interesting interviews. I treat all fox commentators equally. If they show up somewhere else I will see what they have to offer and add their point of view to the mix. However it would seem you missed the point I was making. I saw a retired general on the net last night talking about this CIA program used to switch votes in other countries and how that program was used in the US to get Obama re-elected in 2012. The military that controlled the program prevented its use in 2016 however the CIA was able to use it in 2020 thanks to a bit of skullduggery. I wondered if the general was actually telling the truth or just playing silly games. Then I heard Sidney Powell say the same thing. Hmmm
@hippyjoe1955 NOT ONE Republican senator, or Governor and or secretary of States have made claims regarding "MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD" these are the people who are living and breathing this election, not you in the comfort of your house sitting and sipping your coffee or beer.
In fact the republican teams did not agree with the baseless claims made by Mr.Trump.
Sir, have some integrity, and if you know of a voter fraud and have an evidence did you contact the authorities responsible of making this election is as transparent is it can be.
And if you do not have an evidence and not contacted the authorities, why have you not? what are you waiting for? Get up and do your part as opposed to making statements on SW which means SHIT.
In fact the republican teams did not agree with the baseless claims made by Mr.Trump.
Sir, have some integrity, and if you know of a voter fraud and have an evidence did you contact the authorities responsible of making this election is as transparent is it can be.
And if you do not have an evidence and not contacted the authorities, why have you not? what are you waiting for? Get up and do your part as opposed to making statements on SW which means SHIT.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@aaaabbbb Actually they have. And they have referred several cases to the DOJ. Maybe your source of news is lying to you. You should get out more.
It isn’t over President Trump won’t be leaving the White House until 2024 and with hope that VP Pence runs in 2024
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
@Lefty63 where’s that “You lost , get over it” meme when you need it ? 😂
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
According to the mainstream media, Biden has won. The Electoral College is who actually calls it.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti Did you hear the Murdock woman say "We have done it" regarding the election? I wonder what she meant by that and who the 'we' are.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@hippyjoe1955 seems like something they were proud of
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti They think they have pulled of a bloodless coup and picked the worst candidate possible just to show their power. Too bad they tangled with Trump and his 'backers' who aren't stupid like all those many Biden supporters. This election will turn into more of a sting operation than a globalist victory. I am still laughing about it. As Q likes to say, "These people are stupid".
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
This don’t end the way you think
This don’t end the way you think
softspokenman · M
Court cases that Trump has filed have been dismissed for not having proof, are we going to hear that the judges, all the news media, and the Democrats are conspiring to cheat together to steal Trumps election from him ? Giuliani said that when all the votes are counted and Trump loses he will concede, but Trump wanted all the counting to stop ? 🤷♂️ WTH
Pretzel · 61-69, M
probably the secret service agents
his term expires in January and the new Prez takes office
unless there is a legal action of some sort. and presuming that Biden wins the electoral college vote.
his term expires in January and the new Prez takes office
unless there is a legal action of some sort. and presuming that Biden wins the electoral college vote.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Just out of curiosity, I was out shopping when the news broke that Biden was declared the winner of the election but who pulled the trigger and said that? Serious question.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Keepitsimple I think you should only file a lawsuit if you have evidence of voter fraud. Many of trump's mouthpieces have been spouting off about things like, "dead voters voting", "ballots sent to everyone", etc. Things that have no evidence at all.
The difference between the press conferences and a real lawsuit is that if you say "There is voter fraud" to the media, you don't need evidence, trump's people just echo what he says. A judge however wants facts and evidence, which they don't seem to have. So I imagine lawsuits will be tossed pretty quickly.
The difference between the press conferences and a real lawsuit is that if you say "There is voter fraud" to the media, you don't need evidence, trump's people just echo what he says. A judge however wants facts and evidence, which they don't seem to have. So I imagine lawsuits will be tossed pretty quickly.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Agreed. Kinda like how come he didn’t make those arguments when he won the first time around? 😉@Pherick
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@Pherick This is exactly true. FACTS stand up in court, not assertions. The burden of proof is on Trump.
Even Trump’s arch partner in crime Rupert Murdoch now knows the game is up and realizes he needs to prompt Trump to try to show at least a semblance of dignity in defeat.
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ExperienceDLT · M
@waleskinder jan 20 I believe it is
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
If those guys won't do it, I'm sure the people will.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Start impeachment proceedings against Biden?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Trump’s term is not over until Jan.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
One way or the other it will all be over come January 20th. Your question is pure hyperbole.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@goliathtree all that has to be done before 20th january ? and you really expect trump to give a concession speech admitting defeat ?
LeopoldBloom · M
@IlovePeaches He doesn’t have to formally concede. If he’s still there at noon on January 20, the Secret Service will remove him, same as they would remove a tourist who wandered in there.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@LeopoldBloom thats the kind of answer i am looking for, thank you
Khenpal1 · M
The moment they finish counting the votes it will be over for Burger King.
Republicans prep for leadership battle when Trump goes down.Republicans’ core base – older white men – shrinks with every election cycle as America’s demographics diversify, while Trump has alienated many suburban voters. Even if they take a real beating in 2020, I think it’s probably going to take two or three of those beatings
Republicans prep for leadership battle when Trump goes down.Republicans’ core base – older white men – shrinks with every election cycle as America’s demographics diversify, while Trump has alienated many suburban voters. Even if they take a real beating in 2020, I think it’s probably going to take two or three of those beatings
dale74 · M
The courts can see if election rules were broken and any allegations of fraudulent voting have any validity and if so can determine how to correct an Injustice
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@dale74 I welcome them to do just that. I am confident that they will find nothing to overturn the result, but let's see.
Justafantasy · M
I'm curious to. I don't think he gives up the white house for awhile anyway
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@Justafantasy is there a timeline or can he stall forever... will the house or senate take over state affairs while he is disputed ?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@IlovePeaches if he is to leave it will be january 20, 2021. The President isn't elected until late December.
dale74 · M
@IlovePeaches he can fight all the way to the supreme Court until they make a ruling either they won't hear the case or they will when they make their final ruling that'll end it.
TexChik · F
Has he won ? Has it been certified ?
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@TexChik yeah it over.. people are already deleting their trump tweets and leaving the sinking ship... every other country recignizing biden as the president elect etc
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@IlovePeaches And when Trump is declare winner next week?????
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@hippyjoe1955 he isnt... its over.. he lost... actually one of the biggest defeats ever, i give him that. now its time to relax and watch his twitter meltdown where he alreadsy started to lash out at the republican party etc...
HannahSky · F
As of January 20th at noon, he holds no power. He has no authority to command or stay. No former president does.
Repete · 61-69, M
Biden hasn’t won yet but it looks like he will . They still have a few ballots to go. trump is trying to call fraud without any evidence. The cases that has gone to court has been thrown out for lack of evidence. That’s trumps way. If he says it it must be true. Biden will win after the last votes are counted I believe.
PrivateHell · M
@Repete if there's truly no evidence (despite new reports nearly every time you turn on the news), then what's the problem with what trump says? The votes need to be counted anyway (or does every vote no longer matter now that Biden is in the lead?), and the courts won't strike the results withiut evidence. So where is the issue? (Unless of course tge fraud is real...)
Repete · 61-69, M
What trump says really doesn’t matter as long as we get all votes counted trump wanted to stop the votes when he was ahead.
Finish the votes verify then call the results officially, let the courts decide where the evidence is on who’s doing what.
Both sides needs to wait and see. Spreading fake news ( we use to call lying) does not help either side. @PrivateHell
Finish the votes verify then call the results officially, let the courts decide where the evidence is on who’s doing what.
Both sides needs to wait and see. Spreading fake news ( we use to call lying) does not help either side. @PrivateHell
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
The procedure is Trump is removed, and oh by the way Pelosi will be too. Three cheers for divided government!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
they havent finished counting the votes
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MartinTheFirst for the sake of the argument... lets assume the votes are all counted trump wont ever accept that but still file lawsuits... whats the plan there.. he obviously cant stay in power in a situation like that
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@IlovePeaches from what I've heard that always happens in your elections
LeopoldBloom · M
@MartinTheFirst It doesn't "always happen." The last disputed election was in 2000, when the vote in Florida was extremely close and there were questions about voters' intentions due to the design of ballots in some areas.
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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@PainfulTruth you are just a sore looser like trump.. by now you should be used to that being a looser
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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@PainfulTruth you are living a lie... the same lie you kived the last 4 years... you ae an abused victim that fails to accept the reality. biggest looser ever
PrivateHell · M
If he refuses to leave on January 20th (not saying he will), he will be arrested possibly by the secret service
ExperienceDLT · M
@PrivateHell you are right it is not amusing watching the President of the United States losing his grip on reality right before our eyes
@PrivateHell sure, no problem. I don’t find his idiot son calling for ‘total war’ amusing or entertaining but I do find it reckless, ridiculous and highly irresponsible given the current climate.
PrivateHell · M
@ExperienceDLT true. And electing one that never had one to begin with. Doesn't matter who wins, this country is screwed and so many fools cheering its death
ExperienceDLT · M
Unless Trump can prove any of his so far baseless claims of wide spread voter fraud and present evidence to a court of law he will be removed from office in January by force if necessary
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ExperienceDLT · M
@MarmeeMarch lol
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Well one way or another he will be evicted in January. If he goes completely nuts that is technically one of the jobs of the military.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@IlovePeaches It would come from the Joint Chiefs. Basically the head of the military. They sent out a memo months ago reminding officers of their duty if this scenario comes to pass so the top brass are not going to fall behind Trump.
The police unions are another matter.
The police unions are another matter.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow where and how do the joint chiefs meet ? can an order they give be fought juristically ?
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@IlovePeaches They are at the Pentagon. And yes such an order can and would be carried out. That is why they swear an oath to uphold the constitution and not an oath of loyalty to the president.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Why does the IQ drop in the liberal brain 20 points every election cycle.
bookerdana · M
The nightmare scenario
bookerdana · M
@bookerdana [media=]
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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
@MagnifiqueGirl afaik he cant run again... or can he ?
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UserNameSW · 46-50, M
@MagnifiqueGirl he can run again if he chooses to. Unlikely he will, Don Jr will likley run
DudeistPriest · M
Has someone actually obtained 270 electoral votes?
Pfuzylogic · M
He has a place in the White House bunker where he hid during the peaceful protests.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
a clown car
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Now, that's what I call a sore loser in denial of the fact that he's lost.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Sidewinder You choose to remain ignorant of facts which is your choice. BTW were yours one of the 450,000 ballots that only voted for Biden? No vote for anyone else on the ticket?
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@hippyjoe1955 Remind me to block you, later.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Sidewinder Because your mind is closed, and you aren’t capable of thinking outside the narrative of the liberal left wing media
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Next are the courts
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The gullibility is so expected 🤷🏼♂️ @PicturesOfABetterTomorrow
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
@jackjjackson We already know you are a sucker.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Lamer than lame. You can’t even come up with your own material. @PicturesOfABetterTomorrow