Its easy to say this when Trump piggybacked off of Obamas success. Trump was not elected in 2008. Obama was. Heck a 5 year old could have made the economy even better by capitalizing on the previous admnistrations progress. As far as I am concerned Trump is only doing what he is supposed to do. By continuing the economic progress thats going in the direction it is suppose to go.
I really miss having a dignified and honorable person as president. The contrast between the Obama family and the Trump family is stark. That you still like Trump given his atrocious conduct in office is an indictment against you. I doubt you will feel shame as your profile suggests you share the same odious views as Trump.
I wouldn't really call it amazing at this point. Trump has told a lot of people not to believe anything negative said about him, and it seems like they're doing what they were told.
These polls both have a +/- 3%-5% error margin, so he’s probably mid-40’s, which is where presidents normally poll. He’s definitely within the margin where re-election is a possibility, so anyone who thinks he couldn’t possibly win a second term might want to rethink that. He’s also in the range where he could lose, so anyone who thinks he’s a slam dunk for re-election might also want to rethink that. It’ll be interesting to see these numbers next week as the shutdown gets closer and the puppet show with Chuck and Nancy along with the Cohen news and response gets baked into this cake. If he’s still mid-40’s at New Years, his people would have to consider that a win.
@SW-User I don't really like Trump as a person, but I think he's the best president to come along in 'my' lifetime. Not only this country, but the whole world is better off because of him, and they hate him for it. He might at least wake up the European WWC , before the fascists get rid of him.
@SheElf He did have 48% at one time. I think we should always give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume they just didn't get up to the minute stats.
Actually, it is only 48% in the Rassmussen Poll--the same one that predicted a Republican victory in the House in the midterms. The actual number is around 42%, well below other post-WWII presidents entering their second terms. Trump's support never goes up to even 45%, but it doesn't go below about 38% either. It is baked in based on the support he enjoys from his adoring loyalists, that are willing to overlook facts and reason to continue their worship.
@Budwick The economy has frequently been better in the past. You do realize the stock market is even for the year, right? No stock market gains for 2018. How's your 401K doing?
@VSonMe you're correct I have used that word completely wrong, thanks for pointing that out. I meant the structure of the BBC and the revolving door from government, higher echelons of business and the BBC.
The same article also states ; 'An average of polls on Real Clear Politics shows the president with a 43.1 percent approval rating and a 51.9 disapproval rating.'
@therighttothink50 I just want these things to happen. I keep hearing that the cover is going to be blown off of this or that, and the next thing I know , the leftists are celebrating some new arrival of rhetorical ammunition. To hear the the fascist propaganda networks you would think it was all over for sanity in the United States forever. They seem to be very confident that their nightmare will become reality.
@puck61 The left's very survival is based upon deep state tyranny, big tech fascism and media propaganda. Stop this rigged computer voting, ballot harvesting and illegal immigration. It's the only way we can survive.
Wrong. That is one poll, the American Barometer, which usually scores higher than most others, which no doubt you already know. An average of polls on Real Clear Politics shows the president with a 43.1 percent approval rating and a 51.9 disapproval rating.
Hitler called. He said for you to come home.
Obama : 48%= Worst President ever
Trump: 48%= THIS MAN IS OUR SAVIOR *tears of joy fall*
@QuixoticSoul And the Rasmussen Poll also predicted a Republican victory in the House. Their polling approach is heavily flawed, and tends to favor Trump by about 6-8 points.
@jackjjackson In a real dictatorship, it would be 110%.
Maybe the president's approval rating would go up if instead of pandering to his base, he took an interest in the other 80% of Americans. It would also help if he wasn't doing such a shitty job.
@MarmeeMarch Trump will get there but right now he is in a whopping number 72%. It will rise before and after election.
Meanwhile. Obama end his presidential terms of 34%. Most will disagree that he's 56% but does the media really follow along with Obama's accomplishments? No.
@FreestyleArt Obama ended his presidency with an approval rating of 60%. Trump is currently running at 42.5%, with a disapproval rating of 53.4%. He's the only president since polling began who never spent a day of his presidency at 50% approval or greater. He'll end his only term the same way.
@Budwick Funny. I don't give a shit what you believe. I really don't. That's your right. Amazing how you think "brainless comments" with the DNC, considering that's what Trump is all about. So, be pissed off. No one has to agree with YOUR politics. Deal with it.
@VSonMe No, but if you study Mussolini, you can see quite clearly that fascism is a 'left wing' ideology. You know that climate change is not an issue. It is a politically expedient tool and cash cow for globalist cockrat maggots.
It shouldn't be surprising. He's the only president in our lifetime who has actually done what he said he would do. It's refreshing. Unless, I suppose, you liked an economy that sucked, open borders and no respect in the world.
@SheElf I posted a link here, somewhere, which gives you a broad spread of quite a few different polls.
Actually scary - that there are people that dont know the ins and outs of the presidency and what it takes to run a nation -they focus on the hate and hip shot meanness that he spews out and just sees that as the focal point to his presidency. And the worse he treats minorities the better he is at the redneck level.
@Budwick These 'culture warrior' types who ruin everything from Christmas music, to memorial services, are no less than a plague; as awful as any plague humanity has ever faced. They aren't committing the 'atrocities', they are opening the door for the atrocities to be committed. I describe it this way. The opportunist coward who gives the map to the gestapo is worse than the gestapo who kicks in the door and murders the partisans. The leftists are the opportunist cowards who profane life for the sake of self preservation or gain. I have also described them as "Satan's codependent sluts." Figuratively accurate. The are the 'enablers of evil'.
@puck61 I would not worry too much of that because these folks are just a minority that seem to appear larger than they are normally.. Case in point you would think that most people here hate Christmas - I am about to post another Merry Christmas picture..Take a look at the responses and hearts that I will get.
@QuixoticSoul yes it is on rt but I wouldn't dismiss it because it's on Russian state tv. They have some excellent guests.....John pilger, no am chomsky, Mark curtis, Vanessa beesley, lowkey....voices you don't hear in other mainstream media. Obviously if you want a true reflection of the Russian state then avoid rt as it's obviously biased.
Same with wiki, use it but beware is all I'm saying.
That's the reason the leftists and dims are cruisin for a bruisin. Good people are not going to just roll over and let their country be turned into a total shithole. It won't happen,
Judd Trump won the latest final game he played, earning him the first big victory. I see nothing wrong with that, although he is not my favorite snooker player.
Windy is counting the minority percentage of registered voters as opposed to legally eligible voters and those who actually showed up to vote or did write ins (not necessarily legally eligible to vote). Therefore Windy’s so called polling means zip as do Windy’s comments generally speaking.