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If you could change a single physical feature in yourself, which one would you pick?

Poll - Total Votes: 24
Body (weight, form)
Face (in general, but not including eye colour)
Hair and/or body hair
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Have seen this question in facebook recently and I was quite amazed at the fact that like 80% would have changed their body instead of every other part. To me it was baffling for sure to see these kind of results so I want to try how you, ladies and gentlemen, think.
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helenS · 36-40, F
No idea if I would change anything. Actually I'm quite happy with my physical shape. Some say I'm too thin but I couldn't care less.
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@helenS , the best case scenario - to be completely comfortable being yourself even physically! Cheers!
helenS · 36-40, F
@TheGreatGreyGuardian Thank you 🌷
I’d like a working pancreas
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
Losing a few pounds would be the most beneficial to my health.
Lilred2289 · 36-40, F
@RosaMarie you’re beautiful just as you are. ❤️❤️
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
@Lilred2289 I wouldn't do it for vanity. But it would help my overall health.
I don't think this way. I don't think any of my body part as bottle neck for me to perform better. I believe in taking best use of whatever I have to perform at it's best and try to improve from the current level. My weaknesses & failures encourage me to perform even more better.

"No man had ever a defeat that was not somewhere made useful to him. I thank god for mine handicaps for without them I could not have succeeded". - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The lower point of my sternum.
It broke and then healed pointing 90º in.
It causes pain if I try to bend or curl forward.
If I could afford it, I'd have it re-broken and straightened.
@TheGreatGreyGuardian I live on a pension, so even air tickets are out for me.

The accident occured when I was in my mid 40s. I was at a horsemanship workshop watching a problem horse being taught to walk onto a float. (Actually not being done well. The would-be teacher turned out to be an amateur.)
The quarter horse gelding was large and solidly built. I leaned against a fence post as I watched. All of a sudden, the horse decided to run off backwards and rammed its bum into me before I had time to move. My chest was squashed between bum and post. I felt a severe pain in the sternum at the lowest join of the ribs. Man, one doesn't know one has nerves in some places until something goes wrong!
Despite the pain, it never occurred to me that it might have broken. I didn't know such a thing was possible so I never got it checked.
I thought whatever it was would heal and be okay.
No idea how wrong I was until many weeks had passed...
Years later, an x-ray for other purposes showed the point turning in and the denser bone where the fracture had healed in the new position.

In Australia, the minimum fee for a cataract operation is $5,000 excluding the anaethetist's fee. Since the op would be considered non-essential or elective, it wouldn't be available free via the public medical system (Medicare). The private fees would be far more.

Honestly, I have learned to live with and work around it. It's okay.

But thank you very much for your care and concern. :)
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@hartfire , I appreciate sharing such a story. Would have extremely hard time even knowing what would it feel to stick with it for half a life time! I understand it is difficult financially, I, myself, live very humbly and am perfectly aware what it is like. Cannot understand, though, how such a situation is called to be non-essential. If it makes a physical discomfort, it would have been a must to be fixed for me. But since it is free health care system in Australia, they are probably not very eager to enlarge the list beyond the "actually serious" (whatever it means for them) conditions. There are no perfect systems, unfortunately. And yes, I guess a country cannot pay for everything but still... I always feel stupid in this kind of situations you are unable to do anything, yet you should and want but no realistic chance. 😔
@TheGreatGreyGuardian In Australia, "serious" means a condition that is disabling or life threatening.
Physical pain doesn't count unless it's so severe that the person has decided they would prefer suicide. That would work for arthritic joint pain. But, since the point of sternum is merely inconveniencing and only painful if I bend to much, it doesn't count.
It's true that they have to practice triage to make the budget meet the most urgent cases. That does end up having a few drawbacks. But it's beginning to have some unexpected benefits too - such as more emphasis on educating people to lead healthier lives.

I haven't been keeping up with things in Canada. What govt do you have there now? How much is the landscape and ecology being affected by global warming? How is it tackling climate change?
I would be a happy camper if I woke up with clear perfect vision.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M

Thanks to two effed-up chromosones I have a condition that has made life more difficult then it needed to be...
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 , quite unfortunate turn of events... I often feel down about people who had such struggling without any significant reason but pure stroke of bad luck. Like why it has to be so?! Just asking of curiosity - do you have restriction upon eating sugar-including products? Heard few times that in case of tumour structures in the organism, they usually ban most of the sugar intake through foods.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@TheGreatGreyGuardian Some do. But luckily that wasn't the case with me. Though I try to avoid sugar. And anything with Aspartame in it. Which can cause headaches.
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 , yes, I am familiar with aspartam and also tend to avoid it just for safety. The same for stevia, though. It might even be scarrier than sugar!
Carissimi · F
If I changed my skin back to when it was younger (even 50 would do because even then it looked 15-20 years younger), that would make a big difference, and I’d feel better.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
I desperately need a penis reduction
helenS · 36-40, F
acpguy · C
@HoraceGreenley That is what the elephant told me that you visited last night. 😂
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@HoraceGreenley That's what I was going to say!
Pfuzylogic · M
A few more inches in stature possibly.
My brother was over 6 foot and i would have liked those heights!
exexec · 70-79, C
Eyes. Not their appearance because I have nice blue ones, but the fact that my vision is getting worse.
Ferric67 · M
I'm good, I've been blessed in the DNA lottery
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@Ferric67 prove it 😝

Totally kidding
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Body weight/form I can shift on my own

I suppose my face or my height
Viper · M
I wish I could be skinny
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@Viper , many years ago I was about dying of anorexia. If you go for being skinny, never do it to an extreme level, please. Have been there and recovery took me a lot (really a lot) of time!
Viper · M
@TheGreatGreyGuardian nah, I love and I'm addicted to food.

I think intermittent fasting would be the way I go, with either only one meal a day, or all my meals within 8 hours per day.

I hate throwing up... and I'm addicted to eating something.
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@Viper , yes, same case. But now I just eat what I want and like myself. Several kilograms up the norm, but I feel in good condition. And when I had anorexia back in the days, I ate nothing all day, like maybe a fruit or something like that and in the end it got pretty dark when I could not stand for more than half and hour and even when I did, felt severe dizzyness. No energy, such things which are now in the past and long overwhelmed.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I'd like to see this for personality traits.
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@Doomflower , it would be interesting. You can start one such poll for sure.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Weight/body shape
akindheart · 61-69, F
i wish i were taller.
Ducky · 31-35, F
A healed face.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Definitely my face. I never liked my bone structure.
definitely need a nose job
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I mean, I'd like my leg back and properly functioning. Or properly functioning hands without tumors. All of this seems rather trite by comparison.
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Face, I’m plain ugly
I don't really like how I look, but also I don't like the idea of changing it🤣
@SW-User you're so beautiful don't you ever think anything else
@saragoodtimes ooohhh thank you 🤗💕💖
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@SW-User , I would say the fact you do not want to change anything about your looks means you are just beautiful. Smile on and go for the best day! 🌷
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I would like to get rid of the autoimmune arthritis so my body can function better
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@iamonfire696 , I am sure you are enough of a fighter to go through it with a smile! 🌷Yes, there are AIGDs we cannot get rid of, but at least we can give our best to not let them put their mark on who we are.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@TheGreatGreyGuardian I always smile but this causes me a lot of pain every day.
TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@iamonfire696 , I know ☹️
"And the bravest of faces are the ones where we fake it..."
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TheGreatGreyGuardian · 36-40, M
@swirlie , does it count as a radiohead? Haha!
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