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how can i stop all these silent calls i get on my landline phone

i keep getting calls on there and they wont talk and keep calling , i block their number and they still call, im getting to the point where i cant even go to the bathrm and they call, i reported it to the donotcall list im on but they still call, any suggestions? i take off the phone when im sleeping, i answer it thinking it could be something important, will not answering it help me get less calls? do i need to report it to the police?
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They're probably redirecting your call when you pick up. Have you tried caller ID? I don't pick up when I don't recognize the number.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Spoiledbrat Not all telephones have that feature (mine doesn't so I have to interrogate it after the call to find the number) but sometimes you receive calls from what look like genuine numbers.

Perhaps it seems one you have used only once or twice, e.g, a mail-order company or a travel booking-office, but forgotten? Or is it from a fellow member who does not normally ring you, of a hobby club with a geographically widely-scattered membership?* A genuine caller would be expected to leave a message.

There, the number has been "spoofed" to resemble a real one from your own country, or is routed through a sort of accommodation number, but is actually from anywhere in the world. It might be the telephone equivalent of those fraud-attempt e-posts pretending to be from a friend or relative, asking for an emergency loan.

Sometimes the area code alone is the give-away by not looking right for your own land - well, it isn't!

The telephone companies seem unable, unwilling or just too complacent to prevent this happening and act properly against this sort of misuse of the system.


*(Clubs and societies used to publish personal telephone numbers for enquiries, but many now use a web-site instead, in which the enquiry will be routed through something like "appropriate-officer-title@", for both security and longevity.)
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Spoiledbrat dont have it
Matt85 · 36-40, M
OMGoodness it's Pearl from Yahoo!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I keep receiving them too, both silent calls and recordings telling me of criminal use of my bank card.

Whether you can report them and to whom I don't know - we live in different countries so would probably have different systems - but the would-be phishers and fraudsters keep changing their own numbers, e-post addresses etc., to get around blocks.

Don't leave your phone off the hook, as that looks like a fault to the service company; but don't have your 'phone in your bedroom either, anyway.

Ignore nocturnal calls - it might reduce the number of them. A genuine caller, perhaps a relative, will leave a message if you have that facility.
Confined · 56-60, M
Not on my contacts list, no answer.
They are spoofing phone numbers so not worth blocking.
Pfuzylogic · M
That is easy for me on my Iphone.
I just keep it on “do not disturb” and if they don’t leave a message then I block the number.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Speak to your service provider and get your number changed and be careful about who you give the new number to🙂
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
1. Don't answer the phone unless you know the number. You may need to get a different phone if it's a landline.

2. Get rid of your landline and just use a cellphone. Either iOS or Android have features that allow you to block certain number, limit the times you can be notified and so on. Yes, I still get spam calls, but not that often.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@DunningKruger At least some landline services provide blocking but probably as an extra, and certainly with a telephone made to work with such features. A plain telephone will not have such features.

I am on BT and bought a 'phone that would allow such filtering, caller-number display and other auxiliaries but when I found it needed plugging into a mains power-supply unit left on all the time, and have to buy an extension to the service for these features to work, I put it back in the box. I keep meaning to advertise it for sale, in the local paper.

The unsolicited calls are a nuisance but neither they nor my landline telephone cost me extra to the broadband service fees, so I am not going to waste money on electricity and service-extensions just to stop a few nuisance calls !

I have never received spam calls or messages on my portable 'phone, but that may be because it is a very simple one, not linked to the Internet, and I use it too infrequently for the criminals to have spotted it!
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I had this once years ago, it turned out to be a fault, my service provider had some kinda auto call thing set up incorrectly and I was getting silent calls during the night.

Talk to whoever provides your phone service and ask if it's a possible fault on their end.

If it isn't then get your number changed.
You need to check if your phone service can send calls straight to voice mail if the number does not have an ID (IOW a person's name). Off shore firms spam numbers, however, they usually don't have an ID beyond a city. It's not foolproof, and those firms could care less about a do not call list.

After getting inundated with SPAM calls, my mobile phone is set to send all calls to VM unless they are on my contact list.
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
It might just be a bot checking how often you actually answer.

I wonder if it's a bot checking to see if you're a bot.

Or maybe they're trying to get your voice to deepfake you! 😱
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I have that at home but it doesn't happen in the night, i just clear the answering machine and let it go.
Can you turn the ringer off? Maybe would help and with an answering machine you'd still get the call
I’m sorry that they bother you like this …,

It won’t hurt if you inform the police and make sure that they record your complain about it … 🌹🌹🌹😘❤️
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Soossie i reported it to the

Good for you girl… 🥰🌹
If it's a bot, of course it's set to talk only after you say something. I had a couple of those, and when I googled it said it was possibly illegal info fishing.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Roundandroundwego Oh, I regard them all as having criminal intent.

Most of the silent ones I have received don't respond to my speaking, but just cut out after a minute or so's silence.

The recordings, often spoken by a mellifluous woman, are easy to spot as such by trying to talk back. A real caller would be thrown by the interruption - these aren't.

Though much rarer now, I still occasionally hear a real person claim being from the "Windows Corporation and your computer has reported a fault" (or "illegal activity"),

I've sometimes responded with, "I know you are not, it has not, but you are a criminal. Goodbye!" and hang up before they can.
Gumba1000 · M
In the UK there is a device I think it is called BT call minder. It only let's known numbers ring you. Maybe you can get something similar
Monday2 · 51-55, F
I don't have a phone anymore. It gets monotonous. If anyone needs me they know exactly how to get me.
beaglehunter · 80-89, M
go to a store that sells boat equipment and buy an cand air horn keep it by the phone and blast it into the phone next time she calls.she will never call your number again
Anielka · F
You actually still have a landline?
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Anielka yes
fun4us2b · M
I have this call zapper gadget - it seems to help
TexChik · F
Unplug the phone
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
It's not a stalker. This is a new tactic telemarketers use. They call, then say nothing, in the hopes that you will be angry enough to call them back. Once you've called them, telemarketing laws don't apply.
Lilnonames · F
Get an answering machine
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Lilnonames i have one
Lilnonames · F
@pearllederman then let it pick up call

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