According to Google, Washington DC searches online for defense lawyer I have shot up 400%They’re ducking for cover and selling their houses in the process
Finally got the 7900 xtx back in stockLooking around for and it's out everywhere. Newegg finally got a few in and saw one just under 1k and snagged it up. That gets the two most expensive parts out of the way. So many scalpers out there it's ridiculous. Used cards for 1500? No.... See More »
Dell phone no???Does anyone know how to get to a real live person at Dell (Canada). None of their onlne "help" is of any use; I can get no sensible digital response.
is windows 11 really that terriblei can't decide whether i should get a new windows 11 computer or not, ive seen a lot of bad reviews about 11, so its put me off a bit.
I May be Some TimeI am being advised to upgrade my OS. I'm going to give it a go. If you never see me again, you'll know why. 🫤