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My cat ran away. The one that never leaves the house.

My sister is taking it so bad.

I've prepared myself for this moment years ago so i'll just say i'm gonna miss her. She's been there to see different versions of me and she was like my sisters lil support animal.

Maybe she'll come back
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eyeno · M
Back in the day
Mom let him getaway and he took off running!
I was so heartbroken, blaming her.

About a week and a half later he returned jumping on the kitchen screendoor to peer inside the house.
Guess he found out after having fun exploring, that life can be hard and appreciated the life he had with us.

After that
He'd sit by the door meowing, so we let him out daily to do his business and explore his territory.

Ducky · 31-35, F
This is why I've always been reluctant to get a cat. Even if you try making it strictly a house cat, they just need to get out once and they might not come back. Here's hoping yours does.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Pressure do not despair my sisters cat who is an house cat went missing and she found him the silly kitty got himself stuck in a neighbours yard so there is alway hope you cat will be found or come back of its own accord
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
My mom does home care for a few older people. One of them lost her cat for 4 weeks before they found the cat
@smileylovesgaming where did they find her?
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@Pressure actually it was the older lady grandson that found him. He just came over and I guess he knew the sound of his truck and came out
i would die if my cat ran away....please be hopeful, ive had cats before that wouldn't come home for over a week. then all of a sudden they showed up....
@beermeplease she's never done this before. Idk what to think of it.
@Pressure if she's got kibble shake the box once in a while and call her name. but do it by your door
That's sad. Leave her food bowl or something she's imprinted on like a blanket or a toy near your door so there's more likelihood for her to smell it
@HijabaDabbaDoo that's a good idea, thanks. It's just so odd how she never came back, usually she hates it out there and can't stand being out for more than 2 seconds.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
I’m so so sorry 🥺
I truly hope she comes back 🤞🏻🙏🏼
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nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Maybe she has had enough of your sister's mood swings. Yesterday, Muhammad ran away as well.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
They do this when they are not feeling safe at home. They are very sensitive.
Selah ·
Oh no. I hope she comes back.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Did she see you nude? Jokes apart, sorry to hear about it. Hope cat comes back soon.
@Donotfolowme several times lmao

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