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I feel that old people should not ignore young people

and only help other old people .

A 13 year old girl posts , I m feeling sad , feeling down and lonely .

There are no comments on her post , no one is really interested in her .

A 30 year old girl posts , I have problem with my lipstick ,

And there are 50 comments on her post with 50 year old men telling her how to change her lipstick , or 60 year old women telling her new lipsticks .

People are more interested if you are 30 year old , 60 year old .

But no one seems to care , or have affection for a 13 year old .

The posts are empty of kids , no one really seems to care for them .

I guess they are ignored more in real life as well , and hence they become suicidaI or self harmers , or become drunkards or smokers .

No one is interested in being nice to kids , it is quite pathetic .
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
True. I can't see minors. I think many of those who can are afraid to even interact with them to be accused of being pedos here.
On the other hand, I believe minors shouldn't be allowed to a site like this and should have other places to seek help at instead.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
I have under 18s blocked because there are accounts posing as kids making inappropriate posts and I don't want that on my feed or my internet history.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I have my settings on to filter out minors 🤷🏻‍♀️

There are a ton of better resources for them than SW though. A lot of the advice I see adults give other adults on this thing is concerning. I personally wouldn’t want them advising even more impressionable kids who don’t have much life experience to discern between healthy advice vs. unhealthy projections
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Back on EP, I responded to minors all the time: questions about school, angst about dating and relationships, problems with parents, whatever.

And when SW started, I was the same way. But then, it seemed that this place became a heck of a lot more sexualized than EP was. Minors ended up segregated from us, in the sense that most chose to not let adults see their activity. And a lot of the posts allegedly by minors are really from pervy adults. Furthermore, some people have posted that no adult here has any legitimate reason to talk to a minor (I disagree, but the assumption seems to be that any adult who does so has pedophile intentions.)

And so, I have become a little gun shy about acting the way I used to, on the rare occasion when I do see a post by a minor. And I am not happy about that.
eMortal · M
@DrWatson This is the best answer.
problem being . this is the internets..
that 13 yr old girl could very possibly be a 40 year old man....
I know some inmates who told me they thought they were talkin to an underage girl when they were actually talking to a female cop. @TheOneyouwerewarnedabout
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Not always the motivation
I am kind to kids in the real world
But here it's a recpie for disaster
They honestly shouldn't even be allowed on here as the sight is okay with nudity and other so called "adult" topics
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Its not that I don't wanna help. I blocked all minors. Most of my post are not safe for kids.
You think the 13 year old is real? LOL
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
@eMortal Can you give the link?
calicuz · 56-60, M
With all the pervs and weirdos on SW, how can we really trust that it's a real 13 yr old doing the posting?
If you try to honestly answer a post like that, the next thing you know you've got pics of underage girls in your inbox.
It's not worth the trouble for some of us. If that teen needs serious help, and their parents aren't there to help, they should go to their school counselor, not SW where smart assess and pervs aboad.
I would be highly concerned if I saw adults replying to an underage member. However, I'll never see it because I'm a responsible human who has them blocked because I have inappropriate material on my profile. I don't even think this is a safe place for children and teens period. This isn't a healthy or wise agenda to be pushing . If you can't see the harm & hazard, you're oblivious to reality.
@SW-User Kids on the internet terrify me, but I'm more terrified by this mentality. It's very peculiar and more so because this is a pinned post.
@MoonlightLullaby yes! I get it, let’s not ignore anyone who’s struggling, as a mom I would not want anyone older than 5-6 years older than my son talking to him online. How is anyone under 18 even allowed on this site??
How is anyone under 18 even allowed on this site??

Considering the offenders that they've caught, you'd think not. Of course, kids/teens will find a way if they choose, but to openly offer an account is unwise. They shouldn't be here, that's for sure....
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I do try to help, I can't help everybody though, reading stuff like that weighs on you after a while.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I sometimes respond to minor's posts, but the simple reality is that I mostly talk to my friends here, and I can't really be friends with someone underage. That's creepy.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
The fact that a lot of the content on here is sexual and yes we have pedo's too, I don't think minors should be allowed on the site, they have plenty of much safer places of their own to go to, nothing against them but yeah, anyone who even says boo to a minor on here quickly gets accused of being a pedo by the Gob brigade. It's not so much that we don't want to be nice to them, it's that rapidly devolves in accusations of being a pedo.
Lostpoet · M
i have younger than 18 blocked. I can't see their posts.
I think we should let people live their own lives and not dictate what others do or choices they make.
Most people block certain age groups outright. Sad to say, but it's a matter of self preservation.
Ontheroad · M
I don't respond to teens and won't. I barely respond to people (especially women) in their 20's and am careful how I respond to women of any age. Seeing men respond to female teenagers sets off all sorts of red flag warnings in my head and I suspect it does for others as well.

IMO no teenager should be on this site.
firefall · 61-69, M
Ill comment on anyones post if I see it. But it's quite erratic what I will/wont see.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Since I have minors blocked, whenever I see one in the threads I know most likely they are not actually a child in need of help, but a troll. Anyone who pretends to be a minor is looking for trouble in one way or another.
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Unquestioned · 70-79, M
People of my age, are scared stiff to communicate with underage people. And with good cause. It's a shame the world has got this way. I have underaged people blocked.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@Unquestioned best comment 👍
PatKirby · M

Same here. These days if you're male, you're already presumed guilty. Better safe than sorry.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Nope a guy can't do that, bad enough just commenting on adults posts.
You know.... we're all perves😏
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Anyone under 18 is blocked from my viewing. I don’t want to communicate in any fashion. I’ve parented my children.

Also, as a male, intended or not, nothing is worth the risk of misinterpretation - ever.
Jessmari · 46-50
I have under 18 blocked. I can understand how that can impact them. Even worse is me attempting to give them useful advice.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Freedom of Association is a good thing on social medi
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
This seems like an odd thing for you to be concerned about.
Maybe the profile shows blocked for others.
Majorsite · 61-69, M
I'm nice to everyone !
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Majorsite · 61-69, M
@swirlie Don't go all creepy on Us now !
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Quimliqer · 70-79, M
And what does this tell you, no one wants to be branded as the pervert?
Even i have anebody under 18 blocked
eMortal · M
Yup. Kids now resort to posting all kind of obnoxious stuff to get some attention and predators love it.
Curiosity13 · 51-55, M
If I saw the teen I'd try to encourage the lipstick one not worthy of reply

**60+ year old men pay attention to a child...**

Sw:-"Hey, look, that guy's a pedo - let's hound him until he changes his username".

**60+ year old men pay attention to a 30 year old**

SW:- Eww!!! Grandpa, go find someone in your own age range!!!

Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Anyone with an ounce of sense will block all minors upon identification.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'm more concerned that you seem to think 30 is old.
It may be partly about age, but I also think it's about the topics. Men will rush to one with an adult woman faster than one from a teenager and of course they want to help a woman with lipstick issues. This site is full of men chasing after women. Lipstick issues are not a real problem and may also be part of why it gets attention. No real thought needed to help compared to a teen posting about home life issues, friend problems, cutting, etc...
I have answered a few teen ones. Then, this site bombards me with them and it gets to be a real downer for me. I can't handle a ton of negatives all day.
RadioDust · 36-40, M
It's a sad world when a woman in her thirties say something stupid, gets more attention due to the simp twat army yet someone could be crying for help and end up dead due to being ignored
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MethDozer · M
That's because most adults know they shouldn't be talking to 13 year olds on the internet.
caccoon · 36-40
What the fuck.
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