Anielka · F
I always wear dresses and skirts with heels, on special occasions when I go out is long evening gowns and long gloves and of course heels.
Lostpoet · M
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Reject · 26-30, M
True. The people with the more boring clothes were always the most interesting to me. They could say things of substance that made me think. The louder and more flashy someone’s style is, the more boring their personality. There’s always exceptions of course, but that’s my usual experience.
Reject · 26-30, M
@WhateverWorks Egotism, or just caring too much about appearances. So much so you forget about character. Wherever your attention goes obviously means other things won’t have it.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Reject I don’t mind if they care about their appearances if those appearances align with what brings them joy/meaning. 🤔 Of course, it’s none of my business whether their appearance aligns with their core values anyway, but I noticed people who have to put a lot of effort into appearances that contradict their values are pretty unhappy. I mostly don’t hit it off well with people who have superiority complexes and groupies 😅 Granted, I’ve met plenty of people who dressed simply, and still had superiority complexes along with groupies 😆 it’s a roll of the dice lol
Reject · 26-30, M
@WhateverWorks Typically though, people try to be things with their appearance. That’s why so many can obsesses over it. You’re expressing something that you admire, but they spent so much time emulating instead of becoming. All this to the extent when I actually talk to them, I find out they’re nothing like what their looks suggest. So when I see someone who does little to nothing with their looks. They’re even somewhat unkempt. They’re rarely trying to be something. They’ve settled into whatever they are.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
Whether we plan it or not ✌️
in10RjFox · M
True and that of your Tailor

I wear pj bottoms and t-shirts.
What does that say about me?
What does that say about me?
Steve42 · 56-60, M

WhateverWorks · 36-40
Some of the time. Sometimes it’s more a reflection of your environment/circumstances, priorities, and/or goals.
DisturbOne · 41-45, M
Hmmm interesting, enlighten me,tell me more on this theory
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
It is for sure. But are my shorts and T-shirt really “style.”
Goodluckwiththat · 56-60, M
No, my personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are
Convivial · 26-30, F
And style is timeless whereas fashion .....
666Maggotz · F
That’s why I have like 5 different aesthetics 💀
Strongtea · 22-25, M
This is so true!
justlooking2023 · 56-60, M
Does that count with aprons?
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Jeans and sweatshirt.
Iwillwait · M
Oh no, I'm blue!
popmol · 26-30, M
aloof simple?
Rambler · 61-69, M
MrGomco · 36-40, M
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Only to the degree you are an independent thinker or a follower, imho. I remember in high school the boy who lived across he street who was two years ahead of me, far more mature and confident than I, was one of the first to wear cashmere short sleeve sweater shirts when they first came out for men. He caught all sorts of flack about being a homo -- long before gay became a term -- and brushed it off by saying "wait a couple of weeks and you all will be wearing them". Well, I never did, but he was largely correct and as soon as it became the in thing to do he stopped wearing his.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M

I like dressing in dark clothing and try to blend in the crowd.
Barebum61 · 61-69, M
Black is my color
Jexie · 26-30, F
I agree