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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump

This was a deliberate attempt at killing Donald Trump. Americans should rejoice that he has lived to see another day. He is a man who is sacrificing his time, his reputation, his freedom, and now possibly his life to save America. How could you view the footage of this attempted assassination and not feel empathy for him, and be glad that he, by some miracle, survived?

Where does the alleged assassin come from? Why did he try to murder Trump?
It looks like it was a deliberate attempt to kill Donald Trump. Nothing is definitive yet. His motives for running for President can only be speculated, only he knows the real reasons. Selfless sacrifice is not exactly prominent on his resume. As for saving America, what is the measure for that? When is it saved and from what?

That aside, whilst I'm not a fan of Donald Trump I do not wish for him to be shot and I think that this event makes nothing better, rather it makes a lot of things worse.
Like2play · M
@emiliya how?
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Like2play How what?
beaglehunter · 70-79, M
@Like2play define an assault rifle.guns dont kill people. why not ban cars.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Donald Trump has never done anything good for anyone...The ONLY things he does are for his benefit and his personal gain!!!!!!!
sree251 · 41-45, M
That is the cosmic formula throughout the universe.

How come I don't feel that way?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
How come I don't feel that way?
You are not part of the real universe.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
If Trump will come in power definitely he will stop supplying weapons, money and other facilities for Ukraine, plus Israel hamas war will lead to stop soon..
Since biden came he did dirty politics no doubts, there is no Peace in world...
Bangladesh minorities killed raped, looted and temples destroyed which given birth to Bangladesh crises...
Britain is burning, france already got burnt...

Wars situation is everywhere....there is no peace!
sree251 · 41-45, M
Okay, whatever. You obviously want to cling to the lie that Trump will save the world. I'm done with you.

I did not say that Trump will save the world. I said that he will come up with his own moves to end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. He may or may not succeed. Why do you keep making assumptions?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@sree251 That was sarcasm. I'm known for it around here. But it tends to go over the head of the deeply stuріԁ, so I'm thinking of labeling it as such when I use it.
sree251 · 41-45, M
That was sarcasm. I'm known for it around here. But it tends to go over the head of the deeply stuріԁ, so I'm thinking of labeling it as such when I use it.

I am neither familiar with nor part of the the culture here. I just waltz in to shoot the bull. You are ok, better than most, and worth talking to for whatever it's worth.
TexChik · F
It was from the top. All other efforts made in the attempt to destroy Trump politically have failed, so now they have turned to violence.
TexChik · F
@emiliya He is going to be portrayed as one with the most corrupt administration in our history in power.
TexChik · F
@emiliya That point has been made by experts all over the world.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@emiliya 'cept it wasn't a long distance shot; was only 158 yards from the firing position to the podium

even an amateur marksman could've made that shot with a 10/22 using a cheapo walmart optic

that "gunman" had very little to no firearm discipline & experience
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
tRUMP is not unlike any other evil dictator or dictator wannabe. If he were assassinated it would be because of the hate, racism, crimes, treasons, and traitorous actions he continues to spawn day in and day out.

If he were assassinated it would be no different than if Putin, KJU, or MBS were assassinated. He belongs in prison if only for January 6 and his theft of national security secrets including information on our nuclear weapons.. That should have earned him the same fate as the Rosenbergs.
DocSavage · M
Sympathy doesn’t make him a better person. The same reasons why we vote against him didn’t disappear because someone took a shot at him.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@DocSavage Trump is also running for president. You may not be aware, but running for president means there is a chance he could be voted in. This is how elections work. It appears that he is still very popular with Republicans and some independents. What are you going to do if he wins in November?
DocSavage · M
Trump just put up “Trump Assassination attempt “ shoes. High top basketball shoes with the fist pump picture. $299 a pair.
If he wins the election, we’re all doomed.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@DocSavage Trump is strong. He had a bad experience, which he survived, and now he is selling these incredible shoes. These shoes could not be more American. What are you complaining about?

He is very entertaining. Who would you talk about without him?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
He came from the area in Pennsylvania around where the hate rally was taking place, was a registered Republican, and was reported by a classmate that he was bullied in high school for the way he looked and dressed. He was 20-years-old.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
He was a nobody apparently.A 20 year old lefty.A useless shot too and he picked the wrong gun.You would think any potential sniper would pick a sniper rifle and then practice so they can hit what they are aiming at.A decent shot can hit their target with the first round at 1000 yards.This useless nobody missed at 200 yards and then was shot dead.As for why he tried to assassinate a former President and current Presidential candidate,who knows what goes on in the minds of the mentally unstable.Maybe a phycologist can provide that answer.Probably blame it on a bad childhood.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@ElwoodBlues I just read that he wanted to be a member of a gun club but was refused as he was a lousy Apparently he was bullied at school.So here comes the bad childhood excuse.
@tallpowerhouseblonde Republican on Republican violence. Surely we can find a way to blame Democrats, right?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@ElwoodBlues It reminds me how the maga-Republicans accuse Democrats of being pedophiles and then... Matt Gaetz, Jeffrey Epstein + Insurrectionist Cry-Baby-trump dancing together, Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump and the comments he made about his daughter when she was under age, and Mike Johnson who requires his 17-year-old son to monitor his Internet viewing.
Confined · 56-60, M
The shooter had a van full of high grade military explosives. You dont go to walmart and buy them.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Confined A serious assassin would have used a RShG-1 in that situation.

"The RShG-1 is very similar in operation to the RPG-27. It has a lethal radius of 10 metres (33 ft) and a larger sighting range of 600 metres (2,000 ft). The warhead contains 1.9 kilograms (4.2 lb) of thermobaric mixture, with an explosive yield roughly equal to that of 8 kilograms (18 lb) of TNT."
masterofyou · 70-79, M
I hope it won't be necessary for anyone to be assassinated
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Some people don't see it with irrational consciousness.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
You know, I can't tell if this is satire or not.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@badminton Why would it be satire?
Americans should rejoice that he has lived to see another day.

basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Da, tovarisch.
I mean...yes of course.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Oh, please. That was a publicity stunt if I ever saw one.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LordShadowfire Do you mean a publicity stunt? They are milking every drop out of it right now at the RNC.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@sree251 Yeah. Unfortunately, apparently my phone chose to once again mistype what I dictated to it.
swirlie · 31-35, F
There are way too many thing going on in that video as it was happening that clearly shows that some form of staged theatrics is at play here. Even Physicians who commented on the event made reference to the color of Trump's apparent blood color as being "too red to actually be blood".

..and as Trump was being shot, you can see people standing directly behind him who never even flinched a muscle, but continued to video him on their cellphone as it was happening, as if they knew the whole thing presented no real danger to anyone, including themselves.

Review the video footage and see for yourself. Yes, one man is dead and two others injured, but the projectile that hit Trump's ear was not fired from an AR-15 assault rifle which is what the gunman on the rooftop was using.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@beaglehunter She must be trolling with a comment like this:

Even Physicians who commented on the event made reference to the color of Trump's apparent blood color as being "too red to actually be blood."

Who would have thought that fresh, oxygenated blood from a flesh wound would be bright red?
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swirlie · 31-35, F
It didn't happen. It was fake news. It was a hoax perpetrated by the Russians. Don't worry, be happy.
@emiliya wonders
What do you believe?
The sensible thing to do is to consider several possibilities and withhold final judgement until all the facts are in. Forming a final belief this early in the process is about the least sensible thing to do.

BTW, how did Comrade Putin's pizda taste today, tovarisch?
emiliya · 22-25, F
@ElwoodBlues Did you adopt this approach after Jan. 6? Do you consider all the possibilities in other matters?

Что касается вашего другого коммента, ты очень странный тип.
@emiliya I adopted that approach when I majored in physics decades ago.
swirlie · 31-35, F
I did view the video footage and I'm still convinced that it was a staged event by the Republican Party.
@emiliya Where's the blood and body following the "bullet" after it "hit" his ear?
Why didn't the authorities engage the "shooter" once spotted, why did the secret service let Trump keep speaking, why didn't they instantly surround and dogpile on top of him on the ground as shields, as they're trained to, and so many other things. It's too coincidental that a so called attempt was carried out so shortly after the immunity ruling when the left was demanding his elimination "at all costs", this was an opportunity in the making.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@NativePortlander1970 Did we watch the same scene? Blood can be seen after the bullet wounds his ear. Secret Service did instantly surround him, and he did not keep speaking. He said some words to the agents. How else is he supposed to communicate with them? They said the shooter was dead, and Trump proceeded to get out of there. He had a short display of defiance, but this is what we can expect from Trump. If he had not behaved in this manner, it would be more, not less, suspicious.

"It's too coincidental that a so called attempt was carried out so shortly after the immunity ruling when the left was demanding his elimination "at all costs", this was an opportunity in the making."

This is speculation, and it isn't very compelling.
@emiliya So then, WHERE is the blood trail and body pieces that NORMALLY follows a bullet, hmmm? NONE IS SEEN.
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