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Brussel sprouts are definitely worth the time

In a year of drought that saw most of my vegetable garden struggle to produce anything, my brussel sprouts still produced in spades.
First time growing them, they'll be a staple from now on.
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@MoonlightLullaby That’s ok… a joke every once in a while is good.
@soar2newhighs Agreed. My humor just falls flat....😏
@MoonlightLullaby It’s all good!
@SW-User Thanks. I take them, half them then marinate them. I use balsamic vinegar , a touch of sugar, very thinly sliced garlic, a splash of olive oil and some salt and pepper. Put in a plastic bag , zip
It and toss them. I let it sit out until I’m ready to put them in the oven and then in a pre heated 375F oven, cut side down on a piece of foil, bake them for 46 minutes.
@soar2newhighs thank you!! 👍
@SW-User salads are good
And use oil and vinegar.
@soar2newhighs I love salads and I have began using oil and vinegar!! Much tastier!!
Rhonda · F
I had no luck with them as the birds and insects ate them. Trying parsnips over the winter now. So far I've had about 6 with multi legs/stems but they tasted good.
Penny · 46-50, F
i like brussels sprouts steamed and just plain with salt n pepper. nice job!
I like them oven roasted with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. So that that are crispy
I love them, I need to try and grow some.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
They are pretty good wrapped in bacon.
Awesome! That is great to know, I never grew them.
We really do love them :D
sally1981 · 41-45, F
I like Brussel Sprouts, you had a great crop, well done.
The one thing that's always failed for me. Think it's my soil. I don't know. Unfortunately
Yum. I could eat them a couple times a week.😋
Eyeinthesky · 56-60, F
They look healthy and wholesome!
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Yes, they are. I love them.
They look lovely.
looking pretty good 👍
Lilymoon · F
They look good. 😋
Ferric67 · M
Best thing about Brussels sprouts, they come bite sized
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@robingoodfellow] 😄 i think this plant is winding you up in a couple of ways
SpaceJesus · 41-45
I never got over the taste haha
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@SpaceJesus You'll eat mine. I wrap them in bacon.
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@Fungirlmmm I was just saying to someone the other day that I would give them a second chance if they had bacon wrapped around them hahaha!
@Fungirlmmm that works for me 😃
meggie · F
You can make bubble and squeak with the leftovers
Sprouts are a fart wrapped in leaves.
if you're in an area where you can grow okra, and you cut off the okra pods every day when they're producing, you will have tons of okra
MethDozer · M
Brussel's Sprouts is Flemmish for fail cabbage.
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MethDozer · M
@bijouxbroussard they are cabbages. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, and more are all the exact same species. Just diferent mutations.
@MethDozer Of course.

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