I think the ptsd is getting worse again. It was supposed to get better with time.But no. The nightmares are back. The sudden palpitations are back. The flashbacks have returned. It's not safe in my head. I am emotionally heightened and exhausted at the same time. The tiniest of things are triggering my anger and the weeping... See More »
how do you handle noise? i can't stand iti live in a reletively quiet apartment block, but outside in my surrounding area it does get noisy at times - people revving their cars and speeding out of the street, workmen drilling and banging....young mothers screaming and talking noisily so... See More »
how can i overcome being 'unsure' of myself in public placesi have ptsd i try to deal with and often in public i'm a nervous wreck....i can get easily startled & panicked and i also become 'unsure' of myself, doubt myself and feel disorientated? this is very embarrassing for me, frustrating too and it makes... See More »
do you think having ptsd makes you weak, inferior & ridiculousi deal with ptsd , or try to deal with ptsd because of trauma from my past long ago, i was assailed quite a few times because i used to have trouble controlling anger outbursts in public places, i lived in rough areas at the time and was violently... See More »
afraid to go outi have severe anxiety disorders related to ptsd and i have to go out shortly to do grocery shopping and i have fear of going outside...the what ifs start happening like, what if someone embarrasses me...what if someone dubious approaches me.....what... See More »
My plan to escape from my PTSD and I need feedback.I'm inspired from the notes I got fom posting about my struggle with PTSD. I'm seeking a way to rebuild my life from my PTSD and setting up a plan on how to move forward. Here is my plan to rebuild my life after my trauma: I must move forward with... See More »
I need help coping with PTSDI need help coping with PTSD. If anybody is reading this, please give me advice. I have nausea related to the PTSD I got from being robbed. There are no real resources which can help me. I am afraid to seek counseling. Some counselors and... See More »
I had an episode today.It's getting to be that time of the month where my PTSD gets worse because hormones changes and imbalances (I'm a woman). Unfortunately, my mother completely triggered an episode today. I felt it coming for two days already and the only thing that... See More »