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BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
I have both aswell as avoidant personality disorder and mixed personality disorder.
Therapy has helped me a lot. I still have really bad days, but when it gets too bad I know it's better to reach out and ask for professional help than to do something permanent.
Therapy gave me all the tools I need to help myself.
Therapy has helped me a lot. I still have really bad days, but when it gets too bad I know it's better to reach out and ask for professional help than to do something permanent.
Therapy gave me all the tools I need to help myself.
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
I take meds for stress and anxiety.
My family say that they saw a difference in me after I started taking them. Seven years already
My family say that they saw a difference in me after I started taking them. Seven years already
graphite · 61-69, M
I have both, big time. Get therapy, try relaxing exercises, and above all, pray. Hang in there. There's also some medications available but they don't seem to work on me.
PhoenixPhail · M
@SWUser193 You don't have to be religious to pray. You may want to try meditation. Many people, including myself, find it very beneficial.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SWUser193🤔i havew been on anti depressant medication [sertraline] since my dads death ten years ago and with stress off work
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
PTSD here. Majority of the days, I can manage. But sometimes I really can't when there's an episode coming on. It's a lifelong battle I'm sure, but so far medication (in my case, a THC type that's legal here) helps a ton when it kicks in. Although, I've been prescribed controlled drugs to deal with it before. That helped for a while, but I never got into a routine of taking it daily... partially because I'm cautious of psychiatric medicine. I used to take stimulants for ADD (Focalin XD) for 10 to 11 years that progressively got worse due to the side effects and gradually needing a higher dosage. So, I learned to cope with ADD (I'll use coffee if I really need to get focused) and self medicate when I absolutely have to stop an episode.
But also too, I love being outdoors and the sunshine really helps to lift my mood if I'm feeling low. I'll force myself to do things I know I enjoy since depression or depressive episodes tend to make you bed rot. Regardless of the rest of the day, when I force myself to go outdoors (even if it's just 30 mins) I feel accomplished, refreshed and unbothered. So it just depends on the severity. I also have my faith that helps when I read scripture to combat the dark thoughts that pop up. So those things work for me...I also really need to get back into working out. Exercise affects the mood a ton, although it's not a cure all. You'll still have bad days from time to time. Just...never give up.
But also too, I love being outdoors and the sunshine really helps to lift my mood if I'm feeling low. I'll force myself to do things I know I enjoy since depression or depressive episodes tend to make you bed rot. Regardless of the rest of the day, when I force myself to go outdoors (even if it's just 30 mins) I feel accomplished, refreshed and unbothered. So it just depends on the severity. I also have my faith that helps when I read scripture to combat the dark thoughts that pop up. So those things work for me...I also really need to get back into working out. Exercise affects the mood a ton, although it's not a cure all. You'll still have bad days from time to time. Just...never give up.
Justafantasy · M
Physical activity helps my depression.
James25 · 61-69, M
@Justafantasy yes physical activity.
PhoenixPhail · M
I'm inclined to ask, Is anyone here NOT diagnosed with depression and/or anxiety? I see so much of that here.
I've had my share of both. Doing better with it these days, though. Just surrendering to life's conditions and circumstances has had a lot to do with that.
I hope you're doing well.
I've had my share of both. Doing better with it these days, though. Just surrendering to life's conditions and circumstances has had a lot to do with that.
I hope you're doing well.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
Both. I haven't overcome them. But I am holding up. Sometimes things can seem not to get better, and it can seem like that for a long time.
MelancholicFeelings · 26-30, F
Exercise, healthy food, hobbies and being around family and friends.
GoldenOldie · 31-35, M
I am - want to go for therapy, but haven't worked up to it yet - am going to go though as it sort of helped ages back. My username is me and yes it sucks! But I keep fighting my battles each day - time kinda helped me outlast a lot of my demons; sometimes they come back, but I keep my mind occupied and my time busy as much as I can and that helps. Limiting internet + social media and cutting out toxic people helps ❤
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
just anxiety and it's very tricky to deal with, suffered with it for decades now.
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
To move on is something hard for people with depression and to look ahead is a challenge. I started with small moves but they are equally important. Most of all God is bigger than depression but we need to keep moving count each day and waste none. Depression clouds reality but it is important to face it.
notingtodo · 26-30, M
Have not been professional diagnosed with it 😂 but i know i have both of those
Skippyskiptic · 41-45, M
Yes! Both depression and anxiety. Wellbutrin helps a lot.
James25 · 61-69, M
Therapy medication physical activity mental activity
I just try to stay out of my head and be present.
bijouxbroussard · F
I took some antidepressants and with regular counseling, I was able to cope.
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