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Im so depressed

My body feels like my bones are made of cement. I have no appetite and i feel tired. My head keeps spinning so im trying to silence it. Sometimes i dont even have a reason for it. Its just the way it is
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
Do you do any crafts like drawing, painting, knitting or sewing?. These are very soothing I find and rewarding when you finish making something. What you make doesn't have to be perfect I'm not an expert at any of the above. I just do them to help with my anxiety and depression.
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@DarkSideoftheMoon If you like to sew have a look at slow stitching. You do it by hand and the whole purpose is just to sit and stitch. You don't even need to make something particular.
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@RubiesandButterflies ill youtube that. Would make for fun and cheap xmas gifts
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@DarkSideoftheMoon yes I made a needle case to put my sewing needles in.
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DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@jshm2 i am anemic. I was on a high dose of iron tablets while pregnant and i was pretty surprised i didnt have crippling postpartum depression since i suffer with depression regularly. I was very emotional but not as bad as i was expecting. I do and always have taken a multivitamin with calcium and i eat lots of cheese and milk so maybe its more of the iron i need, ill definitely try to eat more reds. Thanks
Sorry to hear that. If it's of any consequence, you can be certain you're hardly alone with this. It's been hitting me pretty hard, too. There's a heaviness I just can't seem to shake, no matter what I do.
Josh1454 · M
The only thing that pulls me out of my depression for even a little bit is my hobby.
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@Josh1454 true. I loved running, cooking and cleaning. Thar always makes me frel better. And talking to people online
Greyjedi · M
Have you heard of Better Help?
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@Greyjedi no ill google it
Greyjedi · M
@DarkSideoftheMoon have you heard of modern alchemy and white magic? White magic is designed to help people feel better and feel they can become more whole. If you were interested in white magic i’d start with LBRP and rose cross.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Are you taking anything for depression or do you have other methods by which to deal with it?
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@SW-User i was on zoloft but i stopped taking it. Now i just try and recognise that when i am depressed and soothe it by means of talking to random strangers online and hope they dont troll me or be asses, i try meditation or just being mindful. Focus my mind of nothing and silence for as long as possible or clean the house. Cleaning is soothing to me.

I loved running. That was my favourite but i cant do that for a while. Looking forward to running again though. It was nice.
@DarkSideoftheMoon I never had the self control to find healthy methods to deal with depression. For me it was either medication or self destruction. The medication does work for me for the most part so I'll take it.
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@SW-User im glad you found a means to survive depression. I try and suppress it but its always there. Its a mind fuck, really.
DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@V00doo i think its the birth control
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DarkSideoftheMoon · 31-35, F
@Darksideinthenight2 i dont think thats allowed
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