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Is there anyone here who managed to

Turn their life after years of crippling depression? And feel happy and achieve success.. how did you do that
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M Best Comment
I'll be honest, just keep running with your head down and never stop. You'll achieve great things. Then, one day, you'll look back and go "Holy f**k, I could have thrown all of this away!"
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@uncalled4 this is pure gold ❤️
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Iamtransformingmylife Thanks. I speak from experience, fwiw.

Casheyane · 31-35, F
One step at a time. Grief and anger and trying to please people drained me for years. It actually helped that I got a break from physical and mental and emotional exhaustion with the new wfh set up. So I stayed away from those that drained me. I tried out new things. I rested.

You won't be sad forever. But to get over that, changes have to be made. I don't thing you can heal in the same set up that makes you depressed. Either change it or change you.
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Years of trying different meds until I found the right combo nation. Plus education. Learning about my illness trying and experimenting with different therapies until I became an expert on me.
it still comes and goes try this also. and there is more on my white page for ya and early post..

start with mindfullness the last one
@Iamtransformingmylife it will not happen in a day . you will be working on this sorry to say maybe the rest of your lifetime. i am 65 and still working on this. lots of self help on youtube and i like ted talks.. any thing more just ask . i will try to help.. mark
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@markansas when did you first experience this ? Depression anxiety?
@Iamtransformingmylife very early in life the teens.. and maybe before .. find someone where you are and learn to share and talk to them.. it helps to let it out.. here i am not so sure is a safe place to vent.. some here are good and some not so much.. i will listen any time you need even tho i might not be able to help.. i will listen.. mark
Scarfface · 46-50, M
I'm mostly at ease with my depression these days but I still have bad days. I've just come to the conclusion that it's just how I am.
i was going to message you this and i could not .. your setting i guess . its just a little thing i learned .
the depression might seem bad at times. and it will hurt.. just stay firm . and it too will pass and better days will be there. just know which day is bad and know in your heart it will get better over time. you need to study your thoughts and feeling . and learn to control them. i just wish you the best. mark
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@markansas I am trying for the same but its like making a pyramid out of cards . Things fell much quickly than it is made up and all I am left is to stare at the fallen cards and then start again . But I do understand you ❤️ . thanks
I've been working on it for a long time.
I'm not there yet, though.
spencer6 · 22-25, F
I was in a pretty deep hole from like 13-15. It sound basic but the quote that you can always kys later if something goes wrong but try again now really helped me. I had to repeat a class and saw it as new start, I dressed up and tried my best to socialise and find new friends and I found them. I also started to tell myself nice things, to stop myself when I caught myself thinking negative stuff and tell myself nice stuff instead.

For example:
=drops something=
Ugh, I’m so stupid!
No no, this was an accident and you’re not stupid. Everyone makes mistakes and that’s okay, it’s just a plate. Calm down. You’re not a bad human.

Wish you the best <3
Amakusa · 31-35, M
Define success.
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@WaryWitchWandering truee but I remember a time where I had a healthy balance of sense of achievement and regrets . Now everything I do , I just regret
Amakusa · 31-35, M
@Iamtransformingmylife Understanding, patience and forgiveness. And having a sense of humor doesn't hurt.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@Amakusa truth
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Mine always creeps back in… but its worth sticking through it for me right now
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Cut out some toxic people in my life, went on psych medication, got a new job.
Tits and beer.
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@DazzaTheHutt I am not fond of either .
Iamtransformingmylife · 22-25, F
@DazzaTheHutt it sure is

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