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I Battle Depression

Just quite recently, suicidal thoughts have been bothering me more often. It just comes into my mind randomly. My thoughts are like: what am I gonna do to kill myself? Will I overdose, slit my wrist, shoot myself, or jump over the bridge? It's ridiculous, I know. But it just really comes up my mind randomly.

I don't tell this to anyone I know cuz I don't think they will understand. They'll just think I'm overdramatic and will tell me to just get over it. Well, if I could, I already have.

I'm not sure what I need right now. I just posted this so I can let some thoughts off of my mind.
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lakergoy · 36-40, M
?!?!? dont go through with it.... It will only bring heartache to those who love you. And im hoping that by random thoughts you mean you are not thinking about it often. Have you had a recent tramua or death of a loved one? Many times those kinds of experiences can cause deep depression or feelings of hopelessness. Don't give in to the sadness. Its ok to cry and get it all out but you have to keep going on. You only get your one life to live, so treasure it and wait for better days
Neiromatheous · 31-35, M
Similar thoughts come to my mind as well, for me I came to realize it isn't depression but a lot of stress. Killing myself is easier than dealing with it. For you, I cannot say but talking about it can help you better understand it.
LittleLamp · 26-30, F
@Neiromatheous hmm I think stress is not the reason for these thoughts. I feel like I have no purpose and I won't ever do good in life. And like there's no future for me and my life has no point at all so might as well end it now.
Neiromatheous · 31-35, M
@LittleLamp Your purpose is whatever you desire it to be, despite what the religions of the world says to us. We aren't born with some master design that will dictate our lives to us and give us purpose. We have to create our own purpose out of what we are passionate about. It is up to you to decide what that will be and no matter what you decide it will not be pointless, as long as it means something to you.
LoverGirl · 36-40, F
It sounds to me like you need a good friend to talk to that you can trust. Or, if you're up to it, maybe seek some professional help.
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pearllederman · 61-69, F
sometimes when you try stuff you could make your life worse just for trying, ive heard of people shooting themselves in the head and ending up blind, maybe you should get some help instead
FearfulHarmony49 · 22-25, T
If you shoot yourself in the head, use a shotgun. It should be better at making sure you don't survive with brain damage. Probably not the type of comment you were expecting, but you can't pretend it isn't helpful.
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@FearfulHarmony49 dont tell her to use a shotgun, thats so wrong, its like youre encouraging her to kill herself
FearfulHarmony49 · 22-25, T
@pearllederman Not really?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@FearfulHarmony49 Yes, really. If I find out LittleLamp has done that I will hold you responsible. Just watch what you are saying on this type of post.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
ive been feeling that way too im just not happy life is bullshit
LittleLamp · 26-30, F
@coolboy86 stalking me?
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
LittleLamp · 26-30, F
Hahaha nothing. This was posted 3 days ago tho.

Oh well life sucks but I'm too afraid to actually kill myself.

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