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i get asked if im autistic.. probably more often than the average person

it's super misunderstood and underdiagnosed in women because it shows differently than it does in men, including that women are better at masking. but ive been diagnosed with adhd, depression, and anxiety in the past, which all sort of go hand-in-hand with autism. when talking to someone about my unbearable shyness and how hard it is for me to talk to people, they said they think i have autism. i said, well i just have really bad anxiety. and they brought up that i may be anxious because of the autism, bc for women it's more socially acceptable to be shy. so their difficulties in social settings usually manifests into anxiety and depression and mental exhaustion.

it would also explain why i get over stimulated in scenarios where most people dont. and then my hyper-empathy and chronic people-pleasing which has pretty consistently got me in bad relationships/friendships. which autistic people can be more vulnerable to abuse. not that i have been abused. but i have been in really bad relationships

something else ive learned is women with autism are more likely to develop eating disorders. and i haven't shared that part of my life here before, but i used to be dangerously underweight lol and i still struggle

not here to self diagnose but i acknowledge the pattern is there. maybe when i have more money.. and insurance.. i'll see about an actual diagnoses. because it would be nice to know if there's a reason i am the way i am

the thought of being possibly autistic has made me wildly uncomfortable for many years and i felt embarrassed by it. even though i don't care whatsoever if other people are autistic. i, in fact, get along significantly better with other neurodivergent people. and, honestly, i still dont really love the label. but i am opening up to the possibility more
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Self diagnoses are valid, too... especially when you're working with rare and hard to diagnose medical conditions.

Look at my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I'm the only one who sees it for what it is. My medical team are running me around trying to diagnose all the symptoms with any condition that loosely fits the symptoms that I have rather than taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

For me, that helps because I have a name that I can give when asked about my health conditions that I feel best fits the full package of symptoms that my sister and I have.

Autism is another one that I'm often diagnosed with... and I have self diagnosed it, too. I have a family link of that, through three generations of my father's side of the family (I am second generation).
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
So the reason why the label is there is because once you can grasp it, you can start understanding what will help you get through life a little easier. It also means that if you can covet people who are absolutely cool with neurodivergence you can stop masking which is so exhausting and miserable. I'm not autistic but I have a lot of autistic friends, many of which are women or nonbinary.
Frostcloud · F
@CountScrofula you are absolutely right 🙏 and ive always been able to acknowledge that for other people but i was busy being a silly goose and thinking it didn't apply to me. but it does and there's nothing wrong with a label and it's a really good way to understand myself better
being · 36-40, F
I've never been diagnosed but I'm sure there's something about me there. I know how I can focus with ease in some detail that others just don't and stay there for hours. I know how I am awkward around people, but the odd kind. I have something from Aurora I feel, the singer if you know her. It's subtle but it's there.
Everything is telling me that i am, but i'm going to continue saying i have really bad anxiety.

I don't trust people with that information.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
I have some traits of that but not fully autistic.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
dude, atleast you get asked. Some folks just judge
Frostcloud · F
@nobodyishome lol i get that too for sure. a lot of people get really annoyed with me for being shy or awkward 😶 the person i mentioned in my post had brought the subject up more than once because i was getting hated on real bad at work

i'm probably more likely to be asked because my besties are usually neurodivergent. except for when neurodivergent strangers ask. but its never from a place of judgment from them
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Frostcloud yea, I got fired because I wasn't 'social' at work, or 'desperate' to show off my work. You are fine, okay?

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