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Are you a morning person?

My bed becomes a magnet when the alarm goes off, and I have to get up to make my own tea. ☹️
I’m not. I can only be productive after 930am. I schedule my activities knowing when my productive (mind and body) time is.
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@CookieCrumbs Good idea!
WillaKissing · 56-60
I am up and ready for the day but let me make and have a cup of coffee before asking me any questions.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Must be harder still when it's still dark and cold lol
No, I wish my day could start a noon everyday.
Ducky · 31-35, F
I am! I wake up way early, around 3 or 4. Gives me my much-needed me time, and to exercise.
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@Ducky OMG!!!!!!
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Oh wow! I envy you. I wish I can do the same.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@mindstruggle it takes some training, but at the same time, it’s not hard
exexec · 61-69, C
I am, but my wife is not. This morning when I try to wake her, I expect her to say, "Come back in 30 minutes."
I wonder who are more "morning people", coffee or tea lovers... 🤔
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@SW-User Good question! I bet it's the coffee ones..
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
Yes I struggle with sleep but no matter what I always wake up early
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
I'm not a morning person. I do my best work and thinking at night.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
I'm up almost every day at around 6:15
Jemimapuddleduck · 31-35, F
@NCCindy Gasp! I worship the ground you walk on!!!!
Rumboltz · 41-45, M
I have insomnia. I always am a morning person.
I have to be a morning person. To much to do
Yes. Wake the sun
..tell it that I've begun
to dream of things
of things to come..
Elessar · 26-30, M
I hate waking up to go to work.

I've no problem waking up even before the dawn to go fishing, to have a swim or to ride my bike.

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