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I’m tired of feeling like I’m not enough

Every relationship that I’ve attempted has ended the same way and I’m beginning to think it’s my fault. They all ghosted me. I’m not going to be the one who constantly tries to start a conversation for it to end within 10 seconds. I am not a talkative person and half the time I have to force myself to be sociable. I suck at texting and talking over the phone. I don’t think I’m good at holding conversations. I like to stay home and watch tv and play video games. I like to eat and go places as long as it’s not a bar or a club. I’m not exactly a fun or adventurous person. I’m boring. I need to learn to accept that.
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Carissimi · F
It’s not a relationship if it lasts 10-seconds. You are most likely starting a conversation with bots, scammers, and the inauthentic. Just be yourself. Don’t even try to be sociable, if that’s not your thing. Do what you like to do, and let the chips fall where they fall.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I know exactly what you mean. I’m much the same way, and every relationship I’ve had ended in disaster until I met my current GF. Before I met her though, I took 6 years off from dating to analyze myself and my wants, and prayed to the universe to deliver what I wanted when the time was right. I’ve now been with my GF for over 7 years and I fully expect this one will last. It wasn’t easy though…I had a ton of faults to work out, I was super lucky to have a woman willing to be patient with me and slowly show me how to be a better person.

Just don’t give up, and be certain of yourself and what it is you want in a relationship. There’s at least one person out there that you’ll click with on all the important levels 🙂
Punches · 46-50, F
After about age 21 or 22 it does become a lot harder to make friends. It isn't like school when our friends were our top priority.

Several theories and reasons.
Like when people leave the party scene and become "boring".
Or people get into a relationship and are domesticated into non-existence.
Maybe their job is stressful and people just want to relax and hide after work.

It is discouraging though when people seem to want to make friends but then you never hear from them.
These days when someone is like, "We ought to get together..." I think, "Yeah I have never heard that before."

Ain't even worth a second though.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
How many of those relationships were real world things as compared to online silliness
LireaSemaji · 26-30, F
@Amylynne they were real world. Not online.
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Amylynne · 26-30, F
@LireaSemaji I’m so sorry they were rude to you. Ghosting, is one of the
Goodbye does not need to be angry, it can be sweet. Because everything is temporary. I hope you find someone who treats you well
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Maybe you've been aligning with the wrong people. Perhaps you need to find people with similar interests and personalities. Conversely, people who are poles apart emotionally can often find instant attraction. There are no hard and fast rules. Go onbelieving in yourself and stay positive. Positivity is an attractive trait.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
This very well may just be a case of the people you are around and your social circumstances.

Everyone can be fascinating to another person. I know some people who never have too much to say who have loved ones and friends and a social life. Regardless I am sorry because that feeling of not being interesting or wanted is brutal :(
Noworries72 · 51-55, M
Perhaps you’re just sensible.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
like to stay home and watch tv and play video games. I like to eat and go places as long as it’s not a bar or a club.

I have this theory that if you put that in a dating profile, you’d get a lot of replies. Only you would know though if you’d actually be into the kind of people who would find that lifestyle appealing.
Wiseacre · F
U have to learn to like ur own company or no one else will...and it’s possible to become more interesting. Read some books and talk about ur interests.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
That doesn’t sound boring.. 🤔 boring would be like.. idk you have nothing your passionate about.. no favorite things of interest to discuss or explore.. but you sound like you like video games, so that’s definitely full of topics… another boring trait would be that you never joke and always take things too seriously..

I’d say that unless your a mindless zombie who plays games but couldn’t even hope to talk about them.. and that you can’t even joke around and enjoy yourself around the person you’re interested in… Then yes you’re boring.. if that’s not the case then it might be that you’re running into flaky types who they themselves are actually the boring ones..
Domking · 61-69, M
Don't you beat yourself up with that whip of self-pity.
Being quiet, or reserve or an introvert is neither a crime nor a sin.
Cheer up, be happy to be you and enjoy life. 💜❤️
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
At least you’re cute. Perhaps here, of all places, you can find a little more about yourself and expand your horizons. You’re not boring, your just probably bored, if that makes sense
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Ugh sammmeeee. But what I understand now is, it's just a streak of bad luck with poor quality men.
We're fine. Why can't they make an effort too? They're the ones in the wrong. Not you bb
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Maybe look for a different type of person
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Lostpoet · M
That doesn't make you boring
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Nebula · 41-45, F
Be thankful that it ends fast if it's not meant to be.
I’d say it’s your fault for picking them not for being yourself
LireaSemaji · 26-30, F
@BiasForAction I was being myself. It’s just the ones I was with made me feel as though I wasn’t enough and choosing them made me realize a few things about myself. So after reading comments and other things I’m going to take my “L” and consider it a lesson.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Yes, just be yourself, don't try and be someone you 'think' they want

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