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For those who have lost a parent..

Is there ever a sense of guilt that maybe it should’ve been you and not them? Or thinking it should’ve been the other parent? Am I a bad person for thinking those things? I feel awful about it, but it’s so easy to blame myself when I grieve.
Follow up: how do you react when people tell you to “get over it”? I’ve heard this said to me many times and I never know what to say but my jaw always drops. It’s crazy that people who have never experienced loss think you can just forget what happened with time. No. You never do. It gets better, but you never forget.
Any help or answers are welcome. Thanks.
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blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
No….my dad was my best friend….my mom was a light in my life. I know without doubt that would have traded their lives for mine without hesitation. My dad lost himself to Alzheimer’s….it was a terrible thing….terrible to watch. My mother died young from breast cancer….but she truly believed she was going to a better place. What worried her most was leaving me behind.

I miss my parents every day…they are never far from my thoughts. The pain of their loss has faded…I can think of them now without the tears….remembering only the their love…their support…their unshakable faith in me. And when I need them most, I still feel them with me.
@blackarcher256 I feel very deeply for your situation and am sympathetic for your journey. However, I’m glad you were blessed with great parents who were friends to you and loved you unconditionally. Even as time goes on, I know it is still difficult. But I’m glad to see that even those who grieve can make progress like you have, so thank you for expressing yourself ♡
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@tylerdurden024 Thank you….and you’re welcome. I hope you find a measure of peace as you deal with you loss and your grief.
luvelle · 22-25, F
Telling someone to "get over" their parents' death is very disrespectful. Those who have lost a loved one never truly get over it, they simply learn to live with the loss. And I think it's completely normal to have those feelings and thoughts. Grief is an intricate and multifaceted experience, and it's natural to have conflicting emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, the things we think or feel might not reflect our true intentions, and they can also be a result of unresolved issues or strained relationships we had with someone we lost.
Not much that’s more insensitive than telling someone who’s lost a loved one to get over it. I’d probably have to step away so I didn’t smack them.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I have lost a lot of my family to death. Grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, child. You get over it by realising that their lives were their own and that their lives mattered. Each life is a thread in a great tapestry. Each thread must end in order for the tapestry to be complete. You are a thread and you must do your part to fulfil the pattern of the One who created you for this purpose.
Magenta · F
I've lost both and no I've never felt that.
It's ok to feel anything or everything. It's all a process. At least grief does soften with time.

When I hear or read the words "get over it" to any emotional situation it makes me 😡. Feck that! So shallow and childish.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
Idk who's saying all this to you because that's the most apathetic and disrespectful thing to say to someone grieving. As easy as it is to be angry with them, let it go because everyone will experience loss. They'll be humbled. 🤗🐻 Also, it is natural to think those things, but I'm sure your dad wouldn't want to trade places with anyone he loves. Especially, his daughter. He'd want you to have the chance to experience life like he had. Any parent that loves their children would. 🩵

Now, to address the dingdongs on the site. May they never mistreat you over this, or so help me God, I'll get hungry....
@RedGrizzly thank you for your warm words and realness with me. I did not expect so much support and it really means everything to me ♡
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Guilt no, yet regret and a bit of resentment yes.

Complicated situation. 😞
smiler2012 · 61-69
@tylerdurden024 i can understand what you are thinking when my dad passed suddenly in 2014. i was terrible for a very long time i even wished i was dead too be with him but obviously your mind is all over the place .
@smiler2012 I lost my dad in 2014 too. Totally unexpected and tough on the family. I feel for you ❤️
-I guess that’s why I hear I should get over it a lot is because it was so long ago. But witnessing it firsthand really causes me to remember it clearly and still mourn him as years go on. I still never know how to react to people that say that.
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