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What makes a person boring to you?

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Ducky · 31-35, F
When all they want to talk about is themselves. I enjoy getting to know about people I like, but not when the conversation is just a one-way street. When it’s like that, our relationship probably isn’t going to be much different.
When all they ever have to talk about is gossip and complaining about other people.
A paragraph response to a yes or no question.
Wickflame · 46-50
Having two standards: harshness towards others and generosity toward oneself.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Fast talkers, Over talkers, Know-it-all's (other than me...) Single interest types.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Those who are self obsessed.
They are into what they like and have no common ground for you to meet them halfway
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
When they ONLY talk about themselves and never act interested when YOU talk.
TexChik · F
If I don't respect them, the last thing I want to do is listen to them or interact with them.
If they're the kind of people who are not even willing to try on themselves and give themselves a chance and would rather identify as victim and talk all day long about how they're being victimised. People who fail to take accountability and responsibility for themselves.
These people have no mental space for anyone else.
I don’t know but I do find interesting people with intellectual curiosity
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
They have victim complex, they are narrow minded , they are obsessed with politics, they think America is the only thing that exists, they brag about money, they live to gossip, they are naive, they post negative repetitive things which becomes suffocating after a while. They give no inspiration or energy to be around or have up in your feed.
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When they have no personality and are confused by people who do
mindless · M
Lack of imagination
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
When they are obsessed about something I'm absolutely uninterested in and feel the need to constantly talk about it.
Raaii · 22-25, F
I think none is boring
Everyone is different
Everyone is interesting but I don't know why others find me boring
May be it's because they can't relate me
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Raaii that’s not boring people who can’t relate to you . That makes you unique. Your your own person .
Being your own person can be boring but not boring in a bad way .
I don’t like the word boring but what I mean is that it can be lonely when no one relates to you .
You can get that all mixed up about boring and lonely
revenant · F
When they show no interest in other people or the world at large.
Madmonk · M
Unwillingness to try on new experiences. New ways of thinking
Nothing new to talk about, quiet, and not willing to try new things.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
When everything is all about them and they expect others to agree. Superficiality.
when they dont have anything interesting to say. if they talk in a monotone. no enthusiasm.
Mattypp · 56-60, M
When thay say talk 2 the hand
Adrift · 61-69, F
About 25 years of marriage. Lol.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Their silence and self talks
HannahSky · F
They only talk surface, all the time
They have figured out life
Pfuzylogic · M
Not so much the conversation content but if I am there and in person and they smell sour!
I have to leave.
HumanEarth · F
When they don't want to do outdoor activities. Like roller skating derby, rock climbing, bungee jumping, demolition Derby, hike across the desert or climb a mountain.

If people don't do things to put their lives in danger. They are boring to me. I'm a very high energetic always on the go person.

And even in my 50s I still do a lot of these things.


So when all they do is sit on cellphone. They are a waste of my time
LireaSemaji · 26-30, F
You’re an adrenaline junkie. Your way of life seems exciting 😄
HumanEarth · F
I hate sitting still, I'm always on the go. Even at 55 years old
Ferric67 · M
Someone uninspiring
IM5688 · 61-69, M
When a person is like the gov't.
They can speak volumes about something that can be said in one paragraph.
Sevendays · M
When they have no opinions of their own. I hated when a woman tried to feel me out or guess my thoughts, leanings, in order to conform to them.
No manners, always talk about their issues but have no interests in yours or very little or put tidbits out there that are confusing , and leave you in the dark , talking about non events , excessive profanity I’m probably guilt of that …. Basically they have cotton in thei ears when it should be in their mouth… and dishonest!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
When they are narcissists bragging about themselves. Nothing more boring than that especially if you know them well and know they are building themselves up and not telling everything.
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
i don't know.
Nothing but small talk.
Narrow-minded and dramatic
The woke type who only repeats things without much knowledge on the matter.
being straight
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
when they're a kiss ass that tries to be popular/fit in with everyone else; I have no time for people that have no mind of their own...
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
judgemental, narrow minded, unhygienic, narcissistic, arrogant. They bore me quickly.
I almost never find anyone boring but I often find them as annoying or being an A##hole.
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swirlie · F
When they display the characteristics of a narcissistic sociopath within 4 minutes after first meeting them.

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