How well did Trump keep his BIG promises last time around?
In 2016, Trump * Promised a tax cut that pays for itself; * Promised to replace Obamacare with something better and cheaper that covers everyone; * Promised a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure spending; * Promised "We're going to see economic growth of 4, 5 & maybe 6%!"; * Promised to reduce deficit and eventually balance the budget; * Promised to reduce prices of prescription drugs; * Promised he had made the world safe from Kim Jong Un's missiles; * Promised to LOCK HER UP! * Promised to make Mexico pay for that wall; * Promised to release his tax returns; * Promised to cut the number of tax brackets, repeal the alternative minimum tax,eliminate the carried interest loophole, and allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes.
That's several trillion dollars worth of broken promises there, LOL!!
@windinhishair well November is almost over and guess who’s your President will be nope not Your winning candidate lol! Welcome your newly elected President elect Trump!!
@Kenworth4954 Trump failed to handle covid. People were scared to leave the house, meaning they weren't driving. This caused oil prices to plummet. Then when everything opened up again, and people returned to outdoor life, oil prices skyrocketed because it was in demand again.
In short, oil prices went up because of the situation Trump created by bungling covid.
As for unemployment, Trump lost more jobs than any other president with the sole exception of Herbert Hoover. When it comes to jobs, Trump was the second worst president in American history.
@Kenworth4954 He literally shut down the economy which meant no one was buying anything because jobs were cut out of the economy. So, gas prices plummeted and there were long lines of people at food distribution centers trying to get free food.
Black and Hispanic unemployment wasn't at all time highs as they are now, etc., etc., etc.
cant wait to see all those who claim elections are not rigged to start crying that the election is rigged just like they did when Trump won the first time. All the meltdowns are going to be so entertaining when Trump wins
@Torsten He said he would be a dictator on day one. Do you not believe what he says any more? You asked for a video. I sent it. Trump clearly says he would be a dictator. You are lying as usual. Does it ever bother you to lie so often and so much, or are you proud to be like your Lord and Savior Trump?
Woo hoo... and he's going to cut taxes and cut the deficit at the same time while spending money on a mass deportation that is the largest in human history. He's going to cure inflation in a single day, release a journalist who is in prison in Russia (but only if he's elected) before he is elected. He's going to finish "the wall" that he previously said was already finished that he claimed would end illegal immigration while claiming illegal immigration is at all time high. And, he's going to end all wars and there won't be any more wars because God is on his side. Amen.
@Kenworth4954 as you said it cant be and you are unwilling to explain how it could . The logical conclusion you much like trump, are a fraud stirring the pot to distract until everyone just goes sway in exhaustion. In stereotypical trump fashion.
@Jimbo1 their " democracy" apparently. These people are nothing but a hive of insanity following the road of propaganda right straight to hell and they will find it this November. MAGA BAYYYYBAYYYYY WOOOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣