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New York Times just reported a new poll. 64% of all Democrats don't want Biden to run again. 95% of Democrats under 30 don't want him to run again.

Does he have a chance in 2024?
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Ontheroad · M
I pretty much discount polls anymore, but I never thought Joe would be more than a one term President. He was the best choice (at the time) to beat Trump and that was it. I voted for him for that reason, but I know there needs to be a stronger person in the White House. Joe would have done a much better job had the Democrats had just a couple more seats in the Senate, but it didn't happen. As it is, his hands are mostly tied. People just don't seem to understand how little power a President has without there being both a House and Senate that will support him and his policies. Much of the displeasure Independents and Democrats are now showing for Joe isn't through him not trying, it's because there is nothing a President can do about many of the ills in our country or because he can't get much of anything through the Senate.
Ontheroad · M
@LegendofPeza I didn't say he made wise decisions, didn't even suggest he did. In fact, I think he was surprised by the opposition he encountered. Shouldn't have been, but I think he was.

What do you think he could have got past the Senate or on his own (executive power) that was much more meaningful?

The Democratic Party began floundering when President Obama took office. They did not expect, not at all, the opposition they would face when a Black person was put in the White House. If they don't get their act together and begin getting down in the trenches and fighting, the Republicans will be the dominant force in our Federal government. They have already shown what they are capable of. People need to wake up.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@Ontheroad I think he should have spent that time organising a coherent strategy against the attack on voting rights and , what he must have known was coming , the SC abortion ruling. And he should have moved heaven and earth to get the recalcitrants in his own party to get rid of the filibuster. If he'd have put as much energy into that as trying to cajole his old Republican buddies in the Senate we might be in a very different place today.
Ontheroad · M
@LegendofPeza I don't disagree, but but I doubt seriously Manchin could have been swayed and he alone held the vote needed for those actions. The voting rights issues and Rove v Wade were never something he or the Democrats had any say so in, not since Trump and Mcconnell stacked the deck in the SCOTUS.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
Democrats should love Biden. He has done exactly what they elected him to do.
trump lost 40 trillion for the economy and lost millions and millions of jobs.
He increased the national debt by spending 10 trillion…again 10 trillion when he inherited a strong economy and then decimated it because of the STUPID way he handle Covid. He was so stupid he caught it himself and had to get the top tier medical help or die.
Two things I remember my guy Joe doing. He helped me with much needed money so I andimillions of people were not made homeless because of the pinhead before.
McConnell fought against the money given to average Americans. trump demanded his signature on the first check and confused a lot of Hispanics on who drove that money.
Joe brought together NATO as a much needed leader and led the effort to oppose the piece of shit putin. trump would have supported that piece of shit and so we have an increase in fuel prices. That is a small price to pay considering that Reagan and Bush 41 spent the first 6 trillion of our national debt to oppose the Soviet Union. This blip is small compared to that.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@Aliveshock Have you ever heard of Covid-19? The virus cost billion$/
Tearing apart the Soviet Union in the early 80s cost trillions. Are you making a point. It still doesn’t take away from the fact that the previous loser was holding super spreader events while Covid was just starting to grow exponentially.
Gunna hard to explain 81M votes this time round huh? 😁🍿

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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I would say over 90% of the United States thinks he is the worst president ever and want him gone
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@smileylovesgaming Say it all you like.
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Iwillwait · M
@SW-User ..and .0579% of them would be correct.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Given that in a free from fraud election in 2020 he didn't win he certainly can't win a free from fraud election in 2024. The only thing that matters in US politics is who can buy the most votes from the vote vendors aka the owners of the voting machines.
The poll numbers are terrible. Apparently, the dem insiders that first noticed the dementia, then tried covering it up, are talking about it again. Then there are the issues with Huntee. Not only do I think Pedo Pete has no chance of getting the nomination for 2024, I don't think he completes the 1st term.
justanothername · 51-55, M
I think he still has a chance, not because he’s any good but purely just to keep Trump out.

The French had a similar issue at their recent elections. Noons liked Macron but the only other option was a woman who represented the far right and voters didn’t want her in so the bulk of the votes were blocking votes to keep her out.
The French voters still don’t like Macron.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@justanothername I wonder what was so bad about Trump's presidency. Was it the strong economy and low inflation? Were gas prices too low? Were there not enough wars? I know Trump was never politically correct, but we did pretty well overall under his leadership.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@StrictSouthernHOH It was the total disregard for anyone other than himself.
Yes, the economy was ok but he caused a LOT of friction and upheaval over COVID. He basically threw fuel over any social issue fire that popped up during his Presidency and just fanned the flames of discontent. He basically acted like a spoilt immature kid rather than a generally responsible leader.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
No it’s 40% who are out of touch with reality
Iwillwait · M
Of course he does. There's always a chance, I mean..Trump was President, once. That says, "There's always a chance!"
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Fraudulent elections have consequences. Biden was a known quantity when he was nominated by his party. Then they cheated to get him 'elected'. Guess what. Those idiots who support(ed) him are getting exactly what they want(ed). Looks good on them.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
His stated intention when elected was to go one term. That is enough abuse for any man to take in my view..😷
PoetAndersen · 36-40, M
You need a hobby lol, don’t obsess over politics they’re all going to do whatever they want
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Someone like Bernie Sanders would win. Democrats + corporations mean we'll have another horrible choice.

Hillary lost to trump.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔..............How about no one for president.............
We already did that the time before.

What does it mean for him
He rescued a lot of people.
I know I used the checks.
The funny thing was while he was older than what’s his name. He is still in better shape than fatso.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
If they don't find themselves another candidate then the House , the Senate , the Presidency , not to mention the Supreme Court , will all be under the control of crazy people for four years. The next election is just as important as the last one if you want to put these extremists back in their hole.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Maybe this will be like Japan, a spate of one term leaders for the next 30 years, each candidate not really a standout apart from being somewhat less than disgustingly one dimensional
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
He would be the first incumbent president in a very long time not to run for a second term. However, I think it advisable that he step aside and allow someone else the opportunity.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@CorvusBlackthorne Will he though ?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@LegendofPeza Probably not.
DDonde · 31-35, M
It all depends on who he's running against

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