Keep in mind that back when most religions were created, they didn't have many of the concepts we have nowadays and according to the place and the time there are huge cultural differences, so sometimes ignoring what a holy book says is not for worse, it's just inevitable. For example, in the Bible there was a man named Onan, he had to marry his brother's widow and impregnate her but he felt uncomfortable by it so he wouldn't ejaculate inside of her. That's why he was slain by God. In some languages the word "masturbation" has its roots on the name "Onan". Is that still considered a sin? Not even close. People nowadays would even think that marrying your dead brother's wife is a weird or even a suspicious thing to do. My point is, there's flux in culture and while some of the rules in holy books are timeless, there are some that don't make much sense in the modern world. People need to be selective of the good and the bad things and to not accept every ancient concept as the correct one.
Religious people tend to be closed minded and always refer to their religious text. As far as I know no religious text is accepting of same sex or bisexual relationships. So really you need to make a choice.
You can give up being bisexual and deny who you are and accept the religious teachings and hope that brings you peace.
Or you can accept who you are and continue being bisexual even if religious people reject you and choose to be happy with living your life on your terms.
It's your life you gotta decide how you want to live it.
Religions always try to enforce their own interpretation of Gods will, but they're not God, and their interpretations are fallible at best. Is it okay to be bi? For some people, yes, for others, no. Follow your instincts, and your heart.
I combined both and became a person who has kept most religious convictions, but discovered that bottoming for another man put a whole new meaning to the word orgasm. And I wish I had tried it sooner!
By that measure all sex should be prohibited. Even straight sex. As that would be lust. The Bible says that it is better to remain celibate but that it is better to take a spouse than to burn with passion. So lust is allowed under marriage.
@canusernamebemyusername No, since there is such a thing called procreation, and this is the reason for why sex even is a thing. The fact we enjoy it is secondary.
@MartinTheFirst That is only one purpose for sex. The Bible mentions sex is for pleasure as well. The whole Song of Solomon never mentions procreation. Nor does the Bible say it is only for procreation.
Change religion. Or if not completely change it, religions all seem to have different donominations within itself. You might find some within your choice that allows that.
Supposedly "Free Will" so there you go, if the invisible Man doesn't like it than he,she, or it can "turn a cheek"..... Live and Let Live I say, if your not hurting anyone in the process, so when you get up in the Morning just flip a coin and carry on 😜 Wish you well.
As far as being bisexual, I think sexuality is a spectrum and it's okay. As far as religions, some are more tolerant than others. It's hard when you don't feel accepted.
There is nothing in the Bible that says women can't have sex. The Bible does, however, frown upon homosexual sodomy. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do with your own body.
What religion are you? don't be so sure bisexuality is banned until you read it in black and white. Many people just interpret certain writings as banning bisexuality. Read it for yourself.
@quitwhendone Anything same sex is strictly forbidden in the holey buy bull, and for all that claim jeebus never said a thing against it, "he" did, jeebus commanded that everyone obey the commandments and the prophets, that "he" came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
Are you sure your religion says that? Or is that just what your religious leaders have told you? When I took religious studies classes in college I researched and found that a lot of the things my church had always taught me were wrong. The sad thing is they’re probably still going to judge you, but at least you can know there’s nothing wrong with you and still have a relationship with your god.
If you believe that religious nonsense there's really nothing anyone can do to help you. You don't NEED who you are...there are no rules except no one should get hurt by your decisions in life...ignore the asinine,mind controlling fairy tale called the BUYBULL
Religious zealots like to use the bible to condemn homosexuality.
True people of faith understand that the bible does not actually condemn homosexuality.
This is an article which is an interview with A Methodist Pastor:
Jimmy Creech, former United Methodist pastor for nearly 30 years at the center of the controversy around the blessing of gay and lesbian unions in the church.