puck61 Best Comment
Yep. Minorities kill far more minorities in a year than white supremacists have killed in 20 years.
A small cross section of 13 percent of this nation manages to commit 51 percent of the violent crimes. It's not racism, it's mental illness. Being racist is a mental illness in my opinion.
A small cross section of 13 percent of this nation manages to commit 51 percent of the violent crimes. It's not racism, it's mental illness. Being racist is a mental illness in my opinion.
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@Lucia i think its more because of upbringing and mentality, they are more likely to join gangs it seems. it has nothing to do ethnicity, its more of a socio upbringing thats a problem. listen to rap, it has a lot of violence. its all psychological.
Lucia · 36-40
@winchesterbros I personally think it all comes down to education, income and neighbourhood.
If I had no future, I'd probably not care about others either.
If I had no future, I'd probably not care about others either.
@Lucia a lot of them come from broken homes too.
curiosi · 61-69, F
First thing the media did was start off with "Trump needs to tone down the rhetoric". They conveniently ignore the fact that it was Obama that created the current climate.
@curiosi its that and dems going back on what they originally was for, which was for border security, and now all white people are racists that want border security. trump has strong rhetoric but obama did too, i think its this push back from dems that is making this problem worse. instead of solving the issue they are fighting against it.
@Lucia yep both parties have lost their way, its a tug of war for power.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
@Harriet03 have no idea what you are aiming at. lol, they are all the same, the only difference its now supposedly racist to want secured borders.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@winchesterbros Its MUCH more than that, you know it, i know it, the whole damned world knows it!!
His supporters know exactly what he is, and don't care!!
His supporters know exactly what he is, and don't care!!
@Harriet03 i disagree whole heartedly. people call him a racist yet he has done more for blacks than any president in a long time. does he have some bad rhetoric yes but so do demacrats. it has been this back and forth between them.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Handguns kill the vast majority of people in murders. Rifles are not the gun of choice, usually. Rifle murders are for nut jobs.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@HoraceGreenley But, the OP posted a group of murderers across different problems. You didn't seem to object to this.
I'm just trying to follow the reasoning for your comment.
I'm just trying to follow the reasoning for your comment.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@JoeyFoxx Motivation of the shooters
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@wildbill83 Thanks Bill
They don't, they yell white supremacy at the white supremacist shootings because it's about time it was addressed... Its a legit issue.
In this picture I see an assortment of people... What stands out is the fact they are predominately male... Surprise surprise
In this picture I see an assortment of people... What stands out is the fact they are predominately male... Surprise surprise
@MarmeeMarch that isn't even what I said, the strange thing is you pointing out that blacks are predominately to blame but then I'm racist? Society doesn't just change over a 50 year period what happened was so significant and not far enough in the past it still effects the modern world and will for along time to come but we all continue to point fingers at each other fueling the fire
MarmeeMarch · M
@MushroomFaerie Sooooooo Black people throughout history are the only people that suffered and that gives them the excuse to .....to.........what ? help me out here
@MarmeeMarch no! Why are you pulling shit out of nowhere? That's totally insane
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
Sketch photo in row 5 did someone get away?
That's a long list.
I thought trump was behind every mass shooting. 🙄
4meAndyou · F
4meAndyou · F
Most folks of all races have always known this. There are nuts in every race, and nuts come in all colors.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Lucia · 36-40
Yelling white surpremacy is counter-intuitive. I disagree with it.
But Trumps recent stunt to blame the video game industry is plain stupid.
But Trumps recent stunt to blame the video game industry is plain stupid.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@Lucia there are no such rational arguments, especially when gun control-advocates try to use statistics; they always conveniently leave out/ignore non-firearm violent crimes so as to make it appear that firearms are the constant in every crime...
God forbid you get into an argument with a Brit about guns and mention something factual, like how more people get raped, beaten, and stabbed in Europe than shot in the US...
God forbid you get into an argument with a Brit about guns and mention something factual, like how more people get raped, beaten, and stabbed in Europe than shot in the US...
Lucia · 36-40
@wildbill83 Yes. Europe has its problems. But not to the extent the US does in this ballpark. Rape statistics are, as far as I know, higher in the US than in most european countries including the UK. But those are hardly comparible because it's highly cultural when you will perceive something as rape - and when you'd be willing to report it.
Being beaten up etc may be in the same ballpark - but it's not a solid point. Because if I could chose to be shot or beaten, I know where my choice would be.
Most, if not all, valid science point to guns increasing the severity of crimes related to personal harm. It's even occassionally a problem in schools that kids get shot. So I don't see where you're going with it.
I don't care what the US choose to do. But as long as the choice is lying and ignoring factual circumstances, nothing will ever be solved. Regardless of who does the lying.
Being beaten up etc may be in the same ballpark - but it's not a solid point. Because if I could chose to be shot or beaten, I know where my choice would be.
Most, if not all, valid science point to guns increasing the severity of crimes related to personal harm. It's even occassionally a problem in schools that kids get shot. So I don't see where you're going with it.
I don't care what the US choose to do. But as long as the choice is lying and ignoring factual circumstances, nothing will ever be solved. Regardless of who does the lying.
@Lucia i agree guns add to the violence. but theres more death in the US by car accidents. what are we going to do about auto safety? abortions kill many many more. many many more in the US die from drugs, what can we do about drugs?
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
that is people who have killed four or more people, not a "public mass shooting" which whites are more likely to commit
both sides cherry pic stats but compare apples to apples and what most people think of when you say mass shootings ARE done more by whites, that is fact
both sides cherry pic stats but compare apples to apples and what most people think of when you say mass shootings ARE done more by whites, that is fact
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
@winchesterbros that does not change the fact that most of them are white. most are done by white males. I never said "disproportionate to the population" or "over representing the population" I read and understood. fact that you can not deny most are done by white males no matter how many times you try to spin it otherwise.
@texasdaddydom no, its not done mostly by white males and yes by population wise percentage of them would be equal or less compared to other ethnicity.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
@winchesterbros yes mostly by white, did you see the graphs? 49% in one the highest of any ethnicity and 61% in the other with sources cited, not some face book poster quote, so very much a yes.
anythingoes477 · M
Oh well then.........if this is from the HIGHLY reputable news source "@maga_gang_gang".........I mean wow. This just has to be true if maga_blah_blah_blah_bullshit says so.
Created by the same great folks who leader has told 11,700+ VERIFIABLE lies so far in 3 years. And has coined such fabulously intelligent things such "alternative facts" and "alternatively created data".
Created by the same great folks who leader has told 11,700+ VERIFIABLE lies so far in 3 years. And has coined such fabulously intelligent things such "alternative facts" and "alternatively created data".
[image/video deleted]
@anythingoes477 you have to stop being bias, political parties lie. but its true blacks shoot and kill more than whites. mass shootings arent just a white person thing. what doesnt get covered in mass media is the inner city violence.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@anythingoes477 It's true, it's just ignoring the point. When gangs get into a shootout, it's a tad different than a nutbag going to a mall to kill complete innocents - and for that reason, we classify and view them differently.
MarmeeMarch · M
-you are showing too many blacks - that is racist
MarmeeMarch · M
@puck61 I am making fun of all the retarded bleeding hearts here
@MarmeeMarch Yeah........ I'm headed for a stroke. I was 180 over 110 the other day after talking politics!
MarmeeMarch · M
@puck61 Dude - relax .....live or die - politics will always be there.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Everyone crying about diabetes look what diseases are killing people. Let's ignore diabetes because heart disease kills more people...
@wildbill83 thats what i wondered too.
@wildbill83 I was in tears when they lit up the buildings in New York in celebration of murder.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@puck61 if many of those who advocate had to actually witness it being performed, they'd probably tear their own eyes out...

They don’t. They call it out when the evidence proves that the mass shooter is a white supremacist

@winchesterbros Just a few people out of a large majority say this.
@SW-User if you talk to a lot of democrats they all say it, its a talking point much like if you are white you must be a racist.

@winchesterbros Saying that ALL say this is an exaggeration. Some do say all white people are terrorists and some don’t believe in that.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
The last 5 (at least) mega-mass shootings in the USA have all been carried out by angry white men who are scared shitless of being able to compete against non-whites. So your bedroom wall chart from "MAGA" to make you feel better about yourself is nothing more than a pathetic security blanket. Get some balls and compete instead of shooting and lying. Regardless of your skin colour, you are a disgrace to all humans everywhere.
@MarkPaul yeah the last large mass shooting has been white, but theres a lot of people who say only mass shooters are white. this is to say no its not.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@winchesterbros Why is skin colour even an issue on something like this? Do you think that makes it any better. Does that really make you feel better?