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Weed should be legal

Poll - Total Votes: 36
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Weed is becoming more and more accepted around the world, something that’s been made clear by the fact that its legalization is increasingly being considered across many countries and states. One of the advantages of legalizing marijuana is that it could reduce the amount of criminal activity around the drug, as it eliminates the need for dealers to illegally distribute the substance in back alleys.
My dealer is a real sweetheart i'd love for him to have his own shop.
Legalizing weed would also end the unnecessary and cruel police crackdown on dealers and consumers.
Government-regulated and tested marijuana could be safer for the consumer compared to what is available on the street today.

Finally, marijuana has been proven to treat certain medical conditions, such as chronic pain, reducing inflammation, and easing the symptoms of diseases like Anxiety, AIDS and cancer. Legalizing pot would make it much easier for anyone needing relief from such conditions to access the drug. All in all, the potential health, social, and financial benefits of legalizing weed seem to outweigh any potential risks.
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Richard65 · M
Look at the origins of the ban on weed and you'll see it was predominantly inspired by racism because it was imported into the USA by Mexican immigrants.

In the 1930s Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, turned the battle against marijuana into an all-out war. Some believe that he was motivated less by safety concerns—the vast majority of scientists he surveyed claimed that the drug was not dangerous—and more by a desire to promote his newly created department. Whatever the impetus, Anslinger sought a federal ban on the drug, and to this end he initiated a high-profile campaign that relied heavily on racism. Anslinger claimed that the majority of pot smokers were minorities, including African Americans, and that marijuana had a negative effect on these "degenerate races," such as inducing violence or causing insanity.

Many countries subsequent banned the drug following pressure from the USA. However, today the ban is being lifted by many countries. I know in the UK the ban is inspired a lot by the authority's fear of people driving under the influence.
MethDozer · M
@LordShadowfire There's also William Randolph Hurst who pushed hard to have it made illegal because he didn't want hemp competing with his timber paper profits.

There was no one actor against marijuana. It was attacked by mulitple large money interests.
Carla · 61-69, F
@MethDozer this👆
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MethDozer I forgot about Hearst. Yeah, he and DuPont worked together to attack hemp, which really means that the war on cannabis helped bring about the environmental crisis we're facing today.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
Yes weed should be legal. Why is alcohol which destroys lives legal but weed isn't.

Alcohol takes more lives than weed, drunk drivers and liver damage and violence. Legalize it in all 50 states.

And don't forget what alcohol did to the native Americans. I live in al, I wish they can legalize it now.
It's legal here now. Zero problems with it. To the point that my sister, who was vocally against it, didn't even realize it's been legal for a while now.
BlueVeins · 22-25
One of the advantages of legalizing marijuana is that it could reduce the amount of criminal activity around the drug, as it eliminates the need for dealers to illegally distribute the substance in back alleys.

looping · 22-25
it'd probably stop a lot of crime around where i'm from so i'm all for it
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I’m all for it legalize it now!
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BackyardShaman who downvoted you, must be a Trumpist ghost.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@Peaceandnamaste I don’t know kind of funny 😄 😂🤣🤣 I have quite a few right wing enemies and when they downvote me I see it as a compliment.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
if you have the initiative process it will get legal
if not when the local government realizes how much tax money there is in it
In my home state,, the allowed local districts opt out of legal cannabis
2 years later? they ALL turned about and were glad to have those businesses
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Agreed 100%.
It's legal in Arizona (thankfully) and it helps me sooooo much with my anxiety.
I can't smoke it as a Christian (unless legit medical reasons) but why it is illegal is beyond me.
Gloomy · F
@Disgustedman Tabacco is a narcotic and the government could get taxes out of weed
@Gloomy Bang on!
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
@Gloomy show me the proof, please.
at last, a topic that we actually agree on. LOL
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BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@jshm2 go away when you use someone’s post to bully them.
MethDozer · M
@jshm2 My reading comprehension is perfectly fine my friend.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@jshm2 you need some weed yourself.
Hope for the best . ;-) :-P
Nanoose · 61-69, M
It has been legal here in Canada for a few years now but I kind of miss the good old days when it was illegal. It was more of a buzz sneaking around town to find it and it was a rush when the cops drove by. Cheers!
Disgustedman · 61-69, M

This shows what countries have it legal some have it approved and some they don't show total legalization but I can guarantee you that legalization is not happening as a fast pace.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I believe that weed should be illegal. If anyone should ask me why... The short and simple answer is that it's a long and complicated story.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Sidewinder Yeah, I really DGAF.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@LordShadowfire You may not care, but there's always someone else who might and that's a fact.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Yeah because it’s only helped the black market surge to new levels and become an even greater revenue stream for the Chinese organized crime in places like California where Mexican money laundering and Chinese products have been joined in a ménagetois of maniacal miscreants to synergistically create a problem that is far more damaging than the sum of its parts.
Decriminalizing is more accurate and most beneficial. Legalizing cannabis has not been a good thing for most of the US states and South American countries like Uruguay to name just a few.
Gloomy · F
@2cool4school If drug possession and personal use are only decriminalised, it is still illegal to possess and use drugs but there would be no penalties. Selling and manufacturing drugs would in this case still carry criminal penalties.

Also when it comes to the production of food, drugs, etc... there should be heavy government control and regulations to make sure the products meet standards and are not altered to make production cheaper so that private companies can make more money.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Gloomy I disagree with you on the fact that decriminalization can include the manufacture or growing of possession of and use of cannabis for example. I can look up specific examples though I don’t have any specifics off the top of my head.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Gloomy as for the second part of your point. Those same “government standards and regulations can be introduced by a government to benefit the government and only the government and completely disregard and screw over for lack of a better term the end user. Uruguay is a perfect example of this. The quality and strength of the legal cannabis is laughably inferior to what an average home grow operator is capable of producing but is not allowed to by law. So the system is set up to make things great for the government and sh*tty for the consumer. California and Colorado are having similar issues and problems with the “seed to sale” clause in the legal cannabis industry as well. Independent Growers are not able to compete with the prices and end up with product that must be destroyed by law or can’t even make enough money from the sale to an outlet/dispensary that it’s just forcing people out of business. Which I believe was possibly set up to weed out (pun intended) the mom and pop growers and make room for the corporation’s to thrive in what is possibly going to be the 2.0 version of the legal cannabis industry. The corporations are quite possibly learning what they should do by watching the original growers crash and burn in a sense that it’s just like a beta testing with the lives and livelihood of people who have been growing cannabis for decades and did what they were told they should would have to do to remain a legal grow source. It’s a very shady business that’s only boosted the black market cannabis industry it was supposed to be surpassing and rendering obsolete. Instead the people who followed the rules are becoming obsolete and it’s all because of the way that the states legalized cannabis. It’s a broken system that has begun to generate a lot of black market money for what are essentially terrorist organizations such as Mexican cartels and foreign adversaries like China both countries have found a way to team up and end up with the profits while the average American cannabis consumers and cannabis business owners both growers and dispensary owners are now in a losing battle to remain solvent. This is something that I have quite a bit of first hand experience with and over 2.5 decades of knowledge accumulated from both the former black market structure and the legal cannabis industry as well as the emerging black market and illegal cannabis industry. I always believed that decriminalizing was actually a better path and it’s sad to see how that may be factually correct. It’s also disappointing to see how so many hands are tied and so many options for alternatives are not available and off the table.
It needs to become legal on the federal level now that it’s legal in so many states here. The only reason for the delay seems to be so the government can interfere with the agricultural aspect of producing it. People pay taxes on it, and the feds certainly take their cut.
RedBaron · M
It is legal in many states and is trending that way in others.

No need for a diatribe about it.
Northwest · M
I live in one of the states that were first to legalize weed, for recreational purpose, in the US.
It is legal.
Gloomy · F
@Spoiledbrat depends on where you live
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@Emosaur Well excuse me
BobbyMoeven · 100+, M
There is the plenty of space to be had in Canada if you you are looking for a weed friendly zone ...😉

I can’t wait to retire… I am going to start growing
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
It's only medical legal in my state
Deceased · M
Hands down it should be legal.
Ozdharma · 61-69, M
They should allow people to grow their own

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I would answer this post but I'm too stoned..
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Yes, it’s legal here where I live
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I've been continuing to consume cannabis edibles, not only because it feels good, but as a preventive measure to make sure my cancer doesn't come back.
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Gloomy · F
@Emosaur That's something at least. Here it's illegal but also easy to obtain which is good for me but drug users are not treated kindly at all by law enforcment.
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