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I'm sick of acting perfect...

Always tried my best to be a decent person with morals and principles but I'm losing my patience and motivation to remain as such. The world is meant to be unfair so why try hard to be the opposite? I'm sick, sick, sick of people taking advantage of my hard work, kind heart and innate goodness. I give up.
I completely understand how you feel. It's emotionally draining to constantly try to be a good person, only to feel taken advantage of or unappreciated. First, please know that your efforts to be a decent person with morals and principles are not in vain. Your kindness and goodness matter, even if it feels like they go unnoticed.

Remember that you can't control how others behave or treat you, but you can control how you respond. It's okay to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and take time for yourself. You don't have to be perfect or always give in to others' demands.

Your worth and value come from who you are, not just what you do. You are more than your kindness and goodness; you are a unique, valuable person with strengths and weaknesses.

Don't give up! Your goodness is needed in this world, even if it feels like a drop in the ocean. Take a deep breath, rest when needed, and remember that you're not alone in feeling this way.
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MrBeags · 36-40, MNew
A few quotes that stand out here,
..."sick of acting perfect"
Take a break from acting, and round down the intensity of this perfection you seek with it. Certainly, life will have much to throw your way for the years you have on earth. Acting to attain an image of something unrealistic is a unreasonable standard of operation for the experience to not weigh you down. It's important to note when you need a snickers (need a moment), and focus on attaining that space to ensure the quality of who you are, and not who you appear. The high standards of external influence can sometimes become too much, and its maintaining health to know when things can flip to the back burner in order to recharge our own spirited selves.

..."world is meant to be unfair"
I wouldn't say that the world is MEANT to be unfair, but it certainly has a few people working tirelessly to make life far too complex for anyone reasonable. The mental stability and sanity has not been a standard fair for those who have developed these systems surrounding us. We can navigate so much, but we each have a towel to toss when the frenzy becomes untenable.

Don't source your peace externally, and don't sacrifice your values in a momentary lapse of circumstance. I think we can do good where it applies, and we can promote the solution to these woes without letting it take us down. I have learned to deflect a lot of grief people put upon me, by a quick snip of advice and pushing it all back on them for their decision making to be the only thing holding them back. I also try to help rally a better train of thought, as less regressive nag and more curiosity or marvel to distract. All the while, developing dark humor and being able to laugh about most things can help lighten the friction of these burdens. We self impose a lot of our headaches by what we navigate in a day of discussions, so I take liberty to reroute the misery with weather, news, or anything else off the cuff that has less intensity in discussion.

I don't fully understand the situation you are navigating, but I feel for the burdens we humans carry in a lifetime of our existence. It is optimal to be emotionally stable, and the company we keep can be jarring from that objective. When I am overwhelmed, I turn introverted and use music or information as a way to change my thought patterns so I can process and release any excessive baggage and move on. Humans are resilient, and all things have an originating place inside ourselves. If we can tap our own sanity and navigate madness, that is our human experience. As maddening as the world can be, it doesn't have to make sense, as each person has factors unrelated to OUR time and space with plenty of unknown issues we do not digest in the heads of others. We cannot be at our best if we are being drained time and time again.

I hope some of this helps, and I wish you luck.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
It took a long time and hard work to learn that perfection is impossible and I didn’t have to beat myself over lacking in it. However, I also learned that I can accept my imperfections without sacrificing my morals and principles. Perfection is what we try to be but cannot. Morals and principles are who we are.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Don't compromise who you are for others for any reason
Of your aware that people are taking advantage of you the be more discriminating who you decide to help
Maybe put all that kindness to work with dog rescue ... that's what i do
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@pdockal Ya I used to volunteer at a cat and dog rescue place.
pdockal · 56-60, M

You should go back as the pups will only love you and be grateful for your help
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
I have felt that way myself, but I believe in karma so what people give will come back to them, both good and bad.
Ynotisay · M
Your call. But a kind heart and innate goodness pays off in a lot of ways. You can't control how people view that. There are people who have dead hearts and innate badness. Why let them run your show. You know a lot comes back to you when you do the 'right' thing. As long as you're not a doormat, or doing the 'right' thing in the hopes of some kind of reward, you're good to go. You WILL win that game in the long run. No doubt.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Sometimes everything we do seems futile...
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
That just shows that no one is perfect and that's not bad it shows you are about grow and disappointment and break downs are just some obstacle we have to cross. You will rejuvenate in the process. Cheers and God speed remember no one is perfect we are all trying that will keep you humble.
Vengabus · 36-40
Maybe the problem is that you feel like it’s an act? You say “acting perfect”. You don’t have to act, just be yourself. The way other people are can’t change who we are innately, only superficially.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Ugh I hear you. I have been a people pleaser all my life and I do have burnout now from it. We just can't be everything for everyone. My therapist says its simply unrealistic.
being · 36-40, F
Be yourself. Find your true expression. Free yourself
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Good. Giving up can lead to introspection.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Don't downgrade yourself for the mistakes of others. Strategise.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Take some deep breaths and relax.

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