Why would a guy claim to be blonde, when only women can be blonde?Why didn't he describe himself with the gender-appropriate "blond" (with no "e" on the end)?
I was confident, smart & beautiful...Until he left, my world crumbled, life became ugly, I feel weak and desolate this is not me! (1)
I'm a straight dude addicted to gay P. What do I do?I have been fascinated with GP since my youth minister showed us men playing natural leap frog. What is the best way to alter my viewing habits?
I think I'm uglyThe only time women show any interest in me is when they can't see what I look like. Not many other explanations for that. Oh well, might as well just dedicate myself to Warhammer
new-age AI stuff has me so jaded that i can only get off on the true amateur stuff nowadaysa sort of dowsing stick if you will, only upside-down of which..
I think i have bdp and i don't at the same timeIt's complicated lol, and I'm scared of frustrating myself if I go to a psychiatrist and find out im just a selfish teen
sandmans storyI went to a Comicon in Toronto sometime many years ago and a person came up to me and said "say these words" I don't remember what the words are now cause this was awhile back but I ended up turning my hands into rocks and they even gave me a... See More ยป