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4meAndyou · F Best Comment
Naw...I'm more like this:

Tumbleweed · F
@4meAndyou I was looking for something closer to that but couldn't find any! I love that!!!
4meAndyou · F
@Tumbleweed Thank you for best comment!
Tumbleweed · F
@4meAndyou You're welcome!

Stephie · 22-25, F
Nope, that is me when I step on a spider in the morning before I am totally awake!
Stephie · 22-25, F
@Tumbleweed Only when I can make sure you are safe. That is mission accomplished and time for me to go to bed now, knowing that I saved one good soul from being scared.

Enjoy your day and again, don't forget to lock that door and brush your teeth before going to bed tonight. Sleep tight and watch where you step tomorrow morning when you get out of bed. The spider will thank you for your consideration 😏
Tumbleweed · F
@Stephie Sweet dreams my friend 🩷💕
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@Stephie spiders are an important part of our life however we interact.
I'll break a hip getting away 🤣
Tumbleweed · F
@Bexsy I almost wrecked my car once when one was on me...
4meAndyou · F
@Tumbleweed I am terrified of heights, and huge bridges. I was driving our van across the Sagamore Bridge once, and a LARGE spider dropped down from the ceiling of the van, an dropped directly into my cleavage. 😳😳😳. I kept telling myself that I could NOT get into a wreck on the BRIDGE!!! I had to breathe...shallow but steady...and drive...until I reached the exit at the end of the bridge. I pulled off, pulled over, and took off my shirt...but I never did find that spider. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
@Tumbleweed @4meAndyou I've stopped in the middle of the road and then quickly pulled over and jumped out because one was dangling down in front of me
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Also, becoming an expert in Karate
Kiesel · 56-60, M
After about six Redbulls!
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Yeah sometimes.
ninja skills activated.
slorollin · 41-45, M
Um, yes!!!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
if that's what it takes to learn to dance, I should start up a studio at my place
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@atlantic59 and a scurrying mouse has always been conducive to step dancing
Elisbch · M
Me!.. 🙋..LOL 😆😄
Teslin · M
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
In addition to the crazed dance, my ex would scream, "Is it on me!? Is it on me!?"
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I do this when I see him above me on the roof top n next second I can't see him above me 😧
I think what I hate more than spiders or snakes is mainly being surprised

Like going in a circle around a large Leyland cypress tree on a riding mower and then suddenly having a large golden orb weaver about to smack into my face, and/or getting tangled in its web ... this will make me start cursing out loud, and possibly stop the mower, jump off and try to make sure I don't have anything left on me

Picking a gutter downspout splash guard up off the ground, and finding two copperheads (adult and juvenile) coiled up underneath it will also make me have a fit of Tourette syndrome
@Tumbleweed one time when I was on walk out in the countryside, and had advanced notice that I was coming up on some sort of spider, then I was able to remain calm enough to stand over it and look at it, some big wolf spider with a bunch of babies on its back, I've only seen something like that that one time

but as a kid I'd even hate flipping through the S encyclopedia and accidentally landing on the spider article, with plenty of photos of spiders just inches from my eyes, I think I slapped the book closed reflexively 🤣
Tumbleweed · F
@BlueGreenGrey Yes! Even looking at a picture makes me think one is on me!!
Elisbch · M

LOL.. Sneaking up behind you..LOL 😂😄

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