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Coraline · F
i am kinda glad i exist.. my mom had me when she was still in highschool and i am pretty sure that option was up for debate. not sure i would make the same decision if i got pregnant

Isn't it ironic how conservatives shout "my body, my choice" to refuse vaccines and put society in danger, but don't find it a valid argument to save women's lives? Those people are the opposite of pro-life.
@swirlie another good attempt to avoid the question. I didn't ask what the current law is, but what you think it should be. But it seems like you truly believe men don't care about their children (possibly to be). I'm sorry you never met any men that isn't emotionally dead.

And my position? I'm just an empathic person who wants the best for men, women and children. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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@swirlie I've never been a sperm donor and therefore am not involved in any choice. I just believe the people who are involved have the right of an opinion.
It’s not something I will ever have to deal with,now. But there are young women in my family and I want the option of a safe abortion available to them, should they choose that. It’s strictly between a woman and her doctor.
I lived before Roe v. Wade, and know what many apparently don’t: Making abortion illegal only prevents safe ones, where the woman doesn’t die. 😳
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
A vital medical procedure. Restricting abortion kills women.
I am very glad it is an option.
WatchThis · 41-45, M
It's killing a child
@WatchThis It’s not inside your body. It will only ever be theory to you. I’m pro-choice because it has to be the choice of the woman involved—she risks her life to give life, so for a man to insist she carry a pregnancy she doesn’t want is the height of misogyny and oppression. And it’s pretty arrogant for a man to insist on “moral grounds” when he has no commitment to a child’s welfare once it’s born (and the so-called “pro-life” are notoriously unconcerned about funding social programs, affordable education and healthcare to enrich those lives once the child IS a living, breathing person).
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@WatchThis An embryo is "innocent" in the sense that it's incapable of forming criminal intent, but if its presence is unwanted, it's still causing harm, and the mother is entitled to separate herself from it as she would from anyone else who was harming her.

If a man was going to break your arm, and the only way you could stop him was to kill him, does your arm outweigh his life? Assume that he's deranged and you can't reason with him, and that the only reason he's there is because you foolishly let him into your house. If you apply the same reasoning to this situation that you do to a pregnancy, you would have to let him break your arm.
MiserableAtBest · 18-21, F
I refuse to pass judgment on situations I do not understand. It’s a personal decision for a woman to make, and I trust that they know what is best for THEIR bodies and THEIR lives.

Point is, it’s none of my fucking business.
@MiserableAtBest Exactly. Kind of like making choices for LGBTQ people when no one making the choices know anything about LGBTQ people.
It's always been interesting that the Republican Party is so racist but forces low income women to keep unwanted babies. Babies they can't support. Is it to keep Black/Brown women out of the job force or do they force them to keep babies they can't support to appease their Evangelical base?
Slade · 56-60, M
@Fauxmyope2 Don't see any names. The Republicans are the ones who passed all the civil rights legislation virtually unanimously. They managed that even though they were flooded with racists before the vote!?

Man, they were magicians

You've had nonsense, urban legends and propaganda shoved up your butt forever. Think for yourself
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@Slade Again, a personal attack! Kindness and respect?

Civil Rights laws passed in the 60’s. Dixiecrats fled to the G.O.P. over the next 15 years. The G.O.P. southern strategy. It has been researched and documented.
Slade · 56-60, M
@Fauxmyope2 Sure thing. Wouldn't all the racists jump to join up with the party that pushed through civil rights?

Still waiting for the names since there were so many

What color is the sky in your universe?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
"Religious" people condemning abortion, makes zero sense.
20% of ALL pregnancies end in miscarriages.
There's an obvious truth here & should not be ignored:
If a "God" exists, he is the most prolific abortionist of all!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@bijouxbroussard Sadly a lot of people ignore facts!
Slade · 56-60, M
@Harriet03 About as nonsensical as screaming every life has ended in death so God is the most prolific murderer ever
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Slade Either he's all powerful or he ain't.
Which is It?
You can't have it both ways!!

The idea of a "god" is the ultimate nonsense...
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
It isn’t up to a government, religion, or the court system largely controlled by males to weigh into this issue. This is a privacy issue, a personal issue, and a women’s issue.

I will not respond to any comments on my feelings about this. This is my opinion, and while you are entitled to yours, I could care less about it. State your opinions on your own original comments.
@Rolexeo The bottom line is, banning abortions won’t prevent them. They’ll just be less safe for desperate women and girls who seek them.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard I'm not arguing for a ban on them. I just think they're immoral in most cases
Nayla · 56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard youre right! And they will be put in potentially life threatening situations
NickiHijab · F
Morally, I'm against it. Ethically, I'm against restrictive policies and understand the implications of not giving women the choice. Banning abortion puts women at detrimental risk, psychologically, physically and sociologically. Forcing them to take extreme measures. Women should have freedom over their own bodies with access to safe medical care being available.
Besides, criminalising abortion does not stop abortion, it just makes it less safe.

We also must take into account the circumstances and stop generalising all women with just one. I know some who have aborted and it by all means was not an easy decision to make. On top of making such a heavy life altering choice, women bear the burden of societal stigma. We deserve better.
Prolife only covers from conception to birth. After that they don't give a shit about life.
@Slade And now you resort to name calling because you have no argument. Typical.
Slade · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You spew nonsensical arguments. You are an affront to us with cerebral cortexes
@Slade Again more insults and nothing to back your claims or any counter argument. Not unexpected though. Your type seem used to just having people nod in agreement like bobbleheads.
I believe all children are a gift

I believe we should give voice to the most defenseless and most innocent

I believe we should provide better relief for single moms (we do not have to make everything so difficult)

I believe destiny exists for an unborn child, as well as for a mother ... but neither owns the destiny of the other.

I believe mothers are special

I believe in the Lord being the giver of life

I believe society should not exploit young mothers

I believe the lost of children is tragic

I stand for young mothers and children
@LovelyLadybug the unfortunate thing, (and I'm speaking from nkt being in America, and I'm assuming similar issues can happen in the social system), is that - people easily fall through the cracks.
Welfare doesn't always work, welfare can be complicated, and looking after a child is time consuming .
Welfare can also be demeaning.
You would be surprised to find so many struggle just to even get some kind of help.
And then there are the abused mothers, who have to try and get help while dealing with the chaos of trauma, WHILE looking after their kids.

Its a nightmare!

Our society is a society broken for the truly needy .
LovelyLadybug · 36-40, F
@BoobooSnafu I've seen a lot of families coming by the Welfare office. I know this from experience because I was (and still am) on some kind of government help. You'll be surprised that a lot of people aren't ashamed of asking for help when they are in true need and desperate. I've seen it! Nothing wrong with doing that in my opinion, it's when it gets abused that it becomes a problem!
@LovelyLadybug yeah.

And when its abused, it makes it harder for those in need to access it.

Such a shame .
Good ideas ...but sometimes badly executed .
Peapod · 61-69, F
I think it's one of those things that I wish never had to happen, but I too understand fully on why we must keep abortion safe and legal.

As many have already stated, those who seem to protest the loudest against it are also against social programs to help out poor, single mothers and children. I also know there is a lot of addiction out there and it breaks my heart to see children born into that. My daughter had a friend that was addicted to heroin since high school and so was this boyfriend. They had 4 beautiful children. Both parents are now dead! There are millions of children in the foster care system which can really be a harsh existence.

I think until the day comes where we really value children (and other human life), the unborn cannot come first at all cost.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@CopperCicada Exactly. Maybe the real way to reduce the number of abortions is to address some of those social issues that plague our society.

So many people don't value human life that is already here and part of our society.
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Peapod · 61-69, F
@CopperCicada So very true. 😞
hotarabgirl · 22-25, F
we need to keep government and religion out of it
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@hotarabgirl I'm cool with the government getting involved, that's who pays for them here.
What can one say .
Its terrible, its abused and its an awful necessity.
But its no worse than the fact of abused, neglected or trafficked children .

Its the most difficult choice a woman has to make .

And it can haunt them forever.

I'm pro choice, only because its not my place to make that decision for anyone else .

I've faced having to choose to keep my child or not, and the war between logic and emotion was .....heart wrenching .

My heart one, and I kept my child.
But I'm lucky that I live in a country that accepts and helps a single woman in this situation .

If I didn't.....I may have had to choose against my heart....and it would have been soul destroying for me .

I,pity any woman in that situation.
@Allelse ooooooh.

Old magiks be there methinks .
Allelse · 36-40, M
@BoobooSnafu And considering how batty some of the people who lived on top of that ridge were, I wouldn't be surprised if some leaked out. Everyone who lived on that hill was fucked in the head, I should know, I grew on that hill.
@Allelse all becomes clear .😄
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
There's a lot of male's commenting here.
Just saying!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Slade American autocorrect, what can you Do? 🤷‍♀️
Hopefully you spend as much time on contraception, as you do with grammar!
Slade · 56-60, M
@Harriet03 Why should I. Don't males have no say?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Slade Yes but not the final decision!
Northwest · M
No womb here, I'm afraid my opinion does not count.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@bijouxbroussard Quite possibly, as I said, any Man "worthy" of the term Father should want to have a say, yes, it's her body but part of him created that child too so I think he should have a say if he is supportive. Often Men abdicate their responsibilities as Fathers and abandon the Woman but we shouldn't exclude the ones who don't want to abandon them or the child. Not sure how right that is but it is my opinion as the child of a woman who was abandoned after birth by my Father...
Northwest · M
@spjennifer You're discussing a very specific situation, one where a COUPLE is making a conscious decision to conceive. In that case, the man and woman agreed to this, and as such they both should have a say. Otherwise, the guy should not expect to have any say in it.
@spjennifer Yes, that’s between a couple, which is totally different.
It’s not the situation where Joe Blow is standing outside Planned Parenthood with a sign, deciding he has the right to express his opinion about what women and girls he has never met do with their bodies, even rape and incest victims.
never had an abortion but had to consider when I got pregnant in December after I was broken up with. That was incredibly hard. I used to not be pro-choice at all until two years ago, and even then it was hard for me to understand until I was faced with it myself.

I'm generally emotionally unstable, have no income, yet I was pregnant while going through a breakup which just made things worse. One week I was very excited and just trying to figure out how to get my life together. I guess being in love does that to you lol. Next week it was about wondering if I should kill my own baby or not. To me I was very attached because it was the baby between me and someone I loved.
I miscarried in the end.

But I remember thinking I was going to have to jump off a building and kill myself and them if I couldn't get an abortion and was planning to by time second trimester came around.

And now I'm pregnant, but its different. It wasn't considered consensual and I really trusted him because I had known him and things didn't turn out the way I wanted. I'm considering my options but kind of already attached so its difficult. I swing wildly between wanting one and not wanting one. Emotionally I'm drained. Numb or moody. Running out of time to make a decision. plus losing a baby is hard enough on me so I guess its no surprise I'm attached....
but there is a lot of resentment.

Abortions are not easy, oftentimes they send you home with pain medication and you just have to hope things go okay, if not you have to come in a second time to get scraped out. They will scrape you out sometimes after a miscarriage too. I almost had to get a D&C myself after miscarriage. Honestly the pill option is not any different from having a miscarriage and they will tell you that. Even so, its very scary. Its not something people use for birth control or because its fun. Anyone who tells you its so is lying.

It takes a lot of work to get an appointment and go in. And you have to carry that around for the rest of your life in the form of judgement from people and stigma.

As for putting the baby up for adoption, hard to describe what that is like. The amount of emotional pain that puts you through. Birth in of itself is life changing and also life threatening. If you get attached after then its extremely hard to let go of them and I feel like that would have broke me enough to where I would commit suicide. there's a lot of hormones in the body at that point and it just complicates things, top that with carrying for 9 months and going through a body altering process. Its not easy. But people who haven't gone through it will always happily talk about it as if they have any idea of what's its like. People treat you like an incubator.

or praise you for giving to adoption. In reality it just makes you feel like an incubator lol. In general I feel like I'm seen as an incubator to some people.
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
It hurts my heart 💔
@Miklee02 then adopt (:
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
@PepsiColaP in a heartbeat 💗
Slade · 56-60, M
@PepsiColaP How can she if it's been scraped out?
HarryAnus · 41-45, M
In my dang opinion, people just need to stop having dang sex and reproducing. There's too many dang people in this dang world and it's because people can't stop making dang love!
@HarryAnus aww dang
@HarryAnus we got us a dang troll here...
Nobody00 · F
Dang, man!!!@HarryAnus
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
If a rich woman wants it needs an abortion nothing will stop them from going to the Netherlands or Israel where it is legal.

It's about controlling women. Conservative religions have always feared women.

Abortion is a woman's choice.
The argument that abortion is murder is a complicated one. It's not about killing a fully functional human, but stopping the process of what could have resulted in one.

But so do condoms and the pill. Masturbation also kills sperm cells that could have fertilized an egg cell. Browsing SW instead of having unprotected sex also prevents the birth of a human.

Obviously I just took this to ridiculous levels, but if you walk through it in reverse order, at what point does it become a valid argument and why exactly there?
Nanori · F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow u have no idea how many people actually believe that
@Nanori Sadly I do.
@NerdyPotato I have seriously wondered if people say in their 50s are even fully functioning.
This really all happens to fall onto the topic of when consciousness begins. When does a person become a person? Is one cell a person? Is the billions of cells we call an adult a person? What is the tipping point? Or is there even one? If one cell is a person can the inverse also be true and an adult be considered personless? Cause many adults sure act like they aren't real. Or have a soul/conscience.
People also argue it begins with heart/brain development. But how can you feel if you have no memory to just tell you what you just or are currently experiencing. And memory develops well after birth.
Wordlover · F
It’s not something people do out of choice but out of necessity. It’s your body and you are allowed to make the decision for yourself, not be dictated to by another. I doubt it’s ever easy but sometimes it’s the best option. Only idiots make it political, those who seek to control women and keep them ‘in their place’.
Wordlover · F
@RogueLoner My comment was aimed at the general discussion including everyone.

I can only conclude that either,English is not your first language or you’re somewhere on the spectrum. Either way, it’s all good. I don’t have a prejudice about either. So, keep well. 👍
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Wordlover · F
@RogueLoner 🤣👍
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scalenemaia · 36-40, F
It is my right if I need one and no MALE has any say in the matter, ever. If I hadn't had one aged 19 my life would have been well and truly f*cked.
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(.....) no opinion because it's not my place to decide for anyone what they can do with their lives or bodies.
AbbySvenz · F
It’s nobody’s business but the couple involved.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@AbbySvenz the couple or the woman? (just asking your point of view)
AbbySvenz · F
Mostly the woman @Pretzel
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@AbbySvenz understood
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
They are not fun, but they are necessary for the health and wellbeing of a population. If you ban them, them happen anyway, only with much more risk.

It's also been my observation that "pro life" advocacy tends to mostly be pro birth. Once that teen mom with no way of supporting her new baby, let alone herself, gives birth, it's her problem and she should have made better choices.
@Dolimyte I couldn't agree more.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
It is the most extreme example of inhospitality to another human being.
Oster1 · M
I will say that I read a post here last night that told of a young teen being raped, not knowing who the father was but choosing to carry the baby to term. It really made me think of the absolute strength, courage and faith it must of took for her to do that. I thought about what I would have done if I had a daughter or wife who experienced this. The Mother eventually gave up the child to a loving family and by her child’s own words, was raised well. The child went to college and starting her career in English Instruction. She always kept in touch with her Mother and knows to this day, that her Mother loves her. I’m a big burly guy and the tears were running down my face. My heart reached out to them both and I have so much respect and love for them. I was so touched by this story and both are in my prayers. I did not write this for anything other than a Human story that moved me emotionally. When I saw this post, I wanted to write about it.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
If more women swallowed it wouldn't even be a issue
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Pretzel yep the only topping was spaghetti
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@ExtremeNext you had me laughing to hard I dropped a handful of mashed potatoes
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Pretzel 💪
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Women have a right to choose - people who think any woman makes that choice flippantly are beyond ignorant
DCarey · 46-50, M
@SW-User What about the body inside the woman's body.... do they get a choice?
@DCarey nope, because I genuinely don’t think life begins at conception - I’d argue later in the pregnancy restrictions make sense but otherwise no
@Jonjdw I’m sure there’s men who like sticking glass tubes in their penis - doesn’t mean it’s enough to be of any significance
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
As long as they have nothing to do with me personally, I don't care who decides to have one or who decides to perform one. It's none of my business. However, I'm not sure where to stand when it comes to abortions being covered by state healthcare insurance. Recently I have learned that in my country, abortions are fully covered but birth control pills are not covered at all?! That's pretty fucked up, imo.
Nayla · 56-60, F
@CrazyMusicLover what country do you live in?
@CrazyMusicLover The US military spends 84 million + annually on Viagra and all the ED meds
@fernie2 Wonder is there’s any connection between that and the high incidence of sexual assaults against female members of the military ? 🤔
Moonpenny · F
It's a woman's right to choose.
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Moonpenny · F
@Baremine The more you open your mouth, the more you show your blatant ignorance.
spjennifer · 56-60, T

Getting pregnant is a real possibility when you have sex.

This is indeed true but the responsibility for birth control doesn't solely lie with the Woman, the Man has some responsibility too and all too often Men don't care...
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I love Family Guy 🥺🥺🥺@PrincessVelvet
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
Please inform Backdoortothesublime that Dixiecrats such as George Wallace were Dixiecrats in the 60s and opposed civil rights legislation and federal enforcement of that legislation. It is really easy to research. There was a marked policy difference between the direction of the Democratic Party and the Dixiecrats. I ended up blocking him. Truth and perspective matter. Obsessive denialismisnt worth my time.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Fauxmyope2 Kennedy is largely responsible for the Democrats shift in the civil rights position..
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@whowasthatmaskedman Yes, he certainly played a role. FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower moved in that direction too.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
I think it's deeply sad but it's also a necessary evil. Women's bodies are theirs to do with as they see fit and they should have the ability to abort if they so choose, up to a certain point in the gestation period. Neither the State nor the Church should be telling Women what to do with their bodies or deciding for them, Women are not baby factories. I can only imagine the trauma having an abortion causes so I also think that there should be some counseling available before they make the choice and support after it happens.
Piper · 61-69, F
Like most people, I have many different thoughts and feelings about it. Not one of them includes, thinking abortion is always wrong or "immoral".
spjennifer · 56-60, T
I've often wondered, if we placed the task/burden of raising the unaborted child on the Fathers, how many so-called "Pro Life" Men would change their minds?
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
I don't like it to be fair. If people don't want babies then they should do things to stop them getting pregnant in the first place. Its a life there killing it's not the babies fault
@MiraRoss if you understand it in some situations, don't you think it shouldn't be illegal? And I'm very interested in your answer to @bijouxbroussard's question because that's a really interesting point about a fetus being forced into becoming a child raised by parents with such morals.
MiraRoss · 31-35, F
@NerdyPotato in some instances it is helpful but at the end of the day it's alive and it's not it's fault. Its an innocent life that gets ended
@MiraRoss of course. But the question of abortion laws isn't whether women should have abortions. It's whether the should have the opportunity in situations where the alternative is worse.
scalenemaia · 36-40, F
It is my right to choose. Nobody else's at all, ever!
I had one in 2007 as an undergrad. Best option available at the time.
There was a scandal at my local NHS Trust when they discovered The Pill they had ordered from a new bulk supplier was actually just aspirin. Lots of women fell pregnant despite thinking they were safe. I was one of them.
I don't think they ever found the true culprits of the scam. It made the newspapers at the time and the local TV news. (The scam, not my pregnancy... LOL)
LovelyLadybug · 36-40, F
Their life not mine. None of my business what they do with their body.
@LovelyLadybug The unborn baby is not their body. It is not their head which is crushed or their lungs filled with saline solution -if it was they'd be dead
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
It’s a discussion that literally never ends
@TurtlePink It wasn’t that long ago when no one cared about it. Eventually that day will come again.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
I’m cool w it. Not my concern at all what women do with their bodies. So...
Lilymoon · F
Her body. Her decision. I also support assisted suicide.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
As a male its none of my goddamned business.....
SammyJo · 51-55, F
I hate the thought of's the catholic in me....but I was dragged to have abortions in the past, so I have a fair amount of guilt over that.....but, I guess, it's down to the individual and their thoughts and circumstances...



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