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The 'Man' has set the standard for scientific discovery and do not dare question this or you will be in trouble. I have discovered that the Moon and

the Sun are actually the same planet. I observed them over 24 hours and made some dramatic findings. During the night I could see this planet (which I have renamed the 'Soon'). Through my telescope I could see the 'Moon' clearly but when it changed into the 'Sun' I found that my eyes started to water and everything turned black. This would be proof enough that the 'Man' had put something into the Suns force field to stop people looking at the 'Soon' with telescopes during the daytime.

Also, they knew I was on to something as the Illuminati police turned up at my door and confiscated my telescope, they said that I was using it to spy on the over 40's women's swimming club. The lengths they will go to, to discredit a recognised creation scientist.

They also made me return the underwear stolen from the over 40's club that somebody had planted in my bedroom every week for 2 months that I did not notice.

I know this is 'TDLR' people...But, YOU MUST follow the Creation Science as the 'Man' is trying to science us.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M Best Comment
Good sir, I must absolutely apploud..appalad…app…cheer you for your following of the scientific method. And you are indeed correct, sir, that these supposedly two separate objects are in point of fact the very same object (though in my own notes it is called The Mun). However, if I may offer some construction criticism, you have failed in just one regard, and that is in the application of a darkening lens to the telescope for daytime operations. Had you done so, you would have seen that the “dark side of the moon” as the so-called Dr. Pink Floyd has dubbed it, is in fact quite bright. It is also the reason for the so called “stars”, as while this brightness is turned away from us during its “moon” phase, the “sun” side is shining outward and reflecting off the debris hanging above us.

I am saddened to hear of the scientifically illiterate having confiscated your telescope over the obvious misunderstanding. I have had similar difficulties when doing distance comparisons that happened to fall in the direction of the local beach women’s changing room.

calicuz · 56-60, M
Finally the truth is out, and thanks to brave men like yourself, everyone will know the truth about the soon. The Shadow Government's cover up can no longer silence the truth.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
] @AndysAttic @AndysAttic well I can be incredibly helpful and intuitive
ffony · M
@calicuz It's the new mob yell:

Silence Science! Silence Science! Silence Science!
calicuz · 56-60, M

Sorry my man, I fixed it at your request, and please forgive me for my poor choice of humor. 🙏🏼
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
I tried to take a look at this planet but ever since I did, my vision has dark spots. At first I thought they were nano chips in my eyes from vaccines in the water but this might be the more probable cause
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@deadgerbil Indeed Ma'am...but let us not forget the 9G tower disguised as a lamp post outside your house.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@AndysAttic I tried to sit on it. My hormones lead me astray and now I'm vaccine hurt
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@deadgerbil For shame.
DarkXtecy · 36-40, M
People thinking its the sun out there when all the while its just a cosmic bulb....it lights up at night for approximately 13 to 14 hours, so that we can see and do our work, after that the bulb is switched of so that we can take rest.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Indeed, they are using my 'underwear' issue to disguise the 'Soon'. I am sure I have observed these two ladies at the over 40's club.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
This post and comments has my head spinning. Now when I look up and see the moon against a daylight blue sky and the sun shining on the other side of the sky I'll be wondering what kind of sinister trickery is this. Perhaps it's best I protect myself staying inside where I can't see them and they can't see me.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@Gibbon Indeed Sir, I feel your pain.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@AndysAttic I'm a feared 😆
redredred · M
I urge you to spend long hours observing the sun through a telescope on a clear day. Look right at it under high power magnification.
redredred · M
@AndysAttic oh,I have you can trust me, it’ll be an eye-pending experience.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@redredred I though the likes of you would experiment with this type of thing...Yes I have done it...but I did it at night.
redredred · M
@AndysAttic makes as much sense as you ever have.
The 'Soon' huh?

Theres a 'pun' in here somewhere.
ffony · M
Sience of the times I suppose.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Are you sure about this because I tried to look myself and now I am having trouble seeing?

Or maybe that is what is supposed to happen. I must have done it right then 🙏🏻.
tenente · 100+, M
zaʊndz! your discovery of the ‘Soon’ is truly groundbreaking! 🌕☀️ I mean, who would’ve thought the Moon and the Sun were just playing a cosmic game of hide and seek? Illuminati police? they must have a lot of free time on their hands if they’re worried about your telescope and the over 40’s women’s swimming club 😂 as for the underwear, it sounds like someone has a very peculiar sense of humor. maybe it’s the ‘Man’ trying to throw you off your trail of scientific genius. keep fighting the good fight creation scientist! (remember to wear sunglasses next time you observe the ‘Soon’ 😎 safety first! 🔭)
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@tenente I have done one better Sir, I have covered the lenses of my telescope with duct tape but somehow everything now seems dark when I look through it...Clearly the work of the 'Man'.
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AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@Havesomefun2 Indeed, many thanks for your observation.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@AndysAttic well it is true
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
@Havesomefun2 Cheers Sport.

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