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How does one prepare themselves to die?

If you knew your time was limited
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
By asking Jesus into their heart and life

old people who do this have the most matter-of-fact attitude towards death.
Theyitis · 36-40, M
Everyone’s time is limited.
i watched both of my parents die of horrible deaths.one suffered and died at home and one in the hospital. but they were on some pretty strong drugs to help them cope with the pain they were in. they pretty much knew they were going to die while on these drugs but just waited it out until their time came. if i were to suffer their fate and had a gun i would have taken myself out with a bullet in the temple...that's how i would prepare
HumanEarth · F
Wow yours parents were a lot sooner then my mom

My mom died before the new millennial. She died in 1985
Lilymoon · F
@beermeplease I think it's good to have that option. You have to be dying (or suffering a reasonable amount) before being accepted. I mean they put animals out of their misery so why not us.
@Lilymoon i totally agree
houseonfire · 56-60, M
Thats funny I am in the process of doing so, I have cancer. I have been my family caregiver and cared for my maternal grandmother, uncle and my mom and dad die when they died. They all died at home, save mom. None of them died easy death. They all placed their trust in God and even though they seemed to be suffering they were calm and at peace. I think we have such a screwed up idea of religion because of greed and narcissism. Belief in Christ is about living life with a different mind set. Things do not matter more then people and in the big scheme of things a life lived to 60, 70 or even 80 is not a big deal if you compare it to eternity. Even though I know I am dying I still get mad, upset, think the wrong things and say the wrong things but I ask God to forgive me each day. I have confessed that I have sinned and am in need of a savior and I believe that Jesus died for my sins on a cross and rose again and went to heaven to prepare a place for me. So, all this rambling to say I guess I am preparing by asking others to forgive me for screwing up when i did and letting others know that this is not the end but maybe just the beginning. I however will not be riding a bull name fuemanchew (sp).
katydidnt · 61-69, F
@houseonfire You words will come to mind when it's my turn. Thank you and God bless you in your journey.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Spend all my money.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I almost died last year from disease. It had two effects, outside of the pain, worry, and helplessness.

First, I got mad after I survived and got treated. I wanted to heal faster, and wanted my old life back. I hated my weak body. But I will never be the same. I just have to adjust and make the best of things with a diminished body. Of course, it was bound to fall apart eventually. It has just hit me earlier than expected. Fortunately, my job and life are mostly in my mind, and I work from home. Yet even sitting for too long hurts.

Second, I loosened up and stopped caring about many things. I learned to laugh more about life, and situations. At one point I could not walk, and was cathetered at both holes. So silly. I was pumped with pills and had four neck surgeries to root out flesh eating bacteria and cover the huge hole with a skin graft. I just gave into it all and took it one day at time.

Life is better now. I can tell because now I dwell again on pre-op things, like boredom, loneliness, and bad weather. I used to use a walker and now I am back to going outside without a walker in the snow and ice with no worries. My mental endurance for such things have not changed. I was raised in Ohio
acupaday · 46-50, F
By slowly gaining acceptance of what’s to come. It’s not something that’s easy to sit with by any means, but it’s needed to experience the most peace at the end. You let people know how you truly feel through the words that may have been hard to find earlier. And if they fail, let actions become your language of goodbye. You do what you can to help plan the future others will have without you. You indulge. You say yes when you normally would have said no and you take more time out for yourself to gather as much Life as you can. There’s more…a lot more…but you just continue life one day at a time knowing it’s a little more precious than it was once upon a time.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Sort through my stuff and part with what I will never use…give to others whatever they need and donate the rest to thrift shops.

Get your papers in order and final wishes.

Write to those you love and express your feelings towards them.

Do what you can to make yourself happy in your final days if you can, bucket list if possible.

Arrange to have someone else take care of your pets afterwards.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@cherokeepatti I have heard to let your dog or cat see you die. They understand death and won't be looking for you.
katydidnt · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti That speaks to me, thank you. Bucket list must include Forgive Myself.
Most evenings I'd sit in a lawn chair, drink in hand, and watch the sun set.
Think about the warmth that love has given and brings … complete acceptance ….knowing I gave above and beyond for people I loved.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Vanishing yes i can understand what you say it is the inevitable outcome but why think about it enjoy the time
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Get all the financial bits sorted for your partner
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
@Barny52 told my wife its all paid for I have will it list my assets she still is clueless
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@2ndtimeguy I’ve written a list of who to inform like pension firms, put bank accounts in joint names plus a step by step guide on how to log on . List includes where saving accounts are and how long saving should last, my pension nearly halfs but her bills will stay the same !
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Everyone's time is limited. You never know. You should always be prepared to die and living in the moment. That's all you have.
TexChik · F
Get right with God. As mortal beings, each minute could be our last. Live your life, be kind to people, and have Jesus in your heart. Your body already knows how to die.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Max out your credit cards
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@TurtlePink this is fine, as long as your partner is not co signed, it will come out of your estate
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@nedkelly I’ll be dead so who cares
Tracos · 51-55, M
let go of all earthly possessions
find peace

and breathe till the end
in10RjFox · M
I became aware at age 40 that life has no guarantee as we can pass away anytime. So I started to live like there is no tomorrow dedicating my life to posterity. So have been writing books to store my ideas so it can be easily passed on to the generation next.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Get right with God
calicuz · 56-60, M
Do all the things you love till it comes to an end.
I am an organ donor so I heard they will maybe creamate or something. I would prefer creamation my sis says she'll get it done for me, and no funeral, and no obit. About 10 years ago I could have died from internal bleeding, and something kicked in, in my mind, that made me accepting of death, no fear of it, so am hoping that happens again for me when my time comes. An easy death. Don't wanna suffer. I've done that enough. Hope you are well
They run up the bills on every credit card they own. Its not like they will have to pay it off.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Think it depends on the person and how long they have plus what affliction they have that is killing them
Majorsite · 61-69, M
I guess You just have to take it !
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
With hedonism.
Tamara68 · 56-60, F
Buy a coffin
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@Tamara68 The Trappist Monks by My town make fine walnut coffins !
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@Majorsite That's how I want to go out !
My friend is planning her end of life at the moment. Somehow it's giving her peace.
Get a lawyer, make a will, try to tie up all my loose ends then enjoy what's left knowing my son will have a fair shot.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Sought your affairs out, say good bye to people and laugh at death in its face when it comes
Lilnonames · F
A friend of mine mom die last night. She works night shift, kissed her mom said I love u went to work. When she come home she looked peaceful in the recliner she kissed said im home. She die peacefully in her sleep
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Lilnonames When I was working at Walmart there was a lady who was working there, she worked on her feet all day long. She had cancer and was still working. I saw her one Sunday morning when I had got to work at 7 a.m. Not many customers so I talked to her for a few minutes. She had a pretty little chemo hat on with a flower and told her how cute it looked on her. The next Sunday I came to work and was told by another employee that she had died in her sleep that night. It just about broke my heart knowing she didn’t have time to rest and take better care of herself. She was cheerful every time I saw her too. That is why I was so surprised at her sudden death.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
We start by living our life to the fullest every single day, because there's no such thing as anyone NOT knowing their time is limited.

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