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An old farmer and his wife go to an auction to buy a new breeding bull for their ranch.

As the farmer and his wife enter the Auction pen area to view the bulls for sale. The wife stops and reads this sign about bull number one saying He has bred 52 times last year, and the wife elbows her husband saying, "Hey, that is once per week, you could learn something about that from him"! and smiles.

The husband-and-wife view Bull number two and again the wife reads the sign on the bull's pen saying, This bull has bred 150 times last year, and the wife elbows her husband a little harder while grinning saying, "That is more than twice a week, you really should note that buddy".

The husband moves to bull number threes pen and the wife follows him reading the sign out loud to her husband, This bull has bred 365 times last year, and the wife punches her husband in the arm saying, "You should seriously take note of that Mr.".

The old farmer husband finally pissed off enough looks back at his nagging wife, and says, "Yeah and I bet that is not all with the same old cow"!

Bada Bing Bada Boom!
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exexec · 70-79, C
I'm afraid to laugh.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@exexec I was afraid to post it because I thought for sure some women on SW may not like it. But hey I posted it, just so you could laugh, so laugh dang it.
Google this (or something close) - - - President Coolidge, Mrs Coolidge and the rooster.

I took the chance my reference to President Coolidge's famous anecdote wouldn't upstage your funny, similar story. It could be seen as another example of an even older truth - in ALL things (jokes included) there is nothing new under the sun.

Remember, a good sense of humor is important.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@rinkydinkydoink Okay, I had no idea where you were headed or what you meant. I find a joke and it makes me laugh I just pass it on. I never heard the President Coolidge joke, but I believe all jokes come from someone somewhere and we are only supposed to laugh at them.

I have literally had Karens screaming I plagiarized the joke or that they heard it before and the like. That is why I replied like I had. I just want folks to laugh and move on with their day, if they need to look up a history of a joke or scream plagiarism then, I have zero time for that person. It ruins the joke and good humor; I was trying to share.

I just did not know your intent. But thank you

You are very gracious. It's a great joke any way you look at it!
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Donotfolowme Thank you for laughing and not goggle internet searching jokes similar to this. I only posted it because I heard it earlier in the morning and it made me laugh.

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