@Sharon What I have found is that it has grown on me! When I first saw it at the cinema - and as a Monty Python follower - I remember enjoying it hugely for the concept, and some killer lines like "We are all individuals", "Blessed are the cheesemakers" and "What have the Romans ever done for us", but overall, a tad disappointed. But in the two or three viewings in the intervening years, it has grown on me. As I have moved further and further away from my (non-consensual!) Christian upbringing, I find its take down, its parody, its brilliant mockery increasingly clever and hilarious. It puts the whole myth to the sword. And as someone who struggled through five years of Latin, and still failed O level, the Centurion's correction of ROMANES EUNT DOMUS still has me rolling on the floor.
I like a lot of Pythons work. I met Terry Jones,he was a nive guy. I have a couple of cassettes worth of some rare,lesser known sketches..'Novel Writing' and a fantastic sketch "Summarise Proust'...where a barbers quartet and a man with a stutter try to summarise the works of Proust in 30 seconds.
Both Graham Chapman and Terry Jones were at my theater on the opening weekend of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They also made some promotional ads for the public television station.
@2ndtimeguy I was never into Monty Python until The Life of Brian came out. Even then I only went to see it because of the christians' protesting against it. I'm very glad I did. :)