Persephone · 51-55, F
Your gut biome bacteria balance changes with literally every meal, so you can become intolerant to foods at any time of your life. Actual allergy, where you might need an epi-pen is more complex but it can happen. This sounds more like a gut biome reaction or intolerance than an allergy, and much easier to fix (unless your immune system is involved, with Mast cell reaction and histamine release, but I would not worry about that unless the reaction becomes severe).
@Persephone well my reaction affects me in a way that i wish wouldnt as i have vulvar lichen sclerosus that could evolve to cancer, which affects also the back side and my reaction makes me bleed cause it breaks my flesh without going too much in details
Persephone · 51-55, F
@SimplyMeChantou oh no 😣 that's rough for you. Nightshades do seem to easily provoke a reaction in a lot of people. I hope you find some good alternatives.
Ducky · 31-35, F
Unfortunately, yes. My wife used to always eat shrimp without any issue, for years. Then one day, she suddenly broke out in really bad hives while eating it. Our bodies change over time and can develop new allergies we never had before. And lose ones we had before. I used to be very allergic to tomatoes as a kid, but now I can eat them like nothing.
As for pizza, you could always use sauces that aren't tomato-based, like a garlic or barbecue sauce. Some pizza is good without any sauce whatsoever.
As for pizza, you could always use sauces that aren't tomato-based, like a garlic or barbecue sauce. Some pizza is good without any sauce whatsoever.
@Ducky i used to eat salmon and some white fish thats called sole in french and the kore i ate it the more i felt my throat chocked.. and one day i work i tried those small fish eggs we put as decorations on sushi called caplan (still in french lol)... and i chocked within 5 min, couldnt breathed, lost my voice thank god i had my inhalers..... im never ever touching any kind of fish in my life
Ducky · 31-35, F
@SimplyMeChantou That's horrifying. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I wouldn't risk it either. I avoid eating whole tomato slices myself just to be safe.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Absolutely. Ended up in the hospital due to shrimp - which I always ate without any problem whatsoever before, and quite often too.
Freeranger · M
I think it's possible. I used to eat both bananas and mushrooms, and then I had intense, painful reactions to them so swore them off. Weird. I used to eat both with inpunity and then, for whatever reason, the boom lowered on me.
@Freeranger it sucks right? I love tomatoes and so many things are made of em....
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t know why it happens but yes as we get older certain intolerances seem to develop. I could make a list of things I am having a hard time with now. I can’t eat anything with gluten in it, raspberries, peanuts and peanut butter is hard to digest, thinking spicy foods like curries, Mexican foods, etc are also out and popcorn is not good for me, or small seeds. You could make a pizza with white sauce like they have for chicken Alfredo pizza, spinach pizza and some other types at some restaurants. Sucks not to have some of your favorite foods.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Tomatoes are poisonous. They belong to the Nightshade family. I only have a problem with them when I eat them when I am hungry and with nothing else.
Melpomene · 26-30, F
Yes :(
Pizza bianca?
Pizza bianca?
@Melpomene pizza bianca?
Melpomene · 26-30, F
@SimplyMeChantou "White pizza". It's what you get when you google "pizza without tomatoes/tomato sauce"...

MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Every 7 years your body changes.
@MrBrownstone wish all my body could really lol
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Yes, sadly, we can become allergic at any time.
SethGreene531 · M
Absolutely. I know someone in their 60's suddenly allergic to peanuts. Others have developed additional food allergies through the years, or have gotten worse. Including shellfish/seafood sensitivity.
Tomatoes are common, as are avocados, celery, and citrus fruit.
Tomatoes are common, as are avocados, celery, and citrus fruit.
sarabi · F
Yea, if immunity drops
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
This happened to me when I turned 40. I suddenly developed allergies and sensitivities to a couple of foods I’d had no problem with before
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@someoneiusedtoknow] sorry to hear that i used to get a sick feeling from eating tomatoes and tomato soup and did have to be sick . i never got tummy pain but i suffer acid reflux.i take medication and now i can eat them .
Yes, I would consider getting an allergy test this can be from a number of factors including a change in your immune system.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
It’s not uncommon. I have owned my cat for 12 years, and I’ve been allergic to him for 6.
Dino11 · M
I'm allergic to work now, bur actually always have been. 🍀

Yes ...your body changes every 7 years
OogieBoogie · F
We change .
And some allergies may not surface unless a degree of inflammation is already present, or starts to happen in our bodies.
And some allergies are accumulative : tje body can only process so much, so each time, the allergic reaction gets worse .
My mum is like that with kiwi fruit .
She used to love them .
Then they made her mouth itch .
Now, even chopping one up could kill her .
We change .
And some allergies may not surface unless a degree of inflammation is already present, or starts to happen in our bodies.
And some allergies are accumulative : tje body can only process so much, so each time, the allergic reaction gets worse .
My mum is like that with kiwi fruit .
She used to love them .
Then they made her mouth itch .
Now, even chopping one up could kill her .
bijouxbroussard · F
Alas, it’s true…you can outgrow allergies and you can develop them. I was allergic to strawberries as a child but outgrew it. I wasn’t allergic to onions but am now.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
tomatoes are the debil!...
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
You can become allergic. I developed a seafood allergy at 19. A few years later I can’t have kiwi or dragon fruit and I have developed an allergy to an antibiotic too.