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Is it fair to ask her

So Joel has his son every other week and every weekend.

The weeks he has him he spends most evenings with us but goes home for the night. He's a butcher and goes to work at 4:30 am. So if he stayed the night here during the week it would mean Star would have to get his boy up and ready for school. He goes to the same school as my son. But would it be fair to even ask her to do this. His son is 9 but is special needs. He needs a bit more help getting ready then my son does. I just don't know if I should even ask her.
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
Hmm..well I think it wouldn't be too much trouble..but perhaps you can ask Joel to give 3 bucks per morning ( addition to her hourly rate) as he has special needs. So if she gets say 15 per hour...maybe 18 for that one hour only. Is it 5 days a week? So Joel could give you 15 bucks per week toward Star. Its just an idea.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@Coralmist I would definitely pay her extra to care for him as well.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Cigarguy101 I think she would be ok with also helping him in the a.m.
What do you have to lose???

The worst that can happen is that she says "No", in which case Joel will have to find an alternative anyway - so that's no biggie.

If she does say "Yes", it's experience of caring for a child with additional needs.

I see no point in depriving her of the option to choose for herself in whether she wants to do this and practicing communication abilities - i.e saying "No" if it's something she doesn't want to do.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@HootyTheNightOwl well if she said no, Joel would just go home in the evening. But she didn't say no. She was very happy we asked. She of course will be paid extra for the nights his son his here
@Cigarguy101 Lol, I only just noticed that this was posted almost a week ago...

I'm glad that you did ask her and let her decide for herself, though - it's a good chance to get experience that she will need as an adult, be it through looking after Joel's son or saying "No" if it was something she didn't want to do... both are equally important to practice to avoid getting to the point where you don't just say "Yes" to everything and become burned out from back-to-back shifts at work, or something like that.

The overtime money might be nice, but you won't enjoy it as much if you're getting up, going to work, coming home, eating, going to bed and getting up to do it all over again tomorrow. Though I didn't work overtime, I have been in the position where work was draining me to the point where I couldn't have any life outside of work. I wasn't sorry when I was ultimately fired because I had a miscarriage and didn't turn up to work again.
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Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@geoam1 she is a great young lady
WhateverWorks · 36-40
With stuff like this, you can ask, and she might say yes, but at the same time, I would be asking yourself what you can do in other ways to alleviate stress off of her? What can you help with the night before to make the morning go smoother? What can you do when you get home to make the rest of her day less depleting?
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@WhateverWorks I always try to make it as easy for her as possible. My daughter rarely needs any help in the morning.

I have two sets of clothes laid out for me boy. He spills at breakfast a lot lol
I have their breakfast prepped the night before.
I have their lunches ready and packed.
I have their backpack ready and by the door.
I have their coats and shoes ready by the door
I have my daughter sensory bag ready by the door.

She only does mornings.

I pick the kids up after school. I get off at 230. She is usually at school herself or out with friends in the evening.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@Cigarguy101 hello sounds like you’re doing a pretty good job trying to be helpful. The only thing I can think of is asking her if there’s anything else she needs help with that would make taking on the extra responsibility. Less stressful.
Can you help in the mornings at all?
@Cigarguy101 well it depends what she thinks is is fair ....and how hard the kid is , and if it's much extra work, and if she thinks she deserves renumeration ...and how kind and generous she is .

These are all variables we don't know 🤷
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@OogieBoogie Joel's son is partly deaf and has mental delays. I don't like labeling him but I'd say he's like a 4 or 5 year old. He's 9.
He needs more hand over hand help with daily skills. He wears pullups only because he was a weak bladder and can't hold it very long. But he can go on his own. You just got to get him to the restroom as soon as he says he needs to go. I believe I pay her well but would of course pay her extra to care for him as well. And it wouldn't be ever night either
@Cigarguy101 I understand the difficulties - I have a son with autism - he's 20, but really somewhere between a 4 and maybe an 8 year old (it's hard to to tell - scattered developmental levels).

All you can do is ask .....and maybe present it as a trial?🤷
There are so many variables it's hard to know how difficult it will be it will affect the kids , and how many changes will need to be made .
She may do excellently and make it all work ...
...or ot could become taxing on her .

Also - you might offer x amount , and she might say after two weeks, it's worth x+y amount .

If you really believe this is a good idea - ask and leave it as an open discussion to come back to each week and see how it's going ?

Kids are big enough variables by themselves. kKds with divergent abilities - even more so .
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I have always believed that we should be able to ask any question. I also believe Star should have the full right to say no. Has Star ever mentioned being overwhelmed taking care of your children in the morning or afternoon? I would ask. I would also let her know that she is under no obligation to say yes. Then like you said to another user I would also let her know upfront that you would fully compensate her for this extra work/responsibility. Personally I always thought you and Star would get together. 🤷‍♂️
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
@Musicman no she has never said she's overwhelmed. She doesn't wake the kids in the evening. I pick them up from school.

She is about 20 years younger than me. I see her as a daughter lol so no we'd never get together.

I did her and she said took you long enough. She said yes.

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