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Seriously? I write a genuinely interesting and funny story and you all don't comment?!!? But some asshole asks if his wifes ass is fat and he gets about fifty answeres?!!? Smh...
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swirlie · F
CanarysCry, "Best Answer"? 🤔Really? Why?
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
Because it made me laugh and reminded me not take things so seriously.

Gusman · 61-69, M
That is the triteness of sites like these. So many people do not even attempt to read what they call, " A wall of words " which is anything over two sentences.
Their attention span is low so you would be more successful posing a question such as, " What colour socks are you wearing right now " ?
Personally I sometimes post longish stories simply to put my experiences out there.
Does not matter if there are very few views/comments.
@Gusman i get that. legit. but if i'm going to take the emotional energy to spill my guts i at least want somebody to squick them between their toes...
Gusman · 61-69, M
Then you may be disappointed. 😕Many times my posts receive 1 or 2 views and no comments. Que Sera Sera. Move onto the next topic. 🙂
Ya. Ya I stopped posting anything from the heart cuz of that...
yeah sounds about right but not fair after your effort .I think a lot of people use the site mainly for the laughs at questions.
far more people watch the question/answer section than stories of any particular group, I think.
Welcome to SW 😂
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@MalteseFalconPunch I don't hear no fat lady!
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Hahaha yeah pretty much.
That's SW for you.

Truly disappointing.
JakeTheSnake · 70-79, M
I read your story. Didn't seem funny and didn't seem like it needed a comment.
CanarysCry · 51-55, F
@JakeTheSnake I am sorry. Next time I will discuss asses. Maybe you will find that more interesting.
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A lot more people like talking about their significant other's over abundance of glutes or lack there of
Oh, just block him. That's what I do.
Truth is no one is fun those days because they don't pick up and respond to silly things
They like big butts 😊 Where was your story??
swirlie · F
That is why Donald Trump won fair and square! He always places his context of speech in a format that is understandable to his base and which his most ardent followers can relate to as well. You are merely experiencing now, what Trump learned to master at a young age. Suggest you aim much lower when you are composing a funny story on SW, if you too want a share of those fifty answers!
tenente · 100+, M
not many stars 🤔 in this galaxy
tenente · 100+, M
can confirm, ass wasn't fat (and story was funny)

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