I'm a teacher in the UK and we have similar debate issues: albeit the Christian hard-right is much smaller so that is not as much of an issue. We don't have debates on whether evolution or climate change are real.
What you are witnessing in each of our countries is the political right blaming others for problems that they have created. Decades of underfunding and the splintering of education systems by the Charter School/Acadamany drive have created problems and produced mediocrity. Instead of looking at the best performing school systems in the world and learning from that (for example, Finland and Ontario) the right is determined to bring even more neo-liberal 'logic' and further compound the problems that they themselves created. It's based on the ideological belief that the market must always be more efficient and more effective than 'big government,' even in a natural monopoly and when the evidence says the opposite.
There is also the conspiracy that schools are 'indoctrination centres.' Whilst is true that most teachers lean towards the left, it's normally soft-left and some are barely political. It's quite logical that public sector workers are going to lean this way it's also quite logical that they are going to be in active unions when terms and conditions are under pressure. The motivation of teachers is based on a desire to educate the young and that is so obvious that I'm embarrassed to have to say this.
If teaching that the British Empire did bad things, that racism is bad and that climate change is real, constitutes a political conspiracy.... well sad to say folks: reality is conspiring against your belief system and it's you who wants to indoctrinate others. And indoctrinate others will bullshit you got from lousy media sources and internet conspiracies. I'm not going to teach children that BLM is Marxist or that Greta Thunberg is wrong, no matter how certain half of the SW politics section thinks it is. When it (rarely) comes up, I make efforts to be politically neutral in the classroom. To give credence to bullshit would be compromising professional ethics and there is no good reason other than it pisses off the right. Actually, that's not a good reason. 😎