I’m a high school dropout.I’ve worked five jobs and each of them had a high school diploma or equivalent under the qualifications. I don’t hide the fact that I’m a dropout. I put that down on my applications and if questioned about it. I explain what happened. I’ve come... See More »
Talk about or share some place that is very close to your heartPLEASE READ. This is The Walkway School (A home for the underprivileged). You can see more on instagram or facebook @thewalkwayschool. I joined this organization at the end of last October as a teacher volunteer and still counting ♥️ but now i feel... See More » (1)
I feel a little the snob, because I forget some people have a poorer educational standard than me here!I am constantly surprised by how many people struggle with conceptualisation of things written. Even these words might prove confusing for some, and I find it quite a tragedy that so many rebelled against education instead of realising how education... See More »