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Why i throw a lot of tantrums? I don't want this and want to change. Write me some suggestion please.

There is something I want to ask about my behavior lately in the past few months. I don't know why I become more aggressive and hard to control my temper. I often easily get angry, raise my voice to my boyfriend (we lived together), throw small things at him, and very easily stressed out.

How to get rid of these behaviors? I know that this behavior is wrong and such a big red flag, but sometimes I did all of that thing unconsciously. In my entire life, I have never experienced doing something like this by myself. But there is something I knew that my mom always threw lots of tantrums at me and my father. My boyfriend is a good man, he provides for me and supports me every time I get down. I really want to change for him and don't want him to hate me.

My background is I'm 22 years old and I live in Indonesia. I work as a 2D Artist at a game company. I think my job is not under high pressure.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
when im angry i usually pray for help
that usually works for me
TriaIndah · 18-21, F
@Matt85 Thank you... I will pray more often.
Mudkip · 31-35, M
We can't control what happens to us. Not all the times. But what we can control is how we react and respond to things or situations. Stressing over little things might not seem harmful, but many frequently and daily, they have a toll on your body.

In the grand scheme of things, it is not worth stressing, even much less throwing tantrums over minor inconveniences. Let these small things go and you'll see a change in your mood and attitude towards things.
TriaIndah · 18-21, F
@MudkipYou described something I wasn't even aware of really well. Thanks a lot...
bert199 · 51-55, M
This is a really hard behavior to change at this point in your life. It started because you did it as a baby or a small child and it was effective in getting attention or something that you wanted so it became learned behavior. It’s deeply entrained. The way it’s handled with children is that they are ignored and ostracized Until their behavior changes and then they are rewarded with positive feedback. They use the same technique and training pets who have behavioral issues. it’s something you have to learn. You will always have some sort of instinct, but the longer you abandon that instinct, the easier time you will have. You have to promise your boyfriend will not get mad or at least permanently when he turns his back on you when this behavior is happening. I can tell you firsthand, my ex-girlfriend was famous for this and it sometimes got violent. it was embarrassing to be around. And created a lot of stress in the relationship and for everybody around.
in10RjFox · M
First inform your bf through a letter of apology and give him a card to flash to you, when your behaviour goes out of control. Like yellow card in football.

Usually incompetency in people is what makes them throw such tantrums on others just to throw the blame away instead of blaming themselves.

So check on your impatience and develop tolerance. Nothing can be achieved overnight. And anything achieved just gives momentary satisfaction leading to the next worry.
Fishy · 36-40, F
Something that really helps is insight.

You need to be in tune with yourself and very aware of your triggers etc.

A lot of the time people that lose their temper have been unaware of subtle warning signs of the anger they've been feeling.
And then they just explode.

The anger isn't always out of the blue, but rather just unnoticed until it's intensity becomes unbearable.

When you can detect your triggers etc, the you can start to use coping strategies to calm down before it gets out of hand
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I've been like that all my life, my mother says since conception even. 😂 But I never throw or damage things. I often self-harm instead. Nothing serious, just pinching or wringing skin but yeah, I have anger issues and had them all my life. It's the energy that wants out and has to be expressed some way.
But if it's new to you, it could be a sign of depression.
UndeadSona · F
You might need to see a psychiatrist and get evaluated. Not enough information to go on and if it's what I think it is you're not going to be able to just control it so easily
I go through the same situation. However, I was always ridiculed by my family and society. I am trying to overcome my trauma.
TriaIndah · 18-21, F
@SalamanderWolfWoman Best wishes for you! <3
Harhhar · 36-40
Sent you a message -but really you’ve just learned some bad behaviours.
TriaIndah · 18-21, F
@Harhhar I did😔. That's why I want to change
you might need some meds to help you stabilize your moods.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Best to go see a professional. That you realize the presence of the issue is a good sign. There's no telling what the issue is, unfortunately, from here. It could be a few things, up to and including being on the spectrum.
TriaIndah · 18-21, F
@uncalled4 Thank you for your suggestion :) I still had to convince myself more before seeing a professional.

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