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Northwest · M
That's not what this thread is about. I ASKED "Why should I take it?". It isn't a thread to supply you with all the research I have and how I came to make a decision upon it. READ or leave. No one is tapdancing for you. Don't harass.

No, you supplied a link to a single Yahoo Video, which I posted a detailed analysis of. I am not harassing, I am responding to comment, but you only want comments that agree with you. Goodbye.
twiigss · M
@Northwest No tap dancing. My honest truth, and you don't want truth. Goodbye.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@MsAlaineEYes excuse me but I certainly did speak with my physician about the risks and benefits of taking the vaccine. The benefits certainly out weigh the risks and everyone has a right to ask their doctor about it.

Jdanielb Best Comment
Might I please for your safety and others present a completely different point of view, I dont care if I am pierced for my beliefs, I live to tell the truth.

I am anti vax. I will start with a few things that are easily searchable by any reading this, even though I wont apply any sources. I find it invalid to list sources since people will either receive or dismiss what they hear. Then I will end with the different point of view on why people become sick to begin with.

1. All its symptoms are flu like, if it acts like the flu, it is the flu.

2. It's a known fact that the flu under an electron microscope emits a corona or aura of glow around it.

3. So it seems they have a reason for renaming the flu as corona to scare the masses.

4. One can only assume that this is to push a vaccine through fear mongering for another agenda.

5 drs have stated that they receive at least 10k more for reporting a covid death to insurance.

6 drs have stated the CDC left a covid death definition loose to spike the death toll. Example, a patient has 40 years of congestive heart failure, and has a heart attack in the hospitals care while they had a sniffle nose or a slight fever, go ahead and label it covid. It is my opinion that greed will master people's decision, in a system where many are kept borderline poverty or at least only a couple of paychecks from losing everything.

7. There's no chance there are enough clinical trials yet, and the vax doesnt even prevent you from getting it. Hitler tested on Jews. The govt seems to have become Hitler and the population the Jews.

8 the vax has killed, that is no justifiable, especially since it doesnt even irradicate the disease.

9.ok.. now for the different view on why people even get sick to begin with. This may sound like a matter of religion but I assure you it is not. I despise religion and consider it a perversion of sacred texts that are really about harmony with nature. What you must decide for yourself is .

1. Is it possible the earth is a living entity.

2. Is it possible that religion was created to get people to steer away from books called holy and their belief in god. The god I am speaking of would not be a fearmongering eternal hell god, but rather , look at creation and see its abundant signs of free flourishing life, this god would be defined by what he created for us , before mans inventions existed.

3. Here's the part you really wont want to here or mayhaps you might see the clarity in it.

If your body has a virus in it, you create antibodys to fight it. Why should we be perceived as different than the earth around us? If human kind becomes a virus on earth, then we become eligible for destruction. The earth will fight against us. So what we perceive as a virus is actually earths antibodys defending her because of our distractions.

4 oil is murder, drilling and frakking, while we have cleaner natural ways to live, money is governed by oil, so they continue raping nature to keep oil going.

5. I have not been sick with even a common cold or sore throat in a multitude of years, because I had these realizations and quit participating with jobs and the system of man, I chose to be content with food and clothing, and forego the system of men. In my mind the two things are correlative. My life choice to not enslave my brothers and sisters by paying tax, and to not participate with Mans govts and money, are directly correlated to my never being sick. I also was 300 lbs and in high blood pressure and had 3 slipped disks, when I released mans system. The slipped disks have repaired, I am down to a healthy weight and my high blood pressure has gone away.

6. Some of you will have trouble with what I say next. There is a god, and the man jesus christ who himself said " choose god or money" appeared to me in a holy vision. You can turn the phrase choose god or money into choose earth or money or into choose yourself or money, and it's all saying the same thing..

7.it is the christian religion that denys being for jesus is following his teaching, they say we will god and we will money.

8 I am not saying that only jesus is true. I believe all religion is folly. But I believe all the books are true. It was the reading of the books of all religions and rejecting all their pastors and teachers and only believing what was ckearly stated by the sages and prophets and gurus themselves, that induced the holy vision.


Peace to all of you, have a blessed existence. Just as moses toppled a govt. And jesus was crucified for resisting one, and george washington toppled one, I also expect that the god I saw will do the same for me and lead you all to freedom..
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@SW-User jesus.. that same dude.. that made a whip of cords and then went irate into his govt temple , popping said whip and yelling and robbed the cash registers and gave away the merchandise to the poor? That jesus? I'm pretty sure he would be good with it..

What about moses.. who murdered and opposed pharaoh to his face, while Pharoah's and his own people resisted him

Ir samson who fucked a prostitute the gods spirit came on him and he ripped up the pillars of the city.

Or Saul's son johnathon who disobeyed what his father said and stuck his rod in a honey so that his eyes brightened and he won a great victory.

Or david who danced naked in front of the whole known world, to his wife's displeasure, and then told her., I will behave even more disputable than this..

I'm certain that jesus is ok with me being tough with idiots.. so GO GET FRAKKED.. YA LITTE TROLL, WITH SNAKE LIKE YELLOW BELLY COWARD SIDE UP
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
The vaccine is toxic.
It is no good.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Synyster That's sweet. Thank you. Obsessed troll.
@Zonuss Really have to pity the TROLLS, they have NO LIFE but to try to rile others; they mean NOTHING. their opinion means NOTHING. they don't THINK or they wouldn't harass. and all TROLLS should be BANNED from the platform. Thank you Zonuss for showing patience to those "less endowed with intelligence".
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@MsAlaineEYes Some trolls are just people who feel like they are not being heard in life. Or appreciated enough where they feel fulfilled. So they would rather kick and scream or fuss and fight. But these are very sad and lonely people. Some I have no sympathy for at all. There must be a reasonable resolve. Yes. 😊
I love the opening quote..

Voltaire however, didn’t participate in disinformation...

Yes, she is a nurse... she has an opinion. She isn’t qualified to speak to vaccine efficacy. If you are genuinely concerned
about learning...you won’t stop there. There are people with clinical and research degrees around the world..who put their professional reputations on the line to develop the vaccine.

If you don’t want the shot..then fine..your opinion is yours.
@Zonuss I did what any reasonable person with my set of health issues would do...

It helps that I have depth of understanding with the science.

This really isn’t an issue of faith....

There are many dead believers ...

As I told the owner of the post..
Have a family send pics when you are being intubated.

This virus is no joke...it’s not a flu virus.
This won’t be the last one of its kind..

A fool and truth indeed.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I am so tired of reading the garbage that is spewed by anti-vaxxers. If they don’t want to take a vaccine to prevent themselves from getting Covid and spreading Covid. I certainly hope they don’t need to access the healthcare system when they have been diagnosed with cancer, stroke, heart attack, pneumonia or any other disease because they will be prescribed meds to treat/prevent the disease. There are new meds being used everyday to treat/prevent disease. In some places in the world, there may not be an ICU bed for them because of all the beds taken up by Covid patients.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Yes a fool taken by government propaganda. Just another lost sheep. Just another brick in the wall. But believe me you will get it soon. 🐑
Northwest · M
I watched the video. The woman introduces herself as Kate Shemirani, and states her occupation as Natural Nurse. Not sure what that is.

She said she's doing this video on behalf of the Nurses Alliance. I looked up the web site for the organization, but it does not show any information, other than a picture of an elderly patient surrounded by people dressed like they're doctors/nurses, and she's not in the picture.

Best I can tell, is that this is a private business catering to the elderly, with nothing stating what "Nurse" Shemirani does, or that she's even associated with the group.

She kept referring to the vaccine as a Device. There was absolutely no proof presented. Only a claim that she knows someone, who told her that they know someone who died following vaccination. Half of the video is a rant about elderly patients' mental state.

You're saying that this nurse has seen, studied and heard all the fear-mongering warnings, but there's no reference in her video to anything other than hearsay, based on hearsay. That's it.

The possible side effects of this vaccine, include fatigue, fever, nausea, chills, headaches that can last a few hours to a few days.

Worldwide, there have been more than 3 Million deaths, and more than 100 Million severe illnesses. India is now experiencing a national crisis, with mass cremations performed all over the country.

I took my first shot of the vaccine, and my only symptoms were a sore arm for a few hours. I am getting shot #2 this week, and I am preparing myself to be down with fever for 2-3 days. The alternative could be a horrible death, suffocating as my lungs fill with infectious puss.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
@Northwest great post and well researched, I had my first shot in March and would never of known i had it , second one in June
Confined · 56-60, M
If the so called Vaccines are safe, then why cant we sue the people who make it? There have been over 1000 deaths from the vaccines, and 100's of people have become disabled by this poison.
The FDA authorized for "Emergency" use only. They have not authorized it for "General" use. Why?
I have not been sick in 20+ years. I go to my chiropractor every month. AS long as the body is working properly you dont need these poisons. There are plenty of all natural solutions that will fight covid, flu and many other things just as well.

I for one will never ever take the Mark of the Beast. Not ever!
@Confined Wrong on both counts.
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@Confined mRNA vaccines have been around since the early 90s so claiming it is not a vaccine is also just factually incorrect.

And your claims that is not safe is not based on any factual data so....yeah.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Every person needs to make their own decision by performing the research they feel most comfortable with. One problem with research is you can't trust the media, Dr. Dipshit, search engines, the government, or ANYONE these days. Everything is either slanted one way or another or straight out censored.

I don't blame anyone for making whatever choice they see is the best one for them. These people whining about someone's research and how THEY have the actual true answers are just morons. The more they proclaim their choice is the only right one, the more you realize they're the fools.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Deadish Dumbass. I chose to get vaccinated. But I don't deny others the right to choose for themselves.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MsAlaineEYes Don't forget your are trusting someone, maybe it is the government for some people, perhaps a credentialed CDC Doctor, your own doctor, the media, your friend down the street, or perhaps you trust yourself to fully understand the risks and benefits before you make your decision. Just remember there is one more trust, there are people in your life, perhaps people who would pay the ultimate price should you pick up the disease and give it to them, they are trusting YOU. Trusting you to make the correct decision what ever that may be, remember it is not just about us.
@Subsumedpat 🥱 I've heard that from you already. I'm not buying it. You are so kind hearted to think of others, I must be just plain mean to be so selfish.
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The media IS COMPLAINING that 43% of Republicans are declining this "vaccine". James is a little crass but I wondered about that when I heard these stats and the media's response.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Nobody can say it better than James Woods. I didn’t realize he was back on Twitter.
@cherokeepatti If it is a true tweet, it's dated recently and sounds like him. It gave me pause because I think that's pretty crass, but a thought that I'm pretty sure no person would want anyone, no matter how vile, to be harmed by this "vaccine". I pray for everyone's health but we can't stop FATE. We reap what we sow, I believe. I am trying to sow THINKING so we willreap some COMMON SENSE. It died years ago, you know.
do you make the Kool Aid or are you just hooked on the taste?
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@ExtremeNext better make sure you get your shots.
@BiasForActionPLEASE GO and get your SHOTS.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
If you could go back in time and see people on an iron lung because there was no vaccine for polio you might feel different.

Be ready to be really upset malaria kills more people than anything else on earth and they will cure it with a vaccine too eventually, there is a promising one now but we have to wait and see where the science goes.
@Subsumedpat I knew a boss in uni, librarian, who was stricken with polio, didn't have the vaccine then. Vaccines can be good. We are not talking about vaccines; this cv vax is not a vaccine. I understand and thank you for sharing.

I heard that "they" reported that human trials in about 6 months will show the true "efficacy" of this CV "vaccine".

I'm afraid that the covid death numbers are partly due to those DYING after taking the cv vaccines (I'm being kind and fair, I do not know that they are dying FROM taking the cv vaccine...but there is a higher correlation of those who did not expect to be dying to DIE a few weeks or months after taking this "immune therapy".
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MsAlaineEYes I don't think we have a shared knowledge base that allows for discussion. I don't go by I believe or other peoples guesses. I go by the scientific method where scientists put things out there in a peer reviewed journal and the smartest scientists in the world try to find something wrong with it or come up with a better answer. If you don't understand that the cv vaccine, a mrna vaccine, is a vaccine though a new type of vaccine, we can't even talk about it.
@Subsumedpat we can agree to disagree. You can call it a vaccine, and I understand that it is being labeled as "a safe vaccine" but there is TOO MUCH that is not in the media about it. There is very little information that is forthcoming because imho, it would cause some to doubt and NOT get it, exactly what they don't want. Check out the flu, regular flu cases and deaths in the world for this year vs. CV. My research IS from scientists and health care professionals who have studied and they differentiate this "vaccine" from the ones that we have so been blessed to have developed in the past. This is NEW. It is a new technology and does not work as vaccines in the past do...but I understand. Thanks.
Mirage · F
I had a large paragraph typed up but removed it, haha.

But, so many become insulting/mocking experts the instant you speak against it. Merely quoting and lip service.

It is never going in my body.
Mirage · F
@MsAlaineEYes I believe so too.
I've not ever witnessed someone telling others to NOT take the vaccine as it is their choice, but there are preachers galore trying to force others to get it using some moral high ground.
@Mirage Exactly my point. Those of us who have decided for ourselves, with or without "qualified" research ARE BEING TOLD how safe it is, blah blah blah. I don't believe it. "Show me the evidence". and they can't. I have "had the conversation" with friends. They had already decided to get vaccinated. One got so sick, for 2 weeks, flu symptoms and worse, that I was fearful for her life, she is recovering slowly, age 73. There will be "PUSHERS" out there, but we have the RIGHT to decide for ourselves. If this becomes some mandate to have a card, or be denied service anywhere, we should have an uprising.
Mirage · F
@MsAlaineEYes There is no 'evidence' that exists that will convince me.
Oh no, I'm glad she is recovering. 😕

"Pushers", ha, good term for them!
Because a random video on the internet is medical research. 🤦‍♂️
@MsAlaineEYes So oligarchs and corporations spying on you is cool but government you actually have a say in is not? that is interesting.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow it is. anyone else you ask might just look at you cross-eyed, but your irony is not lost on me. I get it. I've only truly "known" about the corporations powers to know everything about us. What can we do if we want to have internet, phone, cable, etc? I'm saying that it is NOT OK either way; the government HAD TO ASK because of our rights and it should be the same for "BIG TECH".
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@MsAlaineEYes Master’s in Research on how things are

All from comfort of your home computer, also know as “The Devil’s Box”

I love this. Tell us more!
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
The vaccinated people should just go ahead and call themselves the master race.
@MrBrownstone How can sheep who follow become a "master race". Sad. They will surely see us a "lepers" who will certainly give them the virus if we are not masked. It's all so absurd. Anyone who mocks the warnings, have been warned.
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I am not anti-vax for the common vaccines (Chickenpox, Reubela, Mumps... etc). But i choose not to take the flu or covid ones. Still, i do not fault or mock anyone that does.

I don't need to watch a video about it, my wife is a travel nurse working directly with covid daily. Even she says there is far more fear mongering and politics than actual medicine in what the public is being told.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MrBrownstone If the numbers were correct on that chart you might have a point, but we are at around 1,100 covid deaths a week here in the US, we have 551,728 death certificates with covid 19 listed. It is estimated that if the truth were known on all the deaths that number would be 618,190. So I am not sure how that chart gets 56 a day world wide. Just a chart someone made up for a meme.
@Subsumedpat Truthfully, we are TOLD that we are "at around 1,100 covid deaths a week here in the US". Questions about IF the person died WITH Cv or FROM Cv are emerging. The propaganda media is not supporting that evidence, they won't broadcast it. Why do they want to make it appear that this pandemic is just as bad and still too bad to consider nothing more than the seasonal flu???
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MsAlaineEYes It is not even close to the seasonal flu, I don't think that the CDC is making up the numbers. Just this morning I was listening to the numbers out of India, they are having a terrible time. Hospitals are running out of oxygen because of the number of corona cases they have. Doctors crying begging for people to send oxygen. India reported almost 350,000 new cases on Sunday alone and they have run out of tests so there are no telling how many more there really are. A public park in Dehli is being converted into a mass cremation site. Don't try to sell me on some kind of conspiracy that this a media hype story.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I have no problem with people deciding they dont want vaccines. I hope you understand why the rest of the community doesnt want to associate with you and wont provide you the freedoms and services that require you to be in close contact with them. Good luck getting on an international flight or getting your child into child care.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Those naughty old lizard people, up to their old tricks as usual.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@Allelse Lizards are coming!

And don’t forget about alien sperm and astral sex.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@JoeyFoxx I get to have astral sex now?
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@Allelse only if you are a Q conspiracist
Well, there's heated feelings about taking this CV "vaccine".
The title and QUESTION FOR YOU is....

Anti-FLU vaxer all my life. Now this CV vaccine is being pushed. Why should I take it?

I've done my research. I've made my decision. All I am asking is that YOU THINK about it. Not just regurgitate what the media is saying or making your feel. Making you fear.

If you were buying a car and ONLY HEARD GOOD things about it from the dealer (getting the picture here?), but YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH and you have a trusted friend who knows all about that car, make and model, engine size, weaknesses of each year, etc...and you know mechanics, you read Consumer Reports, you ask friends who have that car all about it...YOU DO RESEARCH and you trust those you know and who have experience; NOT WITH THE DEALER and giving the dealer credibility; but of the car.

They tell you that it is a dangerous car; it was built in such a way that it WILL someday do something very dangerous and you could be hurt if you are driving it at the time.

That's all this communication is about.
THINKING about what we have "heard" and doing our own research.

Believe it or not. Take the "vaccine" (which is not defined as a true vaccine
but rather an immune therapy; that DOES have long term effects) or not.

But as I am kind to those who disagree with me,
ask yourself WHY you are trying to be so UNKIND to those who disagree with you.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@MsAlaineEYes No one here said that the vaccine was perfect. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine have a 90% efficacy rate. There are documented side effects to the vaccine. There have been people that have died from taking the vaccine. We have 3.13 million deaths from Covid. Doctors are not falsifying death records. They would lose their license. You haven’t provided any credited resources. I am going to take my chances with the vaccine.
She is as much of a troll as the rest of the responders on the post.@iamonfire696
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User you got that right!
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Everyone's entitled to their viewpoint. However, the Covid vaccine is NOT like the flue vaccine and Covid is not like flu.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
More people die of blood clotting on long haul plane journeys
Nimbus · M
@Nyloncapes And women from taking the Pill.
@Nimbus That's because there was research, studies, investigation and actual data gathered over many years. This cv hasn't been tested, on humans, until NOW...they will know more in about 6 months when the data starts pouring in.
Got my first shot today 😊
@SW-User Now Bill Gates can track you with 5G. lol🤣
Like you, I have chosen not to mock or insist the people in my life get the vaccine. I have friends who have gotten it and others who have chosen not to.

I'm overloaded on information being thrown at me with covid-19 so I won't be watching your video or commenting on it. I feel there is so little that we know, information seems to change daily, that I'm simply making the choice to go with my conscience. I'm getting the vaccine because I made the decision to visit an elderly relative for her 85th birthday this summer. She's now vaccinated and has asked me to get it. I'm not worried about the effect it may have on my future health. We have so many poisons in our food and environment that this doesn't faze me. If there is any chance it might help get this pandemic under control, I'm there. I don't believe this is a political issue as others feel it is. For me, it's a personal choice. However, I do wish people, no matter if they've gotten the vaccine or not, would wear their masks in public places that are enclosed. I'm dismayed many people have turned this into a political issue rather than a public health one. I think being courteous towards the elderly, our friends, and neighbors, is the right thing to do.
@Subsumedpat I never said I didn't believe the experts. I do recognize though that the information keeps changing as time goes on. I believe this has to do with the fact that it's a brand new virus, it appears to undermine an already compromised system, and as we move forward, what was once thought as correct, has been changed by the CDC as they progress with their information gathering. I think this is normal when faced with a new contagion. They update the information as it becomes available. ATM, I'm on information overload. I won't watch a video that wasn't published by a well known and highly respected health expert. But, I won't tell anyone what to do. People will do what they believe is the correct choice for them. Sadly, I do believe that this virus will be a major health challenge for years to come because people believe there is a government conspiracy afoot.
Sadly, I do believe that this virus will be a major health challenge for years to come because people believe there is a government conspiracy afoot.

THAT is a very interesting, confusing statement
You state:
Sadly, I do believe that this virus will be a major health challenge for years to come

(for any other "reason" than the one given below; you got my curiosity)

because people believe there is a government conspiracy afoot.
Really? That's like saying women who report being raped, is the MAJOR REASON for why violent crimes of rape will "be a challenge for years to come".

Sorry, but I ask because that appears to me to be NONSENSICAL. IF, it will be a major health challenge it WILL NOT BE BECAUSE that "people believe there is a government conspiracy underfoot".
@MsAlaineEYes You have your opinions. I didn't challenge them. To compare what I stated to
That's like saying women who report being raped, is the MAJOR REASON for why violent crimes of rape will "be a challenge for years to come".
is highly insulting. Talk about nonsensical! I see you edited your original post in which I recall you appeared to be a kind person who wasn't going to judge anyone. Thanks. Have a glorious day.
Vittoria · 61-69, F
You are spreading false information, and I doubt you are even academically or medically qualified to make any statement on the subject of vaccines. A nurse isn't qualified either. She is not an epidemiologist or specialist on infectious diseases.
Penny · 46-50, F
i dont get a flu shot but i got the covid shot because the flu is not a big deal usually to get though some people do die from it. but generally the flu does not leave lasting complications. covid does. if i get it i dont want to die or be all messed up from it for the rest of my life. so better to be safe than sorry. i have a friend who got covid and he beat it but it took a lot out of him. he looks terrible and liek he aged ten years. i heard there can be lasting respiratory complications. i choose trust. i got a Pfizer because i read it was the most effective against some of the variants with less complications than the Moderna.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Penny You are a very smart woman to get the vaccine and do your best to protect your health.
srxwat4 · 70-79, M
Give me a few side effects any day over dying.
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Geez, what is happening here? We are agreeing..
I am certain we will be at it over something tomorrow @MarmeeMarch
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Zonuss with the new India variant, those chances of dying from covid. The CDC has stated that in 230 million doses administered in the USA, 3848 people have died from the vaccine.


Over half a million people have died from Covid-19 in the US alone and there are millions of people dealing with long term lasting effects from the virus.


I will take the vaccine any day.
Just let me die in peace..
Fucking control freaks can’t even let me have that.. 😑
When you have your journal references in hand...please post them here. I will leave notifications on, for a while.

You can keep your political views and religion out of any response to me..

and you can trust me, I'll get right to you!!!!
@MsAlaineEYes as I thought
@SW-User Are you holding your breath???? That's my condition...😜
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Why should you eat food? Why bother to breathe air? Why do you live with a roof over your head? Why do you use the Internet? If you are going to be an "anti-" go all the way, dude. Don't be such a pussy.
@MarkPaul that's illogical reasoning. I'm not against food, air, living with a roof over my head or using the Internet; but I can see many who have altered their use of these.
We eat GMO raised foods unless we know better and raise our own.
We breathe the same air unless we have enough wealth for purifiers, etc.
Why do we live in a home? really!
Why do SOME NOT USE the Internet? Yes, I know of several. A few younger than myself. It amazes me that they are not online, they are "off the grid" in that way.

Being ANTI anything or everything, doesn't predispose us to being Anti-Vaxxsers...
or disable us from making a valid and educated decision about vaccinations...
especially this one.

Hope this answers your questions.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@MsAlaineEYes It confirms the sheer stupidity of anti-vaxers, now and through the ages. What is the highest level of schooling you have completed?
Ummm...all vaccines are immune therapies, as they seek to ultimately provide the immunized person with antibodies against a given disease.
@pianoplayingsteve Lol


It isn't a protein which alters human mRNA; it IS mRNA which binds to cells, teaches them how to create something to block the spikes/the things which form the corona, and then get destroyed.

It is just a different way of delivering genetic material to the body to ask it to solve the problem presented. And it is far more effective than current flu vaccines, apparently because it correctly identified the common structure to the virus & variants.

pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@SomeMichGuy Ah, so much better.. And so different that it was "lol" worthy. So, did it not skip a load of testing?
@pianoplayingsteve the mRNA material doesn’t cross into the cell nucleus...further, the instruction set that is injected is processed out of the body within 48 hours.

Don’t take my word for anything.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
If the vaccine works does that mean people won’t wash their hands?
@MrBrownstone I stopped wiping down my groceries with a sanitizing towel in the first month; April 2020. I stopped fretting about my hands being washed the SECOND that I entered my home, followed by a sanitizing wipe on the door. I've all but forgotten to stop touching my face. They said that IF "2/3 of the people would get the first vaccine" then we MIGHT lift the mask mandate by June 1st here in NC. Sounds like extortion to me.

It was previously said that WHEN a majority got the vaccine that there would be no need for masks; and then they quickly backpaddled AND doubled down and said we should be wearing two or three masks as the same time. 😜
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@MsAlaineEYes Some people should wear duct tape
@MrBrownstone That would solve several problem; even more if they included their noses!!!!!!!! 😜
okaybut · 56-60, M
Not sure, here in Ontario, Canada with tent hospitals now opening would agree.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
Everyone should make their own decision based on their situation and research. Your choice is to not get vaccinated, that is personal and no reason to try to convince others their choice is wrong.
@JoePourMan I agree and also THOSE WHO CHOSE TO BE vaccinated are the ones who need to be told to respect those who choose to NOT take the vaccine. I've done my research, I have decided. EVERYONE must do their own research and make their own decision.

I have taken the flu vaccine ONCE and not being for flu vaccine in general. This cv vax one is too doubtful and being pushed. I suspect it more than any vaccine.
@SW-User And NOT question the media and Fauci?
@MsAlaineEYes the media isn’t doing the work.
Dr. Fauci is the face of the effort... not the body of work it’s self.

QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
I find it funny that so many nurses are whining, but doctors are pretty much all on board.

I’m surrounded by bio-adjacent PhDs all day and they’re all vaccinated at this point, and all I hear is buzzy excited technical talk about why and how these vaccines work.
@QuixoticSoul That may be YOUR EXPERIENCE but I hear just as many doctors if not MORE DOCTORS than nurses even, TELL THE TRUTH about this vaccine and its effects. Wow, you have a lot of happy, vaccinated people around you.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
Damn, this post is still going?
@SubstantialKick I find it annoying now
Steve42 · 56-60, M
I still hope you don't catch it and die. Some folks in India would convince you to get it, but not me.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Looking past the fact that many are dying or falling ill from the vzx, we don't even know the long term affects.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
Imma posting here just to get some humor in my feed this afternoon.

You’re a funny lady. Thanks for this.
You'll delete this but what a dumbass.
@canusernamebemyusernameYou posted to call me a dumbass? What a valuable contribution to the conversation. Thank you, Ahole!

I can’t make it any easier for you special souls
You gave yourself best comment ?!
@bijouxbroussard I did. Would you like to post one that I should consider?
@MsAlaineEYes I looked at the other posts and also the fact that you’ve removed a couple, I’m guessing because they disagreed with you. That tells me it would be a waste of time. Bye. 🙁
@bijouxbroussard I didn't remove anyone; THEY must have deleted their own. I allow everyone to state their opinion even after name-calling and LEAVE IT ONLINE for all to see.

I have NO problem with anyone disagreeing with me, it's not about that or I would be a very sad person all my life. Very few agree with me on most things. I'm good with that. How about you?
There are two kinds of vaccines

The immunoglobulin one and dena vaccine
@mysteryespresso And yet this one for cv is NOT a vaccine. Vaccines, in real definition, I can see as possibly being helpful. But this is different.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
Because you care about others? The Golden Rule?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Fauxmyope2 I love the golden rule. I want people decide their own choices for their body. It’s how I want to be treated.
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone I want them to do the same. I just hope that they come to the conclusion to do what is best for them, their loved ones, friends, family, and others. I want this pandemic to end. I want to go on with my life. I want my students to be safe, I lost my mother years ago and my sister last year. I want my father to be safe.

We all want the pandemic to be in the past. Businesses do! The economy would be better. Lives would be saved!

Let us all do our part! 🇺🇸❤️
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Do you draw a correlation between anti-vaxers and anti-maskers?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User AIDS and Covid 19 are two totally different things again. One is a terminal illness. The other is not. Mkay. 🙄
@Zonuss is that your final answer?

Because all of them are viruses.

So, yeah
Azlotto · M
Now this CV vaccine is being pushed.

Thanks for the link, but I've already made up my mind that I'm not taking it.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
I eat fresh vegetables and real meat, I exercise and don't drink large amounts of soda. In the last several years I've never had anything more than just two blocked noses. These medical companies want to make more money by means of moving us away from how we can naturally strengthen ourselves, and then charging us for them to fix our now weakened bodies.
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@pianoplayingsteve 3,000,000 deaths globally says your thinking is flawed.

This virus is different...it kills healthy, it kills young, old , male and female
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@Subsumedpat or since YT is so smearing and free speech restricting of anything that is "right leaning", I guess they are right!!!! right? 🤪

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
@MsAlaineEYes so much division over a pro choice , pro human rights post and all of it's over attacks on free speech.. if you know a place where people can suggest ideas as if it was the Greek aeroapagus and not be harmfully handled, I would journey to this enlightened sphere and leave these zombies behind. I dont call them zombies because they oppose or are for, but because they bite anything on instinct that disagrees with them, like devouring another human will satisfy their desire..

All bs.. all of it.. I dont do govt, I agree with you for my own reasons.. namely I believe in human rights.

Wondering how long this original post has been up? To generate so much shrapnel from its original detonation.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@MsAlaineEYes To be clear, Voltaire very much appreciated discourse of differing opinions.

He did NOT celebrate people wallowing in ignorance. Go read Candide and then try quoting Voltaire in context.
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@HannahSky that's just what they want you to think. but if you watch it and think for yourself and do research, you might find all this "conspiracy theory" flinging to be propaganda to KEEP YOU FROM THE TRUTH. Time will tell. But thank you so much for the "warning". EVERYONE knows how Youtube, Twitter and FB's content rules are so fair and just and allow free speech to everyone...who doesn't contradict what they want said. think about it.
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@CopperCicada Why is there no ACCOUNTABILITY for any of these CV vaccines?

Has there been a recourse for malpractice or ill effects from past flu vaccines?

Would you post an article on the difference between what we have known as flu vaccine vs the CV mRNA vaccine??? Thanks.
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@MarmeeMarch I am NOT living in fear; to live in fear is to rush and have to get the vaccination and be obedient to the powers that be, and NOT be giving real information or evidence on it and TAKE IT anyways. I don't wonder what the "government" is up to. I have a very good handle on the state of affairs of this world.

What do you know about the child sex/traffic trade??? YES< trade.
It's been going on for DECADES.
45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021
Executive Order 13903—Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States

I'm not afraid of what I don't know; I am sickened by what I've learned. I am fighting to protect our children; not hiding under a bed. So are YOU living in fear? Sounds pretty bravado, that can indicate FALSE SECURITY or INSECURITY.
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@Subsumedpat I'm sure you won't be worry about how it will effect you in the long run. good luck with that.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@MsAlaineEYes I am not, I have researched and this mrna vaccine though a new method has been in the works since the 1990's when a Hungarian woman came up with the idea of developing that kind of vaccine. Our scientist took the idea and made it work. You either believe in science or you don't. If you don't Q anon is hiring.
@Subsumedpat I disapprove (disagree, goes against the truth that I have found) of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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