Is it just me or have people become more cold and distant?I mean like in public or in your neighborhood?
I used to have thoughts, emotions and opinionsI remember a few years ago I used to have things i wanted to express. I had feelings, ideas and thoughts about things. I had the desire to express myself and interact with others. Now I'm like a soulless body. I have not inclination to express... See More »
Life is depressing as a 33 single man with no wife and kidsYet I don't really want a wife and kids. I can barely survive on my own. Life is a struggle and I don't want to bring another person into this broken world. I suffer with severe social anxiety and it sucks so much. Humans are social animals.... See More »
OMG! This is cool 🤯 I asked AI to write a sci-fi story with two plot twistsThis is what it came up with. Way better than Hollywood! Here is a short sci-fi story with two plot twists: The Last Hope In the year 2256, humanity was on the brink of extinction. Climate change, wars, and pandemics had ravaged the planet. The... See More »
I want to die. I don't like my life.I don't think there is a solution or remedy to this life of mine. It's sad the way things turned out to be. Despite my best efforts things turned out exactly the way I never wanted them to turn out and even worst. I ended up becoming the loser I... See More »
I feel uselessI feel my death might be coming sooner rather than later. Sometimes I really just want to die. I'm not a normal person and I dislike that about myself. I am weak pathetic and useless.
Lately I've been thinking about wanting to dieBut I don't want to hurt my family. I wish I could sleep and never wake up. I wish my life didn't turn out the way it did. I'm already too tired and worn out of life when I barely have done much of it. I have just too much regrets that weigh... See More »
Doordash you greedy knuckleheadsGrubhub is coming after your market share if you don't keep it together and practice fair business.
No therapist is perfect they are not gonna solve all your problems with a magic wandThey are there as a resource for the betterment of your mental health. Like any other resources you have to learn how to use it to your own benefit. You have to learn how to interact with your therapist to get the most out of your sessions. There... See More »
Truly not judging a book by it's cover has some wisdom to it albeit not entirely without fallacy (error).Just because someone has a unique hairstyle, clothes and tattoos does not necessarily mean they are unique entirely. I've noticed outwardly unique looking people who barely resemble each other physically have just about the same personality,... See More »