Having served alongside our UK counterparts in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I can tell you that this article is wrong and is spreading BS. If your Military's recruitment is primarily targeted at white males, it will recruit primarily white males. Candidates should not be judged based on gender or race but on their ability to complete the training and to get the job done, that being said, if all you've recruited for the last 30 years are white males, there WILL be an inherent bias towards recruiting and promoting white males and preference will be given to them ahead of ethnic minorities and women. Your military overall only has 11% female service members yet they represent 50% of your population. Ethnic minorities represent 14% of your population yet less than 10% of your Military are Ethnic Minorities. White males comprise 93% of your military, there is definitely something wrong with this. The RAF all by itself has 2.5% ethnic minorities and 15% women yet you state that recruiting only ethnic minorities and women temporarily is "Woke"???