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Is life just unfair?

There is no payback/ retribution for any good or bad deeds. We all are brainwashed to be good and do good, nothing really comes out of having values / principles
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LadyGrace · 70-79
You may or may not see repercussions here, but the Bible says we reap what we sow, and that is definitely true. People who do evil things, most definitely reap what they have sowed, though we may not see it now.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Following your logic, nothing good comes out of not having values / principles either. It's about how you choose to live your life in this world and what you choose to sustain on the way.
Maybe you don't get direct instant rewards for your good deeds but one thing is certain.. balance is part of the main principles of the universe. It's not all destruction and It's not all pink clouds either.. surf the grey zone on your own terms and remember that everything you see has many sides and functions. Not all is what it seems. Your choice is the trail you leave behind. That is why we adopt values and principles.
Adstar · 56-60, M
We reduce the harm we do to ourselves and to others when we adopt the proper moral codes..

People who seek to do what is right because it is good to do what is right are noble of mind even when they fail in doing right because of their faulty human nature..

Oh and assuming that one will be rewarded by society and others for doing good is a mistake.. One does what is right because it is right.. Not to recieve a rewards for doing right..
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Life is what you make it. Even your idea of good and bad comes from your culture. Pay back and retribution happens when you fight back or earn it. Nothing in life is free. Values and principles are what people choose to follow to define themselves. Some cultures eat hamburgers, some worship cows, some are cannibals. All of these things are how you decide to conduct yourself. What you decide to accept into your life as right and wrong.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Sometimes you do good things because its right and that's all you have.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Your right . I agree with you , nothing comes out of having values . I tell u another one , no one rejects u or accepts u , thats the brain washing were in to feel good or bad . Another one if your looking for highs all the time expect the depression to come or lows .
You'd notice that if your in pain .
Another one you need to love not be loved . Thats another form of brain washing to get depressed . Expectations.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
It kinda is unfair in that there is nothing intrinsic to the universe that rewards good deeds...but in general ive found in dealing with people that being a good person tends to be repaid. I'm not a believer in karma but i can see why people are.
How could we have built everything we have without values or principles? Wouldn't we just be like humans at the beginning of time?
is ''I'm only willing to be a decent person if I get something out of it'' really the hill you wanna die on?
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@SW-User yes and all the goody talk works when you are young and full of zeal. Once things go haywire despite being a good person, it's when you start questioning
@Tellmeaboutyourself I mean I've been through hell and wanted to kill myself and still didn't become a piece of shit so maybe you're the problem lol
Gloomy · F
@Tellmeaboutyourself You shouldn't be a good person only because you expect something in return. By being a good person you might be able to make the world less unfair for someone else and that's worth something too.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Behaving in a manner you consider to be good and just is its own reward.
Pfuzylogic · M
there is an advantage of staying out of jail and prison .
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Neither fair nor unfair, just random.
Ferric67 · M
you are not wrong
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
All of society comes out of having values and principles. Sure there are disagreements on what those should be. Of the ones generally agreed upon there are people who will try to take advantage of others that follow them or disregard the principles outright.

We tend to take for granted that most people agree that killing each other is bad. But people agree to that principle to such an extent that we generally feel safe enough to leave our shelters and be among public spaces. If so many people did not hold that value, we would be expending significantly more effort to secure ourselves. We would need to put so much effort into that, that we probably would not have had the opportunity for as much technology or innovation.

In that vein, we can shift and change the way human society is structured and grown through the influence of people's values. So it makes sense to live the values you wish to see reflected in the world.

At the end of the day, nothing really matters. Because nothing matters, we can decide what we feel is important about living for ourselves and do it.
Are you certain you deserve the outcome you’re expecting?
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
What do you actually want?
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@Ceinwyn Nothing, never understood why people compose songs like 'what goes around comes around'when it isn't true
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@Tellmeaboutyourself Forever is a long time. Everything and anything happens. You’re just impatient.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
If we all think this way the world really is doomed. 😬
Tellmeaboutyourself · 26-30, F
@SarithBorn let me know how you feel about this question after 20 years
🤔How is this a problem 💁‍♂️
No one said it was fair
I'll visit you in the pen.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
People love to tell me that no one ever said life was fair, but they never stop to think about whether it should be.

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