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The Simple Solution To Religion And Atheism

There is a simple solution to solving the most nefarious problem of religions such as Christianity and Atheism, in fact this will work not only for those and all religions but also the equally or potentially more harmful effects of politics and education. All we have to do is to acknowledge that whenever anyone tells us "this is how it is" those people are only lying to you in order to get money and power from you. What should you do, then?

Simply ignore them.

But before you do that please visit my website and click on the Paypal or Patreon link.
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zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Interesting that you call Atheism a 'religion' - never really thought of it like that. I reject all religions because religion is a fully man-made concept and the idea of a God (in terms of the thing referred to as Bible) is a manifestation specifically of Christian religions to explain all that humans do not understand.

But there's no money or power influence - it's just my view after being both fully religious and fully not religious so I have a unique perspective on both sides of the liturgical fence. I don't give a fvvk about churches and religions and religious people if they leave me alone, but if they don't leave me alone I will fight back.

We need freedom from religion - not freedom of religion.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@jshm2 Poor diddums doesn't like his blinkered belief in religion questioned... What a sad sack who cannot accept criticism. This is why Christianity is so flawed - makes out it's all inclusive but in reality Christianity is the most divisive religion 'brand' going around.
BibleData · M
@zonavar68 Freedom is just another man-made illusion used like religion to manipulate people.

My favorite quote of all time is: "Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty." ― Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@BibleData Sorry I already know that Freedom is not Free - because for any convenience there is a price to pay. Having the internet is a convenience, having this site is a convenience.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
This is an ages old problem. And just ignoring no longer works, because those that harass with their views just simply flood others out with memes and such.

Ever noticed some must have the last message?

There is a point to doing that. It's to insure they have the last "winning" point.

The first and last points are the one points that will always be seen by anyone viewing. Therefore the initial comment is taken as invalid.

Then there is the flooding issue. Those that flood insure that their message is getting heard. Ever notice they refuse to post in anyone specific group?

You simply can't block ALL groups. Group selection simply isn't enforced. Believe me I do have ALL christian groups and topics muted.

The only way to fight this flooding is to fight back. Ignoring is passive. And those that flood know this, which is why they flood to begin with.

While flooding is aggressive, ignoring will insure that the aggressive behaviors "win"!!!

BTW you will find this same behaviors in commercials. Those that are able to flood usually "win" even in business.

And why these same darn flooding commercials are found on both conservative and liberal networks alike. Even in the movies themselves and all websites. Why Google makes it hard to block ALL commercials much less specific types of commercials.

Now try to ignore all commercials ‽

You simply can't!

This is why I fight back by those who either flood or comment on my replies to the OP, when they simply don't reply to the OP themselves!

My comments are often attacked by those other than the Original Poster.

Coincidence? 🤷🏻‍♂️
BibleData · M
@DeWayfarer Yeah. And I probably liked one of yours as well, but this turn in the entire affair is most upsetting. Okay, maybe not that bad, but boy-howdy it isn't good. Not by any standards. No.

No. This will not do. Yeah. You're gonna' have to fix that. No doubt about it.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@BibleData Why did you continue after this reply of your own? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Alright, that's it. I'm just going to block you.


I'm joking, of course. 😁

It was over then! 🤷🏻‍♂️
This message was deleted by its author.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Jesus loves you
BibleData · M
@Matt85 Yes, perhaps he does. But he isn't a prostitute so no monetary exchange need take place.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@BibleData I've not heard that about Jesus. Pretty wholesome guy.
Oh now I see your position. You are against Christianity. Okay. I'm glad I know that now.
BibleData · M
Oh, I think you were very clear when you said you hate Christians. That really doesn't need interpretation.... it says what it means.

True. It means I hate Christians. And I do. I hate them.

It certainly doesn't mean to love someone. And the hate is not to love, by the way and Jesus's righteousness when he was angry, has nothing to do with what you said. Try as you may. The Believers in God that I know, don't say they hate people.

I've been doing this for 30 years. You're the biggest fake ignorant Christian I can remember ever encountering.
You're the biggest fake ignorant Christian I can remember ever encountering.

I am a confident Christian and sadly, if you are happy to hate me, then go ahead and hate me. But I won't ever hate you. Thank you
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BibleData Why hate? Hate is a toxic emotion that ruins the world and brought us in the mess we're all in, hate brought us racism, sexism, ageism, Classism and stateism and all kinds of isms.

Nothing good comes out of hate, hate brings war, love brings peace and unity.

Don't fight hate with hate fight hate with love. The words of Martin Luther King Jr.

Make peace and love not war, hate and bigotry brings us nowhere, we have too much hate, ignorance and judgement in this world, there's people that hate other people based on their race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, class, geographical origin, political beliefs, lifestyle and culture, looks, height and weight etc... hate is the mind-virus that infected the whole world and love, peace, justice, harmony, forgiveness and compassion is the cure.

Why can't we all just get along? It takes lots of energy to hate another human being when we should be compassionate and love one another. Hate is a strong emotion, it's okay to strongly disagree and dislike a person but it takes too much to passionately hate a person.
Carazaa · F
Politics and education? So we should ignore those who have had loved ones die of covid and say they lied about it? We should ignore those who say they are depressed because they are lying? We should ignore those who say it's a blizzard because they don't know what they are talking about? Are you serious or you just don't know better? There is actual truth, there are a lot of absolutes in the world even if you ignore it! We need to be smarter than that!
Carazaa · F
1. Yes
2. They are not!
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Atheism is not a religion. It's the lack of belief in deities. That's it.

If atheism is a religion, then not playing football is a sport and not collecting stamps is a hobby.
@BibleData Look them up yourself, professor.
BibleData · M
Look them up yourself, professor.


Gods: In Christianity, the creator and ruler of the universe; supreme being and source of all moral authority.
One having power over nature and human fortunes. An idol or the conventional personification of fate.
An adored, admired or influential person or anything given supreme importance. Money, for example.
A god can be a gallery, that is, the upper balcony in a theater or the people seated there.

Atheist: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
a particular system of faith and worship.
a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
@BibleData I agree with all of those except the last line. It's demeaning to actual religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc. to say that someone who attends every game of their favorite sports team is practicing a "religion." You may want to look up what the IRS defines as a religion. They don't let you deduct the cost of season tickets, even if you really, really love your team.

The term church is found, but not specifically defined, in the Internal Revenue Code. With the exception of the special rules for church audits, the use of the term church also includes conventions and associations of churches as well as integrated auxiliaries of a church.

Certain characteristics are generally attributed to churches. These attributes of a church have been developed by the IRS and by court decisions. They include:

Distinct legal existence
Recognized creed and form of worship
Definite and distinct ecclesiastical government
Formal code of doctrine and discipline
Distinct religious history
Membership not associated with any other church or denomination
Organization of ordained ministers
Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study
Literature of its own
Established places of worship
Regular congregations
Regular religious services
Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young
Schools for the preparation of its members
The IRS generally uses a combination of these characteristics, together with other facts and circumstances, to determine whether an organization is considered a church for federal tax purposes.

SlaveEt · 36-40, F
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@jshm2 I'm sorry, are you suggesting that a religion which, for instance, completely at random, demands the killing of people who practice a much older religion, isn't a problem?
BibleData · M
You fail at the first step in your diatribe by thinking "religions" as the problem. It's peoples beliefs, and understanding, which is the problem. Their behaviours are also driven by their personal desires, not religions.

I agree. How you respond to anything is what's at issue. The issue itself may be more or less subject to corruption, but it isn't religion, or atheism, or politics, or education, or love, or money, or race etc. that is the problem.

As for your daft advice to "ignore," that's akin to telling a kid to close his eyes, and school shooter will not see him, let alone kill him.

Back to the drawing board with you, kiddo.

It's interesting, kiddo, that the primary objection to my tongue-in-cheek post is "ignore."
If you honestly had a website, I'd block it! Ahahahahahaha!!!!
BibleData · M
@SW-User You have learned the secret, brother or sister. Go forth and proclaim.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
By the way, I just want you to know that I enjoy our talks. It is very rare that someone who disagrees with me has the intelligence level you have. I just wish you would realize that you don't always engage in critical thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. Have a great day.
BibleData · M
@LordShadowfire Sorry I couldn't respond to this thread but I've been busy for the last couple days. I enjoy our talks as well. It's always enjoyable to me to discuss the things we've discussed. I'm interested in the Bible and religion. I don't consider myself intelligent, though. If I'm in any way unique, and I think I am, it is due to my critical thinking. I'm very critical about my beliefs, my thinking, and even my God, Jehovah. I think it would be a disservice to me and to God to be otherwise.
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