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The Simple Solution To Religion And Atheism

There is a simple solution to solving the most nefarious problem of religions such as Christianity and Atheism, in fact this will work not only for those and all religions but also the equally or potentially more harmful effects of politics and education. All we have to do is to acknowledge that whenever anyone tells us "this is how it is" those people are only lying to you in order to get money and power from you. What should you do, then?

Simply ignore them.

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Oh now I see your position. You are against Christianity. Okay. I'm glad I know that now.
BibleData · M
@LadyGrace No. I'm not against Christianity or any other religion. Do you know how Christians say hate the sin not the sinner? I hate the Christians not Christianity. The Christians destroyed Christianity - probably - at least a thousand years ago. I don't hate Christianity I morn its destruction.
I hate the Christians not Christianity.

Hate is a pretty strong statement. God told us to love everyone. So what did Christians do exactly to destroy Christianity? Perhaps you're only seeing one side of it or someone has told you a lie about Christians. What have they done to you personally? You know some people claim to be Christians but they are not and then they ruin it for those who are. Hate brings down Nations, as well. I can't say that I hate anyone.
BibleData · M
Hate is a pretty strong statement.

There are various meanings for hate in the Bible. It means to love someone or something less than someone or something else.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he cannot be my disciple. " (Luke 14:26; See Genesis 29:31,33; Deuteronomy 21:15,16)

Also to hate the wicked, those who are opposed to Jehovah, is a righteous form of hate.

“Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.” (Psalm 139:21,22; See 2 Chronicles 19:2; Romans 12:9, 17,19)

The Jewish religious leaders of Jesus's day had a tendency to miss the heart of the law by thinking to take it to an extreme was better than falling short. For example, they criticized Jesus and his disciples for not washing their hands before meals when they did in fact wash them but the religious leaders didn't consider it valid unless they washed up to the elbows. They also did the same with hating one's enemies. Jesus corrected this thinking.

“You heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you." (Matthew 5:43-44)

The Bible says a father who spares the rod hates his son due to the harm it causes. (Proverbs 13:24)

There's a difference between righteous hate and unrighteous hate. The righteous hate means to have nothing to do with. To scorn and avoid. Unrighteous hate involves wishing or delighting in harm of another. That I don't do.
@BibleData Oh, I think you were very clear when you said you hate Christians. That really doesn't need interpretation.... it says what it means. It certainly doesn't mean to love someone. And the hate is not to love, by the way and Jesus's righteousness when he was angry, has nothing to do with what you said. Try as you may. The Believers in God that I know, don't say they hate people.
BibleData · M
Oh, I think you were very clear when you said you hate Christians. That really doesn't need interpretation.... it says what it means.

True. It means I hate Christians. And I do. I hate them.

It certainly doesn't mean to love someone. And the hate is not to love, by the way and Jesus's righteousness when he was angry, has nothing to do with what you said. Try as you may. The Believers in God that I know, don't say they hate people.

I've been doing this for 30 years. You're the biggest fake ignorant Christian I can remember ever encountering.
You're the biggest fake ignorant Christian I can remember ever encountering.

I am a confident Christian and sadly, if you are happy to hate me, then go ahead and hate me. But I won't ever hate you. Thank you
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BibleData Why hate? Hate is a toxic emotion that ruins the world and brought us in the mess we're all in, hate brought us racism, sexism, ageism, Classism and stateism and all kinds of isms.

Nothing good comes out of hate, hate brings war, love brings peace and unity.

Don't fight hate with hate fight hate with love. The words of Martin Luther King Jr.

Make peace and love not war, hate and bigotry brings us nowhere, we have too much hate, ignorance and judgement in this world, there's people that hate other people based on their race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, class, geographical origin, political beliefs, lifestyle and culture, looks, height and weight etc... hate is the mind-virus that infected the whole world and love, peace, justice, harmony, forgiveness and compassion is the cure.

Why can't we all just get along? It takes lots of energy to hate another human being when we should be compassionate and love one another. Hate is a strong emotion, it's okay to strongly disagree and dislike a person but it takes too much to passionately hate a person.