DeWayfarer This is an ages old problem.
Exactly. I do actually have a personal website (no advertising or donations accepted, I pay for it myself) and on it is a page called time. It's just a YouTube video playlist of film footage of people from the late 1800s to 1970s. The people in those earlier videos lived their lives, made their noise and ignored most of everything going on around them. It's temporal. Vanity.
And just ignoring no longer works, because those that harass with their views just simply flood others out with memes and such.
Well, who cares? It's just noise.
Ever noticed some must have the last message?
There is a point to doing that. It's to insure they have the last "winning" point.
There is no winning point. It's in your head. It isn't real. When you see a child throwing a tantrum in public you walk by. You can waste a year or more of your life writing a book on how to parent but you will only have made money and maybe amassed a small group of bobbleheads that could have figured it out themselves and in the meantime life goes on all around you.
Then there is the flooding issue. Those that flood insure that their message is getting heard. Ever notice they refuse to post in anyone specific group?
Here? The format is weird. It seems to be automated. You can post in a specific group but it will show in various groups. You're apparently seeing messages in one big group dispersed throughout in no linear fashion. I don't know, it's weird, but posting in a specific group may be preaching to the choir. Still just noise. To get you worked up or be ignored. If you're interested your voice may be heard above the din, but it doesn't matter. Tomorrow it will be gone. Replaced by some other noise. The noise must continually flow like a polluted river. Sink, swim or climb up on the bank and feel the sun's healing rays.
You simply can't block ALL groups. Group selection simply isn't enforced. Believe me I do have ALL christian groups and topics muted.
Just ignore them. You don't need to block them or silence them. You have to live with the fact that there's people out there who make noise that sounds different than your own.
The only way to fight this flooding is to fight back. Ignoring is passive. And those that flood know this, which is why they flood to begin with.
While flooding is aggressive, ignoring will insure that the aggressive behaviors "win"!!!
This seems strange to me. Fight fire with fire. Noise with noise. All of it to be ignored by those not consumed by the same fire.
BTW you will find this same behaviors in commercials. Those that are able to flood usually "win" even in business.
And why these same darn flooding commercials are found on both conservative and liberal networks alike.
There is no difference between conservative and liberal or political party. It's all one big dumb distraction. Active participation in it from any angle only prolongs it. When it stops working - that's when it stops. But it really only ever does that on an individual level.
By ignoring it, I mean take it for what it is and don't let it consume you. You may get sucked into it and you certainly can't help but be immersed in it, but don't take it very seriously. Don't let it define or consume you.