LeopoldBloom You're moving the goalposts.
No, I'm telling you that you've been running in the wrong direction. The goalposts were fixed thousands of years before you were born.
There's a difference between being a superfan of some rock star or respecting (or fearing) a political leader, and worshipping a disembodied spirit or an object imbued with supernatural qualities.
No, not really.
Since gods don't exist in any real sense outside of human imagination, what atheists don't believe in is the idea of gods in the minds of other people.
You're basing your careless assumptions on a false premise. In order to do that you have to make gods into being exclusively supernatural and that isn't commensurate with thousands of years of history. Just look it up in a dictionary, and don't just stop at the first example. Did you read the part of my post where I said wood, stone, mortal men?
Just because an atheist likes Eric Clapton doesn't make him religious.
Did you read the part of my post where I listed the religions that don't have gods and defined the word?
It's also possible to be religious without believing in God. An example would be Jewish atheism. These are Jews who don't believe God exists, but attend synagogue and participate in Jewish rituals as a cultural practice. Same for atheists who put up Christmas trees because they remember their parents doing it and their kids also enjoy it.
Now you're getting it! Kind of flipped there, but in a good way.